
Chapter:4 One after another setbacks in life

[Ding... Successful creation of new methods and skills]

[Ding... Successful filtering of useful data and transmission of knowledge in different volumes to you]


[Master has acquired Eight Paragon Arts(modified),Heavenly Jewel Great Changes]

[Eight Paragon Arts (Modified):-

1. Origin Source Flow Method: This technique allows the user to create a special trajectory in which the different energy flows in the bodies meridians and acupoints all the time making it bodies instinct, which helps in 24 hour automatic practice to the user with any type of energy and prevent any clash of different energies in practice. The user get's great control over different energies and could use them simultaneously and could also combine different power systems.

2. Great Talisman Refinement Technique: With the help of this technique user can discard the use of materials and instead draw symbols in air with hands or could with their spiritual power. User can also avoid the chant and seals in the spells and could use them instantaneously. It's biggest help is to condense different talisman treasures in users knowledge sea, which makes any spell, magic, intent or even laws a condensed Talisman, which with enough nourishment from the user can be transformed into supernatural powers like innate abilities.

3. Soul Control and Refinement Technique: It makes the user have greater control over soul aspect and could even refine foreign souls for different uses (like snatching of others martial soul and erasing their mark to make them your own, refining treasures and many more). With enough mastery over this technique user could even create a new soul.

4. Great Eight trigrams Technique: The user of this technique controls two special domains which can be combined to form 'Eight Trigrams Domain', which when unfolded allows user to see the changes in Time and Space and various laws and could seal the opponent.

Unraveling Heaven and Earth: User of this technique develops a special domain, within this domain the user could analyze about anything or anyone under the Heavenly Dao and can also trap opponents entering it. Users of this technique could sense even the slightest of malice directed towards them.

Reversing Heaven and Earth: The user of this technique develops a special domain, within this domain the user could manipulate all laws and make changes in said laws for as long as the domain lasts. But only which the user has certain comprehension of those laws.

5. Great Treasure Refinement Technique: The users of this technique develop a unique physique which makes understanding of various equipment knowledge enhanced by many times. The user could control any treasure or weapon to fight, if already has a basic understanding and practice of those type of treasures and could even forcibly use treasures with owners for a short time. Its user could create equipment from any inanimate material and opens up a different space in the body to store them. This technique can also refine even living beings. It has obvious drawbacks where one could store only equipment made by oneself.

6. Hands of God: This unique is made to imitate the god's ability to create and destroy life with its hands. Long term practitioners can open up a domain(Life and Death Field) where opponents every action is in users hand like a puppet where one could heal, alter body and soul, also helpful in strengthening the body and soul, but costs a huge amount of energy.

7. Great Digestion Technique: This technique helps the user greatly enhance his ability to absorb nutrients from anything he consumes whether ordinary or some heaven and earth treasures. This technique also greatly strengthen the user bodies over time. Slow down aging and user could maintain his/her peak state at all times.

8. Great Perception Technique: The user of this technique has a unique domain which could be unfolded around user to perceive the surroundings at a subtle level and with enough mental power one could even see deeply at molecular level and even perceive dimensions. The range depends on the spiritual power of the user. The user could also see through formations, illusions, etc.]

[Heavenly Jewel Great Changes: The user of this technique could awaken both physical and spiritual Jewels. These Jewels could be transform into various forms, boost user in various aspects, medium for understanding various laws. If the body and soul is strong enough, user can condense multiple jewels with different materials, without any drawback.]

Then the torrent of books were then neatly arranged in front of him as a large number of books, manuals and jade slips.

"System sort them out in different categories and first display data for beginners and make a sub-library for douluo world"

With this command all the books were deeply categorized in different sections and according to their difficulty.

'So I would practice in the day and at night come here to absorb as much knowledge as I could, since my schedule is already created, let's start right now.'

'Firstly the eight paragon arts, as they could immediately come into hand let's see um most of them could only be practiced after I am outside, so let's just start with some simple stuff which could be used here.'

"System, give me a copy of perfect multiple shadow clones technique."

After a long time, Tiandi was looking at his masterpiece, in front of him were hundreds of himself or clones standing in rows looking at him.

[Perfect Clone Technique: This Technique requires physical, spiritual and soul energy to make a clone. Since these clones are made up of these 3 energies, it can also practice. One couldn't distinguish whether they are clones or real. They have independent thinking but are connected with the user, so they could convey their experience to the user with a special connection.]

'With this method, I could even spread them throughout the world and cultivate different laws to attract those so called gods and take their divine tests.'

'Since they couldn't distinguish between my clones they wouldn't suspect anything. And with another Transfiguration Technique and Breath Differentiation Technique they would be like a whole new individuals.'

"System give me another Transfiguration Technique and Breath Differentiation Technique"

[Yes master]


[Perfect Transfiguration Technique: This technique is very domineering as it envelops users body with a special film, which cannot be detected by anyone other than the user. This technique makes the opponent see a different individual. The first look that an opponent recognizes will be the permanent look of the user, when using this technique. However, the user can create another layer of this film if he wants a different look. But it cannot change the users breath.]

[Perfect Breath Differentiation Technique: This technique is very domineering as it envelops users body with a special film, which cannot be detected by anyone other than the user. This technique allows to slightly change the breath of the user perceived by the opponent. Since all individuals have different breaths, then it is very difficult to locate the user. The first time that an opponent recognizes that breath of the user it will be same for others as well, when using this technique. However, the user can create another layer of this film if he wants a different breath.]

After browsing through these techniques, Tiandi was satisfied and thought

'These techniques could be used at the same time, which can solve the biggest problem when these clones are scattered all over the world.'

[Master your time for today in here is over]

"ok ok"

"You all will be studying all these knowledge of this world and I will be counting on you all"

Glancing one last time at them, he tried to get out of this place.

"Yes Sir"

Hearing these loud shouts behind him made the corner of his mouth twitch but didn't further go in this matter.

With a flash of light he disappeared from here and his clones started studying for the time being.

-In the real world-

After regaining his consciousness, he was surprised to find no external changes to his body but after some movement he was surprised to find his five senses enhanced and felt like he has unlimited energy and felt like his body was continuously nourished and becoming stronger.

"System open my status"

[Ding... ]


Name: Tiandi

Age: 1 year

Energy(s):Soul power, Chakra, Heavenly Dou Energy

Soul power: 10 level

Martial soul: Full Body Martial Soul(0.1%,partially awakened),

Spiritual Sea Martial Soul(0.1%,partially awakened),

Thousand Machine Martial soul(0.001%, Fully awakened)

Chakra: Unlimited Chakra

Chakra natures: Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, Yin, Yang, Space, Time

Chakra Bloodlines: All Bloodlines like steam, scorch, lava, ice, bone, blood, dust, etc.

Dojutsu's: All different dojutsu's and pupil powers

Heavenly Jewels: None

Skills: Eight Paragon Arts, Perfect Clone Technique, Perfect Transfiguration Technique, Perfect Breath Differentiation Technique

Cultivation Methods: Great soul technique, Great Body technique, Great spiritual technique, Heavenly Jewel Great Changes

System Backpack: 12 Animal charms, World seed(new)

Sub-System: Great Reward System(1)]

It only took a moment for Tiandi to read all these and noticed he has done another task without knowing when

"System show me the rewards tab"

[Great Reward System

Task: Chakra

Requirement: Unlock chakra energy

Rewards: Templates of all the chakra life forms in the Naruto world]

"So I could create my own chakra beasts with these templates"

"System quickly accept them, the templates"

Excitement could be heard from his voice, as he read through the tab.

"Um system what is that world seed, when and how did I even get it"

[World Seed: This seed is formed by the accumulation of a large amount of world energy, which can be used to open a world anywhere, the user could enter this world at will and others need the creators permission to enter it. The world formed by this seed has very strong laws and thus it is stable without any shortcomings.]

[This was formed from the unused world energy trapped in the chakra fruit during its gestation, since your current body couldn't use these energies, System extracted these energies from your body and created this seed, so that master could open his own world to store living beings]

"So that's why obito and others couldn't fully display its power and look like an Ōtsutsuki, as the world energy was damaging their bodies"

"So how do I use this world seed"

[Master could continuously nourish it by his huge soul energy in his soul space, as it is in an energy form to grow it and it will eventually became a sub-realm directly attached to your soul.]

After sending the seed in his soul space, according to systems instructions, he begun to fiddle with the information about these different life forms.

'Hmm there also many life forms from shipuden'

"System give me the charms"

It took him sometime analyzing those charms and he tried to refine them with the 'Great Treasure Refinement Technique'.


After some time, tiandi looked frustrated as he couldn't fully refine them, as they are stuck at 50% and won't even buzz after that, he could only manually use them one by one.

"System am I doing something wrong"

[Master doesn't have to worry about it. Since these charms are made from the power extracted from the 12 noble animals, they contain some soul fragments from these 12 animals such as Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each of these charms are semi-soul treasures.]

[Due to master using his soul energy to refine them, these semi-soul treasures have advanced, due to which the 12 energy life forms have given birth to intelligence and have become like your spirit souls of 10 year level]

[As for the matter of refining the charms, with a deep enough understanding of these 12 animals abilities, master's progress of refining these charms will automatically rise]

'hmm how could I deepen my understanding over these animals?'

He began to ponder over, after a while with uncertainty if this method was feasible but still tried if it could work that did be great.

"System create a visualization technique for me, so that I could visualize anything"

[Yes master]

[scanning the library for top visualization techniques, detecting any flaws during analyzing elimination of any flaws and merging]


[Great Visualization Technique: This Technique allows its user to visualize myriad creatures and mastering this technique could allow one to even visualize whole worlds. Users who are proficient in use of this method could understand real and virtual laws and make there creations more and more real with mastery over these laws.]

"Ha ha ha with this technique I could perfect these spirit souls and successfully refine these charms and make them my own power."

After sometime of happiness, Tiandi hurriedly sat cross legged and finally after a long time, tried to run his various exercises.

He was not in any pressure due to large amount of exercises, as he would only have to run these exercises successfully for the first time and after that they will run automatically due to 'Origin Source Flow method'.

After a long while, he was left frustrated as to cultivate the methods of body-spirit-soul, it requires a huge amount of resources in both quantity and quality and he first had to so through various sub-realms to even start both the spiritual and physical cultivation method.

He also has to slowly nourish the soul, as it was damaged during his awakening, although later healed by system but still there is trauma left on the soul, which could only be slowly repaired.

Trying to dispel his negative thoughts, he begun to try another method 'Heavenly Jewel Great Changes', as if previous failure was not enough, system prompts sounded in his mind.

[Warning⚠! Master you do not have any cultivation materials for forming both type of jewels, as they require different attribute jades and gems to continuation of cultivation]

'Argh so stupid of me, forgetting the most important step in cultivation, the resources'

'With the methods requiring only external energy in this worlds cultivation system, I completely forgot about cultivation resources required for other cultivation systems.'

'Great! Now I have to go hunting for those resources and until that, this method is useless. Now I could only depend on my chakra and martial souls to get stronger for some time'

Tiandi tried to clam his mind down and focus his attention on the last method and after repeatedly confirming from the system that their no requirements in this method, he begun to try it. 

'So first I have to enter my sea of knowledge and slowly shape the creature with my spiritual energy and gradually with time solidify it'

'So let's start'

According to the method, Tiandi tried to enter it and with a moment of blackness, he found himself in a place with a vast starry sky and he was standing on a water-like surface with ripples forming with his movements and a large tree in the middle of this space, giving the feel of world tree supporting heaven and earth.

"System is this normal"

[Master there is a change in the direction in which your sea of knowledge is developed due to master training in different techniques, it caused a mutation here]

[Masters adaptability will also kick in when master is officially exposed to different methods and adapt your body and mind in the most optimal direction, that's why your appearance hasn't changed because of consuming a chakra fruit.]

Hearing those words relieved him and not taking care of these scenes, he begun to form the prototype of the first Noble animal from 12 Zodiac's, 'Rat'.

With the first animal complete, Tiandi got some knowledge of movements and breathing patterns resembling a rat.

As time went by Tiandi become proficient in his Visualization he got rest of the movements and breathing patterns of remaining 11 of the 12 noble animals.

With the initial work done, in the future he had to diligently practice these steps and further deepen my comprehension about their forms and laws contained in the 12 charms.

-End of the chapter-