
Endless Dreams : New Worlds

A dream that can last in infinity, a dream that longs for more. A call for greatness opened the door in a new world. Untamed and untainted by intelligent life forms, the door was opened to various intelligent races, Elementals, spirits, demons and giants. Unexplored lands, mysteries, treasures and vast lands. Humanity's race against other lifeforms, nature, monsters and time. A new chapter for humanity starts at dawn. Cover: Dragon Soul Nebula by: ERA7.

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2 Chs


On a peaceful night on a long forgotten day a child was found near the small city of Theems. A child that looked foreign and not from amongs themselves was found at the city centre. The news spread fast and became the talk of the day. The people began arguin among themselves and they didn't reach a agreement. The small baby was placed in one of the houses it was being fed and cleaned by the mothers. The festival came close so the streets were being decorated and cleaned you could see father and sons repairing the roof and mother and daughters sowing and creating warm clothes to sell. And you could spot teenage boys learning how to wield and archer at the training quarters, the city was different from other cities because knowledge was distributed freely so the kids had the abillity to read write and do various other tasks to prepare them for the future. The districts also trained the boys and sometimes girls from a young age to develop them in seasoned fighters to fight the goblins that plagued the flat planes outside the farmes The city housed a library that towered above every building the thing that also seperated this village from the norm is that everyone learns the basics of magic. The city also uses inscription magic to embed tools and weapons with elemental powers. You could also see big wolf like dogs with shining armor patroling the streets sometimes the kids rode on their backs the dogs were mostly unbothered by the displays of the kids you could say they liked to be pampered. But when they were giving orders they would execute it perfectly. The rigerous training resulted in amazing patrolers and protectors of the people. They also remembered the smell of all the inhabitents and could smell goblins and monsters from tens of kilometres away. As the city continued working like a gear the people went to the wise elders who were the leaders of the people and teachers of magic as they themselves were mages. They discussed the matter and decided it was their right to take care of everyone on their land so even a stranger. The child was brought to the elders to be inspected but when the elders saw the child they felt a immense amount of energy contained withing the small container and the child radiated a soothing feeling in to the surrounding. Amazed by the situation the Elders decided that the child was going to be taken care by the collective and they appointed a guardian to the child. She was called Lumene she was a women that grew up with the elders and specialized in healing magic and herbs. The mother of the people that was the name the people gave her. Lumene walked to pick him up but before she could take hold of him a gush pushed everyone away and a light began radiating from the the baby that blinded everyone, as it slowly faded away there were creatures laying around the human baby, stupefied by the occurance they began adopting a flabergasted display. But because of the shock they didn't realise the burning fire next to the baby the first to take action was Nol one of the mage began walking towards the fire to extinguish it. Before he could act the little fire moved and spat a blob of fire in the direction of the mage that landed on his hat. Nol stood there without moving as his wizard hat stood on fire he simultaneously was trying to process the events that transpired before waking up from his daze and throwing his hat to the ground. this earned him the laugh of the Elders and Lumene as to not anger the Little Flame he simply fled behind the others. '' How much bad luck can you possible have'' said the Mage that was called Ren before walking towards the baby which earned him a burning hat before smiling and saying '' I i've always wanted to have a burning hat'' before laughing and walking backwards. '' I think that Nol should try again'' joked Ren which annoyed Nol who was speaking gibberish and trying to attack Ren who was smiling. '' #$%*(%@*&%'' blured Nol as he began losing energy. ''Some noble families have contract beast as it strongest force and they are infinitely inferior than the creatures that surround the small boy. Or it could be said that they share a small portion of blood of them. ''But it is extremely rare to get a contract from a dragon but it is even more rare to have multiple contract beasts, did the dragons that were famed for their pride agree to allow the host to have other magical beasts? explained Lumine. As she looked at the four creatures, one of them was a fiery bird that glowed with a warm hue the other was a black fox with white eyes. The remaining two were the most eye-catching because of the fear that this creature drove into humans. One of them was a black dragon and the other one was completely white. The animals were lazing around except for the small fiery bird that was hopping around and looking at Nol and Ren in a agitated manner. The Elders were at loss about what to do before the bird got dragged by a invisible force but the fiery bird stood it's ground before breaking free. And began spewing a barrage of flames at the Fox that was loafing around with its head down the fox made a barrier that blocked the small fire balls before teleporting the small bird a couple steps backwards to try and disorient the fiery bird. The small baby noticed them playing so it started floating after the fiery bird who was spewing more fireballs as if to stop them fighting the black dragon roared but the pair ignored them so he flopped down and continued to laze about.

As the baby saw the Elders it began floating towards them in a curious manner as it began observing them. Lumine grabbed her chance and began walking towards the small baby and took him in her embrace. And took him home after the matters were solved ,the days progressed and the guardians and the child lived a comfortable life without worries.

Hi guys, i rewrote the first chapter because it didn't sit well with me. I'll try to rewrite the remaining and a bonus chapter for today. Thank you for reading guys ^_^

SaintBluecreators' thoughts