

How long has it been? Hours?. Days?. Weeks?.

I don't know and I stopped caring.

I slept in my bed that was soaked with my sweat and did not care to change it. My breath tasted like putrid butter but I couldn't find any drive to go brush myself. Pimples grew below my scalp and my beard became unruly. I didn't take a bath or a small shower at that. When I was hungry, I ordered takeouts once every three days. I only drank water to keep myself alive, but I did not know what the point of living was.

I rolled in my bed trying to sleep and hoped that I will die in my sleep.


It was my phone. I didn't pick it up.



The phone kept beeping. It was starting to annoy me.






I was so annoyed by that sound, So I picked up my phone and checked.

All were the same message from an anonymous sender.

'Are you new?.'

I was confused.

'What?.' I replied.

'Check when was your last call.'

I did it unwillingly.

'Two weeks ago.' I replied.

'Then there is still hope. Will contact you later.'

I didn't know what that was about but that was weirder than my current state.