
Ender’s Playground

Ender’s Playground, a dream game of the genius developer Ender, took the world by storm with its release in 2124. Vander Kirino, a boy living in Saitama, Japan has anticipated the game’s release since it was announced in early development, somehow manages to gains access to a secret special class type. After being given an almost ‘God’ sent class, his journey in the games begins. “With something like this, becoming top player in the world is almost guaranteed!” Beginning his descent into the game he plans to enjoy his journey to the top. Note: For the first 25 or so chapters the main plot will not be the focus. The main focus of these chapters will be character development and world establishment. Once those are fully delve into, the main plot will reveal itself and everything will come together nicely. Be patient and just enjoy the ride, thank you. I do not own the rights to the thumbnail. If whoever created it would like me to credit them or change it, I would be happy to. Just message me. Happy reading and any helpful feedback is welcome. Join my Discord server to keep up to date with newest releases and all latest news. https://discord.gg/8Rzqmax9yG

Rayketsuu · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 2.) Born God

When Kirino logged in the game, there was a character creation screen with Seven classes, six of which he had already learned about through wikis. Mage, Illusionist, Berserker, Medic, Rogue, and Slayer, these classes he had knew about, but there was one more class that wasn't found in any forum about the game…


Immediately Kirino clicked it, he was suspicious but also very intrigued.

"God!? What kind of overpowered class is this?" He questioned.

After selecting the class, a message popped up stating…

'Please enter your access password'

While examining this message board, an idea came to Kirino.

'What if this class was made for the creator? What password would he use?'

Using almost every brain cell he had to figure it out, he said…

"His last name…"

Ender's last name was treated as a trade secret in the United States and Japan, but Kirino's mom had confidential information on some of the biggest names in the world. One of which was Ender.

While talking on the phone, Kirino's mom referred to Ender by his last name, due to her being ex-military personnel.

"King has grown too famous every since the creation of 'Ender's Playground', keep an eye on him, we have to keep him safe. He is a top priority target now." She tells the person on the phone.

"No one knows his last name so that has to be the password, well no one but me." He monologues to himself.

'K I N G'- He enters into the monitor.

*Access granted, welcome creator.*

A white light begins to fade in until it completely blinds Kirino, when his eyesight returns, he is standing in a mirror creating his character.

Wow, this character creation is really deep, who would've thought they'd put this much work into it.

His starting attire is a long, silk, black cloak with dark gray fur on the shoulders. Baggy gray parasail pants that are tight only around the ankles. And black open toe strap on sandals with a white plank on the bottom, the kind of sandals you would see a ninja wear. He had long blond hair that was French braided like a Viking.

"Wow, I really do look like a God!"

"But I really hate these pants and these sandals are really uncomfortable." He complains

So he changed his pants to some tighter black track pants with a long white stripe going down the side. And switched into some all white closed-toe shoes.

He also equipped a midnight purple fanny pack to his back and covered it with his cloak.

"Ah much better, this is more my style." He said proudly.

Once done confirming his character's looks, he moved on to pick his sub-class and Render ability.

He already knew that he would pick a Render ability based off of his sub-class and would get another when he reached level 30.

But when he scrolled through the list of sub-classes he noticed that all the classes had God in them.

*Chaos God*

*Light God*

*Pantheon God*

*Animal God*

After carefully reading the description of each class, he decided to choose Pantheon God.

He was then redirected to another menu that had him choose his second sub-class.

"What is going on? Why am I choosing two sub-classes?" He asked hysterically.

"Does that mean I'll be able to have four Render abilities by time I reach level 30? He continues

Next he chose Light God because it had healing capabilities.

Once again he was redirected to another menu, this time in order to choose his Render abilities.

First was the abilities for Pantheon God.

This class is able to copy another players abilities by simply looking them in the eyes.

There were no abilities on the menu except for one.


With this he would be able to boost his own abilities or his targets.

After selecting it he went to another menu to pick his Light God Render ability

There were five abilities, Healing, Precognition, Plague, Control, and Conjuring

Kirino usually overthinks every possible scenario but this time he decided with simpleton reasoning.

'I'll pick precognition because who needs healing if you can't get hit.'

Next, he had to enter his name…

He entered Inorin and selected the title Sith God even though he was a Pantheon Light God.

Finally, he was done with his character creation and had prepared himself to go on to the tutorial.

"Finally done? Let's begin!"

He already didn't know what to expect but when he loaded in, he was even more surprised as to what was happening…

I think I put too many details into the character creation. So I decided to end it early.

The next chapter will be longer.


Rayketsuucreators' thoughts