
Encounters~ Skilled Jewel Empress x Nation's Spoiled Prince

Warning: If you want to earn EXP, don't do it at the expense of my novel. ANY ZERO CHAPTER REVIEW BE DELETED BY ME! "Come at me with all your might. I will silence your cries at the expanse of night." Sara James~ 23-year-old CEO, filthy rich, capable, arrogant, elegant, sharp and deadly dangerous! Riley Brown~ 25- year-old, charismatic, wild natured, cool, carefree and the nation's prince! She has a secret covering 7 years of her life. He... is rather mysterious when it comes to dealing with life! They were not meant to be. But 'ENCOUNTERS' do happen! "As a lady, have you ever chased a guy, so passionately and so romantically before?" she spoke as she twirled in front of the camera like a professional vlogger. He amusedly tossed the camera away. It landed quietly on the velvet sofa. Then, with one swift movement, he lifted her and made her seat on the kitchen counter. He had his arms hooked tight around her waist. He slowly leaned closer and she closed her eyes in anticipation. But, instead of a kiss, she heard a hoarse whisper right beside her ear, "As a lady, have you been desired so much by a man before?" Hearing his suggestive word, she blushed. Then, she prodded her forefinger and jabbed his chest in an attempt to push him away, "Mr. Brown, isn't it going out of the script?" Saying so, she jumped down but was held back and pushed into a corner. He aimed at her lips, nibbling them gently, "Mrs. Brown, don't you like when it's out of the script?" "Mmm-hmm", she moaned, enjoying the kiss. --- Hey, there! Greetings from the author. Mind you, I am a student... So, I may miss some updates. Hereby, I diligently apologize early! Cover by WEBNOVEL

Asmita_Mukherjee · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs


Safe Life Hospital

Ruby was at the VIP terrace, contemplating, deep in thought. Many questions were circling inside Ruby's head.

Why did Sam undergo plastic surgery? What was the reason? Why did he hide it from her? Can an injury change a person so drastically?

These thoughts kept nagging Ruby this whole time. Since last night, she had been patiently waiting for Sam to say something. She hoped that he would open up to her and clear the mess in her mind.

But no!

Sam was asleep the whole night. Even if he regained consciousness, he kept ignoring her and refused to speak a single word. Instead, he had been flirting with the nurse the whole day today. The Sam she knew was never like that. He had always been a responsible, mature and reserved person. These were the only things that drew her to him.

'Go and confront him!' the devil whispered from her left. Ruby tightened her grip on the balcony's handrail.

'It's never too late to wait', the angel whispered from her right.

Ruby shook her head to push her thoughts away. She was feeling helpless and numb.

"Miss?" she heard someone call her from behind.

Ruby turned her head a bit to take a look. She saw the nurse from before. A rage lit up her entire body. No matter what she could never ignore Sam.

"What is it?" She asked in a stern, detached voice without turning back.

"Sir… he was looking for… for you", the nurse stammered.

Ruby kept silent with no intention of turning back.

"Miss?" the nurse asked in a fear laced voice, "Miss, I… I apologize for my behavior earlier."

Ruby still did not budge and chose to keep silent. She drew in a sharp breath.

"Miss, I…" the nurse tried to explain.

"You can go", Ruby cut her off.


"I said you can go. Now piss off!" Ruby almost growled in a low and menacing voice.

The nurse stepped back in fear and took to her feet within moments.

Ruby could feel herself shudder and her palms curled up into fists. Her shoulders were shaking uncontrollably. She gripped the handrail to control herself and her raging emotions.

Inside the VIP ward

"Did you manage to convince her? Did you apologize? Is she coming?" Sam asked hurriedly as soon as he saw the nurse enter. He tossed a piece of apple in his mouth from the fruit bowl kept nearby.

The nurse shook her head in defeat. Then, she spoke ardently, eyes filled with tears, "Ryan? Is this necessary? Why are you deceiving here? Why are you impersonating someone else?"

The guy named Ryan, [or Sam] became furious, "Do you care about her now? Whatever I am doing is for you. To have a good life with you. Do hear me?"

"Why are do you doing this?" the nurse broke down in tears, "For the sake of money? There is something wrong with your head!"

Just then, the door flew open. Both the nurse and 'Sam' were stunned.

"Ru-Ruby?" 'Sam' stammered.

Ruby's cold eyes flickered between the nurse and 'Sam'.

"Get out!" Ruby spoke in a low voice as she looked at the nurse coldly.

Without a word, the nurse ran out while trying to hide her tears. But, Ruby had already noticed it. She felt a bit confused.

"Ruby?" 'Sam' called out again. His heart was drumming wildly.

Ruby lifted up her butterfly lashes and her eyes landed on 'Sam'.

"Who are you?" her voice was dry, like the autumn leaves.

"Wh-what?" 'Sam' stammered, "What do you mean?"

Ruby stepped closer and she spoke in a crinkly voice, "How can you change so much within one night, Sam? How?"

'Sam' breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed like he was overthinking it. She did not hear anything.

"Baby, listen to me", he spoke in a cajoling voice, "I am sorry. I am really sorry."

Ruby squinted when she heard the word 'Baby'. When did he begin calling names?

"Ruby?" 'Sam' was starting to get impatient with her lack of response.

"You…" Ruby glanced at him, "You sleep. I will get the doctor to check on you."

'Sam' was a bit stunned when he saw Ruby leave. 'Sam' felt something was off. Did he mess something up?


Blue Bells Villa

Sara was lying on her bed with her back facing the door. She pulled on her covers and kept glancing at the puzzle created by the science books. She found it too coincidental.

Why would someone deliberately change the book covers? What did they want her to find? Was it just a coincidence? Why did she not notice them earlier?

Sara suddenly thought of something. For the past seven years, she had rarely come back to the Villa. She had spent her time recuperating for two years through rigorous training. When she came back, she had established Tiara Jewels with her bare hands. The book covers must have been changed during this period.

Sara took a deep breath and sat up. She knew that something was there. Some kind of secret communication. Someone was trying to give her hints. But for what? She could not place her hands on it.

Why would anyone make use of an abstract painting?

There were numerous of them in her Villa.

Sara sat up straight. An invisible light bulb lit above her head. She threw off her covers and ran out of her room. That's right! She had a collection of abstract paintings. They were used as a sign of communication to get through the maze-like passages of the villa.

She ran through the corridors examining each of the abstract paintings. Various kinds of abstract paintings were there. From animals and birds to humans, from color blasts to neutral. But, she could not find the one like the puzzle. She was confused. She found it way too similar. She knew she had seen it somewhere.

But, where?

Feeling defeated, she cursed her 'so-called' high IQ. While strolling back, she glanced at the closed door of her parents' room and sighed. She was about to walk away when a second thought struck her.

She moved back and pushed open the door to her parents' room. She glanced around with a new zeal. The room was similar to Sara's. But it was way bigger than hers. The furniture was arranged in a similar way and was painted neon pink. On the walls was her family portrait of three. One was where her Dad was smiling and sitting in between, her Mom on his left, head tilted and smiling while her hands rested on his shoulder. She was on his right. She too had her hands placed on his shoulder and her head was leaning on him. They were all smiling. They were happy. Sara sighed.

While looking at the portrait, she stumbled upon something, she had least expected to see.