
Enchanted Underwater Paradise

A small coral reef with magical powers makes it an underwater paradise. However, something mysterious happened and all the residents either left or died. After one entire century, the enchanted reef calls the pods and families of which their ancestors once lived in its paradise. In order to do that the coral reef picks an animal per species to try to convince their family members to come back to where they once lived. Except, after an entire century no one quite knows after this enchanted reef it went from the truth to a little story. Another bad thing is that after leaving their beloved reef, after generation to generation they have either went on the bad path of life or the end of their lives. This enchanted reef is alive and knows how to come back it’s residents’ descents and knows how to bring them back in the right track of life, but it’s harder than it looks. Who knows if this coral reef will succeed in its plan and who knows if the descents can actually get back on the right path of life. No one knows, but life is not set on stone.

funtime_chloe · Fantasi
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A New Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a small, but tall coral reef in the middle of an area will lots of coral reefs. This small coral reef was not a normal reef. It was enchanted! This coral reef was full of magic and granted three main things that made that area a underwater paradise!

The first granted power was the power of endless food. Was the food really endless? The answer is no, it wasn't. However the enchanted reef made its surrondings an underwater paradise that attracted all kinds of underwater creatures. This is how food was "endless".

The second granted power was the power of life. This power made sure that the non-magical coral reefs stayed healthy and strong. This power also made sure that the animal residents stayed healthy and strong, too. This is what kept the underwater paradise alive and healthy.

The third granted power was the power of communication. This power allowed its residents to understand each other. For example, a dolphin can understand another dolphin, but a whale can sort of tell what the dolphin trying to say, but still can't really understand a dolphin. With this power the residents of the underwater paradise can understand each other. This power also worked even though the residents weren't in the paradise territory.

The three powers were in a way connected and made the underwater paradise, a paradise. However, it didn't always stay that way. Something bad happened one day, something REALLY bad. Most of the paradise's residents died. The ones that survived were either too young or too scared to explain what happened. Many other underwater creatures saw this as an chance to take the underwater paradise for themselves, but the enchanted reef didn't allow it. The enchanted reef made sure that whoever came into its paradise's territory would die in a week. The echanted reef hid its powers making the underwater paradise just a normal reef, and without its animal residents it slowly died.

Wait, how can the coral reef do that? How does it get its power? Well, this coral reef is alive, like alive, alive. In other words, it has voice and has feelings, too. This coral reef made sure that once the time was right it would somehow make its original residents families back to their dear home. Of course, they all spilt up apart from each other. So the enchanted reef would have to somehow connect to one shark, tiger shark, dolphin, turtle, etc. This way the coral reef would be able to get its residents back in a down low way, which is also an organized way. Plus the coral reef knew that its residents' descendants probably either forgot or didn't know that an enchanted reef even exisited.

This story was passed down by an elderly turtle. This old turtle found this reef that luckly had other turtles and told them this story as soon as they met. This old turtle had brought all the survivers to this coral reef as most of them were young. Luckly there were old enough survivers that were able to repeat the story that they had heard from the old turtle to the other animals that were their species. Before the old turtle could say what had happened that made most of the residents die, he died. He had died from old age.

When the surviving residents became of age they left the coral reef spilting up one species by one species. Some stayed to only leave later on. By being on their own still at a learning age, they learned bad habits and this was pasted down to their children, too. This is when they forgot about their past. Only the enchanted reef remebered the full story, every one else only had faint memeriores. The enchanted reef was able to keep up with everything the descendants were doing and made its way to the perfect plan to get them all back to home and to fix their bad habits.

How long has it been since the accident? Who really knows, but its long, really long. When will the enchanted reef make its move to bring back all its animal residents? Actually, right now, right today. Wait, how do you know that? Well, because I, the enchanted reef is narrating this to you A WEEK after it happened. Trust me when I tell you that the residents I'm trying to get to come home are much different then before. Just wait till the next chapter.

- From, Your Friendly Enchanted Reef