
Endless Ascension Alternative.

Warning: This is going to be quite a slow pace. Reinhard, A man who's life serving as simple tool found himself in an endless journey to ascension upon meeting his grandfather. First world: Negima/Uq Holder. ======== This is rewrite/Remake of a fic that wrote from my other account which is Endless Ascension.

ChesterCure · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 16 - Library Island 2

This might get slower updates cause I'm trying to continue my other fic but I'll try my best to update it as frequently as I can.

Anyway, give me some suggestion.


Mahora Academy

Library island


10 Pm.

They soon found their way again on the map and ended up climbing into the book shelves as they continued across the library.

Eventually they had gotten to a small tunnel where they had to crawl through, Reinhard was behind Kaede and he swore she was purposefully stopping abruptly so that he got a good look at her panties and didn't miss the opportunity to enjoy.

"Yue-chan, are we there yet?" Asuna asked.

"Just a little bit further to go" She replied.

"Our senpais from the university branch of the club can't fit into spaces like these. This means that we, the middle school club, are the first to explore this place." She told them then looked back at them.

"It's a testament to the athletic ability of the Baka Rangers that we made it this far. Congratulations." she pointed to a grate.

"Come, the book is up ahead."

They lifted up the stone slab and found themselves in a large room with two stone golems, one with a hammer and one with a sword.

"A… A-Amazing! This place is unbelievable!" Asuna shouted.

"Is this for real?" She continued looking at it and was surprised.

"I've seen this place before aru!" Ku Fei shouted as everyone looked at her.

"On my brother's play station! It's the last boss chamber-aru!"

"It's the vault of the magic book," Yue stated with a small smile.

"To think such a place was right under our school!" Asuna laughed as she looked around.

"Look! There's the book!" Negi shouted as he pointed to the altar in front of the doors.

"That's the legendary book of Merkisidek" he continued.

"You mean… it's the real thing?" Asuna asked in shock.

"Real thing." Negi shouted in disbelief.

"This is a magical text of the highest level! It's true that you might become a bit smarter by reading it, but it's not as simple as…" Meanwhile, Reinhard already knew that this was the principal's doing and didn't say anything.

Beside, he is too occupied spreading his senses picking up a number of things namely trying to find his father's former comrade in arms without noticing but can't sense an ounce of him.

'He's too good at concealing and most likely already senses me.' He thought to himself.

"Negi-kun really knows his stuff doesn't he?" Konoka asked.

"Well then let's go!" Asuna shouted as she and the other girls ran off towards the book. .

"Everyone stop it is likely to be protected if it's a valuable book." He shouted as he, Negi and Konoka ran after them only for the bridge they were walking on to open up, making them fall into a pit. Reinhard and Kaede landed on their feet while everyone else fell on their asses.

"Everyone okay?" He asked, getting groans while Asuna rubbed her head before looking at the ground.

"This is…" She noticed what's on the ground.

"…Twister," Makie finished as they looked at the twister board under them.

"HOHOHO…" Everyone looked up to see the two stone golems had come alive and were now facing them.

"If you want this book you'll have to answer my questions first! Hohoho."

"Wh-wh-what the hell! The statues are moving!" Asuna yelled in shock.

"First question," The golem said.

"What is the English translation for difficult?"

"E-everyone calm down!" Negi said.

"It'll be ok! If you answer the questions properly, we should be able to get out of this trap!" He pointed to the twister board.

"Just press the corresponding translation letters for difficulty!"

As the game went on the girls were giving correct answers but they ended up in more and more provocative positions, Reinhard was enjoying himself at the sight. Finally they got to the last question.

"Final question, what's the translation for dish?" the golem asked.

"I got it, its osara" Asuna said in her twisted position

"osara, ok" Makie said as she and Asuna moved to the right spaces to spell the translation "O…SA…RA '' they spelled only to press the pass for RU by mistake.

"Wrong Hohoho" The golem said as he lifted the hammer and smashed the platform they were standing on.

"Asuna you monkey." Ku Fei shouted as they fell; as they were falling Reinhard had to act quickly before any of the girls were injured.

Thankfully it was dark in the tunnel so he used his magic and cast protection to avoid them from getting injured before twisting his body to land on his feet.

Reinhard then grabbed Asuna in princess carry as his magic was negated by her Magic Cancel or rather was disrupted because of the nature of her powers.

Asuna felt his arms before she lost consciousness and unexpectedly held onto Reinhard as he soon landed on water.

He expected that it would be solid ground and thankfully it wasn't as he acted quickly and took everyone to safety. Luckily everyone was unconscious even Kaede and Ku Fei as they were caught off guard.

"Haaa….this is going to be hectic." Reinhard said using magic to dry them out and sat down creating fire from the nearby large trees. Meanwhile back at her surface where the other team is trying to contact them.

"What's going on down there?" Haruna asked.

"P-please reply," Nodoka said into the head set.

"…" was the response.

"Awawawa! What should we do! What should we do?" Haruna began to freak out.

"We've got to contact someone," Nodoka reasoned.

"But everyone's asleep at this hour!"


Mahora Academy

Library island, underground


7 Am

The next morning in the deepest part of library island everyone was waking up.

"Eh…where are we?" Asuna asked.

"I remember now, the golem sent us down here after we failed the English phrase twister trap." Negi said as everyone took note of their surroundings.

"Just where the hell is this?" Asuna shouted.

"Wait, where's Reinhard-sensei?" asked Konoka, reminding everyone that someone wasn't there and they made a quick search until they were greeted by surprise when Reinhard, currently shirtless and striking the air.

Unexpectedly, Asuna, Ku Fei and Kaede were mesmerized by the sight before them as Reinhard covered in sweat while executing fluid movement.

He briefly stopped exhaling and seemingly steaming coming out from his body where despite his age, his physique was well developed.

"Rein-sensei!" One of them shouted as Reinhard turned and smiled seeing them awake.

"Good morning! Hope you all had a good sleep." Reinhard said.

"What happened after we lost consciousness?" Asuna asked, trying to remember and only could make up a warm feeling that kept her safe.

"Oh, I brought everyone out of the water then made fire." Reinhard answered as Ku Fei poked at his body.

"Hey, were you training without me?" She said and he chuckled.

"Just doing my daily exercise. Helps with easing my stress. Anyway, since everyone is awake and might take a while for us to leave, it would be a perfect chance to help you all study." Reinhard said and went to where his bag was that had some clothes and got dressed.

"But before that, it's best if we have breakfast."

Reinhard said and everyone agreed. Meanwhile at the school Ayaka and the other girls of class 2-A were studying hard so that they would not lose their teachers.

Knowing what would happen should they fail they were working twice as hard as normal to bring up their grades.

"At any rate we're going to study properly until the exam's, and pull this class out of the last ranking!" Ayaka, who had taken the lead in Negi and Reinhard's absence, shouted.

"Even you guys over there who don't bother trying!" she pointed to some of the girls. Just then the door slammed open and in came Nodoka and Haruna.

"Everyone, we've got a big problem!" shouted Haruna.

"Negi-sensei, Rein-sensei and the baka rangers have gone missing!" Nodoka screamed frantically.



Mahora Academy

Library island, underground


4 PM

Negi and Reinhard were helping the girls study, between the two of them the girls were getting a little better. They would occasionally get textbooks from the area; though Negi found it weird that not only did they have all the books they needed but also a good food supply.

"But it's a little strange isn't it?" Negi noticed something.

"The circumstances are pretty convenient considering we're supposed to be underground. Not only do we have all the textbooks, but also a toilet and kitchen… it even comes with food supplies."

"The accommodations here are very nice-aru!" Ku Fei smiled as she nibbled on a meat bun she found.

"Warm and surrounded by books," Konoka sighed happily as she leaned back on a sun tan bench reading.

"This really is a paradise." She continued relaxing with Yue next to her.

"I wouldn't mind staying here for the rest of my life," Yue agreed while sipping on a non-fruit drink.

"You say that but what about your friends Yue-chan?" Reinhard said while reading his novel sitting down wearing just his shirt and pants due to the warm climate.

"Maybe…" She muttered as he laughed.

Makie, Ku Fei and Kaede had walked off to take a wash asKonoka and Yue continued their reading while Reinhard decided to check on Negi.

"How are you holding up so far, Negi-kun?" Reinhard appeared and Negi was currently weren't wearing pajamas but Reinhard clothes instead since they have the same size.

"I understand why you trained to not rely on magic." Negi said feeling ashamed.

"That's good, we should continue your physical training since a strong body helps with getting your magic stronger." Reinhard said as the two randomly walked somewhere until they the two paused where they saw Makie, Ku Fei and Kaede naked immediately captured Negi while Reinhard stayed as they started teasing them.

"You can do this my brother but it won't affect me much." Reinhard shrugged.

"Really? Even if we show you more?" Ku Fei trying to tease his brother.

"...tempting." Reinhard said.

"Nii-san!? How can you act so inappropriately!? Aren't you an English gentleman!?" Negi shouted and he shrugged.

"I'm a boy turning into man. It is our destiny to venture far in the beauty of female bodies!" Reinhard said with such enthusiasm that made them burst out laughing and Negi immediately tried to escape.

"Hahahaha that was fun!" He chuckled.

"How come you don't react the same way Aru?" Ku Fei asked while Reinhard shrugged.

"I just have better control of my emotions, that's all. Anyway, you girls can go ahead and enjoy your bath while I go check on my brother."

Reinhard said as he walked away and tried looking for Negi only for him to arrive to find the naked Asuna who was taking a bath.

"Rein-bouzu?" She saw Reinhard who stood watching who waved at her.

"Hey, Asuna-san. I was just looking for my brother." Reinhard was about to leave when Asuna called to him.

"Wait, I want to ask something from you." Asuna asked stopping Reinhard who nodded as the two sat down in stone.

"What is it that you want to ask?" Reinhard asked.

"Are you alright?" Asuna asked, confusing him.

"Before I passed out you carried me and unlike your brother still have your magic. I'm a bit confused as to why you didn't simply use magic to save me." She continued while Reinhard stopped briefly.

"My magic nor any kind of magic words are different around you. The truth is, Negi is an expert mage and unlikely for him to make a mistake unless the construction of magic is disrupted by something."

Reinhard explained hiding the fact that she has the [ White of Mars ] even with his precise control, her unique power is incredible. She is the antithesis to the flow of magic.

"Wait, are you saying I have power against magic!?" Asuna exclaimed while Reinhard deeply sighed.

"Not sure to what extent but yes." Reinhard knew that her power is the only thing that can defeat the mage from the beginning unless he is able to find a solution to it.

"....Anyway, thank you for saving me." Asuna tries to hide her blush, confused why she feels that way when around him like she does with Takahata but at the same time extremely different.

"You are my student and also a friend of mine, Asuna-san. I don't have any reason not to." Reinhard had been vastly different from his former self and decades of self discovery had greatly helped him to who he is.

"I thought you'll be mad at me for always acting unreasonable with you and Negi-bouzu?" Asuna isn't that stubborn to admit her mistake but can act rather unreasonable when flustered.

"Nah, I quite enjoy our bickering like you're our older sibling." Reinhard replied while Asuna blushed, wondering why it made her happy then out of nowhere they heard someone scream from the distance.

"What was that!?" Asuna exclaimed as they sprung to action and Konoka appeared.

"What is it, Konoka!" Asuna asked.

"We've got trouble!" Konoka said