
Endless Crimson Nights

The veil is opening to the human world, some humans connected to the other world are slowly awoken to the world around them. Christian is marked from childhood as the vampire's assistant to serve the next master, but when he bumps into the current assistant who takes interest in him out of jealously,

Hannah_King_6215 · Fantasi
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7 Chs

True intentions

Pushing her hand out to the side she pulled out a broom from what looked like a rift. The air seemed to wrinkle in her presence, chandeliers could be heard shaking in the distance, the walls and floor under them shook.

Christian and Mars plummet to the ground gripping whatever they could clutch till the shaking stops.

In her arms are two brooms, she hands one to Mars who holds it sternly between his fingers.

"You are going to ride with me, the only magick is in that eye of yours." She put it plainly.

"Who is Mars?" Christian asked.

"His mother and grandmother are lineage witches. Mars is talented but lazy." She explained.

"Why does he have that dull look in his eyes Saniya?" He pleaded to know.

"If you keep asking questions, that will be you next…"

"I see…"

"Cheer up already will you?" She spouted.

"Easy for you to say…" Christian replied.

Heading out the door Christian gets his first look at the outside of the house he awoke in, it was a two-story cottage painted white, and a thatched roof of hay sat on top.

A trimmed lawn lay before him, in the middle of the yard are four statues of women in all different directions. In the middle sits a shrine with charms or writings and envelopes in a simple wooden structure nailed together in the shape of a hollow house with small compartments.

Christian observed Saniya brushing her broom against the ground in long sweeping motions before he found it floating in the air. Saniya mounts patting the back of her old floor brush.

They hover for moments to allow Christian to adjust, she takes his arms swinging them around her waist. Saniya and Mars take off high into the air building momentum till they reach high into the clouds off the radar from the civilian world.

"Hold on Christian!" Saniya yelled.

Speeding up she eventually halts peering down into the distance of tiny buildings to make a swift descent into a modest town below, the wind whipped their faces on the way down.

Peeking back Christian spotted Mars gliding down with perfect precision, he jumped off catching his broom. Kicking his leg out he started to spin it continuously between his fingers.

Throwing it high into the air he seized it as soon as gravity dragged it back to the earth, Saniya glared at him menacingly.

"Your potential side is such a show-off Mars…"

"Potential side?" Christian questioned.

"The medicine he is pumped full of is to bring out his inner potential." Saniya pointed out.

"I see…"

"Do you want me to try it out on you?" She smirked.

"No! Please don't do that!" Christian shouted.

"Good boy, please follow," Saniya said.

It's an almost barren town made up of old buildings made of bricks weathering in the heat of the autumn sun. Strolling around Christian noticed warehouse workers loading goods onto a truck.

Wandering through the abandon of the streets gave him chills, he couldn't figure out this feeling in the back of his head.

Walking backward Christian glimpses around the corners of the homes surrounding the narrow roadway. A dim pain comparable to a needle stabbing a deep ocular nerve made it hard for him to exactly pinpoint this new sense of awareness he was perceiving.

Closing his eyes briefly he tried once more to detect the moving blur he could see in the back of his mind, a hand touching his shoulder startled him. He jumped up with a fright, turning to see Mars.

"Christian, what's wrong?" Mars asked

"I thought I felt something…" Christian responded.

"Don't worry about that right now, we got to go now!" Mars stated.

"Right…" Christian answered.

Mars hauls Christian away by mere strength alone to the back of some sun-faded dwelling, graffiti was found all the way down the lane even the concrete where the weeds popped up through cracks had been painted over.

"Brielle, I would like to introduce my newest edition!" The mistress boasted.

Saniya smacks Christians back, Brielle gives him bedroom eyes. Repelled by the actions he looks the other way.

Brielle was an African American dressed in a red tracksuit set. The running suit alone was a crop top nearly revealing her breasts. She had an incredible hourglass figure.

She had vitiligo mainly on her hands and face, due to this her left side was affected changing the color of her eye. For the most part, she came off very relaxed and down to earth.

"Are you ready for the next Crimson raid?" Brielle asked.

"Don't you know it!" Saniya cried out in laughter, "I got these two!"

"What? Where being used for these raids?" Christian argued.

"You will learn to use your ability or die Christian," Brielle said menacingly.

"T-t-that's why you have magick on Mars…" Christian sorrowfully answered.

"I will force your powers to bloom Christian, please trust me!" Saniya stated.

"This isn't happening...please don't tell me this is what is happening Saniya!" He begged.

"The next sanguine sky you will start to slow okay?" She promised.

"That isn't what I wanted!" Christian shouted.

"Too bad Christian!" Saniya argued.

"I won't be a part of this!" He yelled back.

Saniya takes him by the collar of his suit, thrusting him back, he gives her a dirty look.

"This is for your own good!" She answered.

"Fight your own battles…" Christian replied angrily.

With that said he turns away with nothing more to say, Saniya goes back to talking to Brielle.

He wanted to turn tail and run, but he knew there were some magical properties in the device attached to his neck. It was put there to deter him from further actions against the horrible witch.

Christian would bravely decide to care for Mars till he can find a way to free them both or if Alice finds him first along the way in the midst of this new onslaught brought to him.

Strolling away he felt demoralized closing his ears to their noise, his life was given away to fight? Was that all he was really worth to this Baba Yaga?

They are nothing, but living weapons to her. A wave of anger deep inside him began to swell in his heart.

"It will be okay big brother...I will lead us to safety." Mars responded.

"That shouldn't be our responsibility, Mars," Christian answered.

He watches Mars clutch the collar around his neck silently praying, he was speechless and confused where he stood in this whole affair.

All he wanted was to go back home waiting for the next workday not existing in what he imagined was a war that he had nothing to do with in the first place.

"Alice…" He thought to himself.