

Damon walked into the living room thinking about what he had just seen, no, she had revealed it to him. 'Why? Why did he....' He scoffed, he seemed to have forgotten who she was, she was a powerful witch, she was capable of manipulating his mind. She probably revealed that to him to save herself so he wouldn't kill her. "That cunning witch." He cursed and turned when he heard footsteps approaching.

Dana, Connor and the ginger haired witch Lemuel entered the house. Dana had brought Lemuel along with her to avoid being alone with Connor. She bowed when she saw Damon fold his arms as he approached them.

"I was told you asked for me." Dana said as she raised her head to look at him but quickly looked down as she couldn't stand his intimidating aura.

"I need you to look into the memory of a human." Damon replied going straight to the point.

Dana furrowed her brow at what Damon had just asked her to do. It was something outrageous and forbidden for the witches.

"It is forbidden for witches to look into the memory of a human, I'm sorry i can't grant your request." Dana spoke in the nicest manner she could to avoid provoking him but it seemed it didn't work. She stepped back when she heard him scoff.

"Request?" Damon repeated her choice of word as he scoffed, moving closer to her and creasing his brow. "Tell me little witch, was that a request?" He asked in a nasty unkind manner that was enough to make any living creature tremble in fear.

Dana held her hands as they trembled, she swallowed hard as she watched him walking closer to her. Despite being scared, she still stood firm hiding her fears. She was the witch queen, she can't be seen trembling in fear for this demon so no matter how frightened she was, she had to hide it.

"Damon." Connor called stopping Damon from getting closer to Dana. She tried so hard to hide it but he could tell that she was scared and she was only pretending to be strong.

Dana watched the demon stopped on his track sending Connor deadly glares for stopping him. She had to think of a way to save herself because she knew she wouldn't be able to leave this building without doing what he had told her to do. Although, Dana couldn't help but wonder why he called her to look into the memory of a human when he could actually do that by himself afterall he was a demon, he has both the powers of a vampire and a witch. He was more than capable in reading her memories but yet he called her to do it. She might be the witch queen but she wasn't even as powerful as he is despite him being a half witch. 'That only mean one thing, could it be....'

"I'm sure you've heard of her, Margaux." His deep voice echoed in the living room.

"Margaux?" Of course she had heard of the infamous powerful witch Margaux. The witch who waged war against the vampires and took many lives, the witch who used her powers for evil. From the tales she had heard about her, Margaux was a witch queen like her. Even though her name had been erased from the witch queen history, her name never ceased from the mouth of the witches. From generations to generations, the tale of the evil witch was being told.

"She was reborn as a human, that despicable witch." He cursed under his breathe as he scoffed.

Dana was aware of their ill fated relationship, she had heard about the evil deeds Margaux had done to Damon and she could sense how much he resented her. 'If Margaux was reborn then Damon would probably kill her.' She thought inwardly. The more she thought about it, the more curious she was. She couldn't help but be curious as to why Damon would want to look into her memory and why would he want to punish her for the crimes she committed many years ago. Dana could feel there was something deeper, something she wasn't aware of, something that was never mentioned in the tales she had heard. She could tell that there was a reason why he hadn't killed her, there was a reason why he wanted to look into her memory.

"Where is she?" Dana asked.

"At the dungeon."