
Endless : Infinite Series

Hello there friend?. . . I see you came to here my tales of adventure and mysteries so now let me be you're guide into this world. Okay so basically I'm using this novel as a training ground for my writing skill so don't be surprise if my style changes a lot during the whole thing.

MA_Writecrft · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 Welcome to Rose Valley

1st person view.

As the dirt from my hair shifted back from the ground it came from. I stood and as I did my body ached. . .

" I'm f-fine. "

I said struggling as my stomach started to ache.

Nick : " Are sure here. . . "

The boy? how was called Nick by the pale bar girl, stepped forward and gave me a helping hand as I departed from my previous grave.

As I stood infront of them, the girl was the first to speak as her eyes gave of the characteristic of mild suspicion that was overshadowed by some worry, but then when I saw her blood lip smile, I loss any reservations with her. . . and some how gaining a trust that she wouldn't do any harm towards me.

? ? ? : " We need to bring him to a hospital. . . Where you murdered? "

Her voice wasn't as smooth as her companion but it did carry the hint of persuasion in its tone if you ignored her misleading eyes, and truthful smile.

" I'm fine. . . I'm just hungry. . . and I'm not sure, my head. . . its kinda hard to think. . . I can't remember much. "

As I said those words, I meant everyone of them.

I am confuse, disoriented and weirdly enough excited for some reason. and because of this weird Confidence? or maybe Madness, it overshadowed any fear, or Utter panic, that might have manifested inside my heart.

so that's the reason I'm acting so calm. . . maybe?

Nick spoke again. . . he's voice was odd for some reason, I picked up on the small amount of change from he's voice. not just me noticed this as he looked at her as he starts to speak.

Nick : " You're in luck! Ashley here is a bar owner, we could eat at her store before we visit the hospital. "

Ashly was about to refute him with a frowning answer. . . but suddenly sighed and smiled.

Ashly : " Sure why not, but we should start moving, its getting dark. "

She was right, as I unconsciously looked up, and saw that sun was only a few minutes before falling. . . so we moved, and as we did I consciously notice the way I walk. . . I do it normally I guess? I wasn't sure, but as I saw the other two walk infront of me, I was relieved to know that my walk was normal.

" I'm kinda where am I? "

Ashly " You're at rose valley don't remember coming here? "

" I don't remember much sorry. . . "

The two looked at each other with concern plastered on there faces. . .

Nick " Well that's alright, but in that case you might have amnesia. . . do you remember you're name? "

" I. .. I . . It's Daniel. . . yes my name is Daniel I remember that much. . . but nothing else. . . I remember that I was student. . . sorry that's it. "

I was touching my head, as it ached and pound, but some how its getting better every moment I feel my heads pain relived but my memories. . . they feel like dreams to my mind.

Nick " Don't hurt you're self, its alright let's get you something to eat first, then we can talk. . . about it. "

Then as we exited the outer edges of the forest, a road emerge infront of us. . . and on that roads side a sign was set and read ( Welcome to Rose Valley )