
Chapter 134

They all stared at them shocked

" Run" Edward yelled and they all ran towards the door when they suddenly heard a gunshot.

" Take another step and I'll end you" she said and the women who were with her, about ten of them.

" What are you doing here?" Edward asked

" I'm here to take revenge. You killed the love of my life and I'm here to avenge him" she said and walked to them. " Sit". She commanded and the women used guns to threaten them to the couch.

" What do you want from us Elizabeth?" Ashley asked

" I have nothing to do with you Ashley, neither you Edward. The only person I have something against is...... Ariana or should I say Becky" she said and dragged Ariana up by the hair.

" Aaaaah" Ariana winced in pain.

" You Becky, I gave you everything, a house, food, clothes and love. Things your dad couldn't give to you but what did you do? You acted like the ungrateful bitch you were and left me to stay with these fools" Mrs Wilson said and pushed her to the ground.

" You know I didn't do anything to you so don't blame me" Ariana said and got up " you chose your work over me. You chose to attend those meetings rather than be with me after I was poisoned and you didn't even come see me. The only reason you came to see me was because you wanted the money from dad which I was gave you like a fool and...... " Before she could complete her statement, Elizabeth hit her with the gun.

" Enough. I was out there avenging your childhood and you chose to desert me huh"

" I didn't desert you, you deserted me and don't think I don't know of what you've being doing to my mum all these years. You held my mum captive and made me believe she left me. You disgust me Elizabeth, you disgust me" Ariana said and spat.

Elizabeth burst into laughter, " did you really think I'd feed you with my hard earned money? Never. I used your mum to feed you and you should be grateful for that but you remain an ungrateful bitch" Elizabeth said.

" I am not ungrateful!! " Ariana yelled and pushed Elizabeth to the floor.

One of the women rushed and hit Ariana on the head with a gun and she passed out.

When Ariana opened her eyes, she looked around and she saw Casey, Mariana, Santiago, Mrs Lambert, Raymond, Ashley and Edward tied up, only that they were tied upside down.

" Becky" Ashley called and Ariana noticed that they were not in the house but at a certain cliff. They weren't at the edge of it.

" Look who finally came around" Elizabeth said maniacally.

" What have you done Elizabeth? Why have you tied them upside down?" She asked in tears.

" Oh I didn't tie them upside down, you were tied upside down" she said and Ariana looked to confirm what Elizabeth said.

" It's me you want right so let them go" she begged .

" I know you Ariana. You're the kind of person who doesn't get hurt by what people do to you. You get hurt by what people do to your loved ones and watch me, I'll kill them right in front of your eyes" she said 

" Please, let them go. They've done nothing to you" she cried.

" Okay. Maybe I'll change my mind and do to them what I did to Ashley but you..... You're not leaving here alive" she said and connected some wires to Ariana's waist.

" Aaaaah" Ariana screamed after realizing it was a bomb.

" Let go of her" Edward yelled.

" Oh Eddie. Don't tell because I'd hurt her more" Elizabeth said and put a wire around Ariana's leg.

" Please, let go of her. I took your love away from you. Punish me, leave my daughter out" Ashley cried 

" Oh Ashley, if only it was that easy but she's got to pay for it" she said and hit a button which made Ariana receive a shock.

" Aaaaaaa" she cried out in pain and it made Elizabeth happy.

" Ariana!! " Raymond screamed and she cried.

" Oh! There's a lot of emotional drama coming up so save it fie then" Elizabeth said and the women with her smiled.

She took a whip and lashed Ariana severally with it while Ariana cried.

" Aaaah, please stop".

" Hey lion, wanna whip?" Elizabeth asked and a woman with braces on her teeth walked up to her and collected the whip.

The woman Elizabeth addressed as Lion folded her clothe, reveling the tattoo of a lion drawn on her arm.

" You bet I do" she said and lashed Ariana.

" Aaaah" she cried.

She continued to whip Ariana mercilessly until one of the strokes mistakenly hit the rope that held Ariana, cutting it and causing Ariana to fall but something was off, a beeping sound was heard immediately Ariana hit the ground. She stared at her waist, the bomb had being activated and it was set to blow in 30 minutes.

" Mum!!!" She screamed in fear. She got up and made to go for the run when Lion grabbed her.

" Where do you think you're going huh? You'll die here and we'll make sure of it" she said.

" Let go of me" Ariana yelled and bit Lion.

She continued to run when Elizabeth suddenly pulled the trigger.

Ariana turned only to see blood dripping from Edward's arm.

" Dad!!" She screamed before rushing to Edward " dad, it'll be alright" she said in tears before tearing a piece of her dress and bandaging his arm to prevent the loss of blood.

" Run Ari, run!!" Mrs Lambert yelled and Ariana tried hard to remove the bomb tied to her but she couldn't.

" I can't get it off" Ariana said.

" You can't take it off Ariana, you'll die alone or die with all of them, make a choice" Elizabeth said.

Ariana felt hot tears stream down her cheeks and she stared at everyone, she had to make a decision.

She rushed to make to leave but the women grabbed her and Ariana took a closer look at them, they had bomb proof vests on which meant that when the bomb went off, they wouldn't die. Ariana pushed them but one of the women still held on to her.

" Leave me" she screamed as she tried hard to break free.

" Let her go" Elizabeth spoke and walked to Ariana. " You're going to be dying few months so dying now would not really make a difference to me but them.... I want them to die now" Ashley said



I stared at Elizabeth in disgust. I'd rather lose my life than lose those of the people that gave me life so I fell to my knees.

" Please, let them go" I begged in tears and Elizabeth laughed evilly.

I sneakily packed a handful of sand before throwing it in Elizabeth's eye and making for the run.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I was so engrossed in running that I didn't see a stone and I tripped and fell to the ground. I looked at the bomb, it'd reduced to ten minutes. I turned only to see Elizabeth running after me.

I continued to run and when I was sure that I was far away from where they were, I struggled to get rid of the bomb.

After some seconds of trying, I managed to get the bomb off. I took it and threw it into a well and it caused a massive explosion which made me fall to the floor. When I raised my head to get up, I saw Elizabeth pointing a gun at me.

" It's over Ariana, I'm ending it now" she said.

" What have I ever done to you? You wronged me all my life and I forgave you so why do you want to kill me?" I asked.

" It's my decision to make and I'll kill you" she said.

I got up and was about to push her when two hands stopped me. I raised my head only to see two of the women working for Elizabeth.

" It all ends now Becky" she said and placed her hand properly on the gun.

I closed my eyes and with every single strength in me, I pushed the women away. I was about running to her when the women grabbed me again.

" Three, two, one...." I closed my eyes, waiting for my death and Elizabeth laughed.

" I never thought killing you would be this easy" she said and laughed.

Before I could react, someone hit my leg and I fell to the ground.


She got up and was about to leave when Elizabeth pulled the trigger.


The gun went and Ariana blacked out


More updates coming on the 1st of March 2022

Stay anticipated