
Overlord without honor

More than a hundred Phantoms were actively defending the fortress, but at one moment, two shadows ran out from the side of the gate. One had a large sword behind his back, and the other had a long black staff.

They immediately activated their auras at full power, keeping their spirits close to themselves.

Their task was not to kill or injure the nearby monsters but to remove their desire to attack. It worked, none of the monsters attacked Viron and Gnash, though they were solo, running in different directions, surrounded by dozens of monsters.

The strongest ones were either, fighting each other at the ice towers or were too cautious to act prematurely. The weaker ones realized that against Viron and Gnash, they didn't stand a chance.

After a few seconds, the Grim Warro and the Silent Droao realized that they could no longer be watchers. The two Phantoms moved to each chosen opponent.

Ripple. Ripple. Ripple.