
The New Look


Katrin took a step back, she and the Dormant Lord intuitively paused briefly in their fierce battle.

"Agh... Agh... Agh..."

With a heavy sigh, Katrin raised her gaze upwards towards the spire. Strangely enough, the Dormant Lord did the same, his instincts telling him that there was no way to ignore this event.

"Alan... What the hell is going on here? Another problem?"

In response, she heard the uncertain voice of her Operator, for this one mission alone, Alan was confused more times than he was in the past two months:

'It's... Some monster climbed to the top of the spire and blocked the flow of flame, but I don't know why or who could do it...'

Before Katrin could say anything, Alan interrupted her in a worried way:

'Wait! It's one of the three Commanders! Right now at the top of the spire is the Blind Commander, I don't know what he's going to do with the flames but I don't think it's good news for us!'