
Chapter 101

" Ari, open your eyes" Casey begged as the nurses wheeled Ariana who was lying unconsciously into one of the wards.

Raymond ran in, " I saw your message, what happened to Ariana?" He asked, worried.

" She tried to end her life" Casey spoke.

" What the f**k!" He yelled. " Why would she do that? The Ariana I know is not so weak that she'll try and end her life. What happened to her?" He asked.

Casey thought hard, Ariana had asked her not to tell Raymond what happened but she felt she needed to tell Raymond. He was Ariana's boyfriend after all!! She scratched the back of her head, confused.

" Tell me Cassandra, why'd she attempt suicide" Raymond asked.

At this time, tears were already streaming down Casey's face so she decided to ask Raymond a question.

" Do you trust Ariana?" She asked.

" Of course I do. Why would you even ask such a question?" 

" If.... If....y..if you..if"

At this point, Raymond was already getting frustrated.

" Just speak up and stop stuttering. What do you wanna say?" He asked in a loud tone.

" If you were told that Ariana cheated on you, would you believe? Especially when there was proof" Casey asked.

" Of course I wouldn't. I love Ariana and I know she loves me too so there's no reason for her to cheat on me. How does that concern her making an attempt on her life?" Raymond asked.

" You don't get it" she sniffled, " what if a video was shown to you and in it, Ariana was making out with a guy. Would you still believe?" Casey asked.

" Videos can be edited and so it's obvious I wouldn't believe it. So now tell me why Ariana attempted suicide" Raymond asked.

" Because she was expelled" Casey told him.

Raymond was shocked, " expelled? Why'd they expel Ariana? As far as I know, Ariana is the best student we have in this school and they expel her? Why!" He asked.

" Because Nicolas and Max showed a video of her making out with Nicolas" Casey said.

" That son of a bitch!! I'll kill him, I swear i will" Raymond muttered and made to leave but Casey held him back.

" What are you planning on doing?" Casey asked.

" Isn't it obvious? I'm going to beat the hell out of that fool. How dare he do such a despicable thing to my girlfriend?" He was furious.

" That is not all. Ariana was expelled but Nicolas wasn't. I wonder why?" 

" Leave it up to me. She's my girlfriend and it's up to me to clear her name. All you have to do is stay by her side and make sure she recovers, I'll deal with Nicolas, my way!" He said and left in anger.

Casey sat down on the chair as she thought about what happened.

" Why did you do this Ariana? I thought you were stronger than this?"

She ran her fingers through her hair in frustration when she suddenly remembered,she hadn't informed her mum.

She quickly took out her phone and put a call across to Mrs Lambert but she wasn't answering. She called Mariana and Santiago but they also weren't picking up so she decided to leave a text for each of them.

," Ariana attempted suicide and she's in the hospital right now. Please come see her, she's in a terrible state" Casey spoke as she typed before sending.

She got up and walked to the door of the intensive care unit where she saw the doctors treating Ariana and she couldn't help but sob.

She waited for a while and while she was waiting, she saw a woman being rolled in on a stretcher.

" What happened to her?" She heard the doctor ask.

" It seems like she has being physically abused and has passed out as a result" the nurse spoke.

" Take her to ward 36. I'll be there shortly" the doctor spoke.

" Yes doctor" the nurse replied as she wheeled the patient away.

Casey got up and took a look at the woman. She really felt bad, with the amount of bruises the woman had on, even an illiterate could tell that this woman was a victim of physical assault.