
Enchanted Shadows of The Empress of Cinders

Hi there. I'm Ruby, and I enjoy writing and reading. Dark fantasy is one of my favorite genres. I find the blend of supernatural elements and complex characters in dark fantasy novels to be captivating. The intricate world-building and unpredictable plot twists always keep me engaged. I was inspired to write this novel after reading a particularly gripping dark fantasy series and creating stories in my mind! I love exploring the darker aspects of human nature and the moral dilemmas that arise in these types of stories. The opportunity to delve into complex themes and create my own unique world is what drives my passion for writing dark fantasy. I aim to create a story that challenges readers' perceptions and takes them on a thrilling journey through a world filled with darkness and intrigue. Through my writing, I hope to evoke emotions and provoke thought, leaving a lasting impact on those who immerse themselves in my dark fantasy realm. As a new writer passionate about crafting captivating narratives, I believe collaboration and feedback are vital. Please support me by reading my work and sharing valuable insights to help refine my stories and reach their full potential in the realms of fantasy, romance, adventure, royalty, magic, and drama. Together, we can inspire a new generation of readers. Together, we can inspire a new generation of readers and create unforgettable worlds for them to explore.

rida_suhail · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 2 - Get You Tomorrow

The celebration was abruptly called off by Father, and upon the nobles' return, he became quite irrational. Unable to maintain our composure in the face of the King's ridiculous yelling, the boy—or should I say, His Highness the Prince—left the royal residence as the staff frantically attempted to tidy up the damage and soothe the King. 

The following day, there were mutters going around about how a foreign prince broke into the Palace right in front of the Father. And he concealed the gossip about my temerity in addressing the banquet.

-Amoria Palace; Luxana's Room-

Luxana's room in Amoria Palace was a curious blend of faded grandeur and lingering melancholy. The tall doors of the balcony, framed by tattered drapes that had long lost their luster, allowed slivers of moonlight to spill into the space, illuminating the dust motes that danced in the still air.

The walls, once adorned with vibrant tapestries, now hung limp and faded, their colors muted to ghostly shades of gray and brown. Fragments of ancient stories could still be glimpsed in the intricate patterns, but they seemed to whisper of a past that had slipped away, leaving only echoes behind.

In one corner, a large four-poster bed stood as a relic of opulence, its canopy sagging and the fabric frayed. The mattress, though still somewhat plush, bore the weight of countless nights spent in restless dreams, and the pillows were lumpy, remnants of their former softness.

A writing desk, once a place of inspiration, was now cluttered with dust and forgotten scrolls, the ink pots dried up and the quills brittle. A cracked porcelain vase sat atop it, its surface chipped and stained, holding only a few wilted flowers that had long since lost their fragrance.

The air was thick with a sense of abandonment, a lingering sadness that seemed to seep from the very walls. The distant sounds of the palace—echoes of laughter and the rustle of silk—felt like a world apart, a reminder of the vibrant life that had once thrived here.

As I settled into a worn chair in the corner, its upholstery faded and threadbare, I felt the weight of the palace's history pressing down on me. This room, though a sanctuary from the chaos outside, was steeped in the ghosts of the past, a bittersweet reminder of what had been lost. Here, I sought refuge, yet I could not escape the feeling that I was merely a visitor in a place that had forgotten how to be alive.

"Princess!" shouted a maid, entering the room without permission. "The knights are here".

"Hmm..." I uttered unbothered, continuing to read the book in my hand. I had a hunch they'd come after heeding Father's tempered orders. Because everyone believes I'm to blame for the misfortunes of this country. How unjustified.

"They say the King has ordered your Presence". reported the maid.

-Amoria Palace; Outside the Entrance Courtyard-

I stood atop the grand staircase leading into the Entrance Courtyard, the imperial knights gathered below me like a pack of hungry wolves. The polished marble beneath my feet gleamed in the soft candlelight, its surface so smooth it felt like walking on glass. Towering columns lined the perimeter, each intricately carved with delicate floral motifs that seemed to dance in the flickering light.

My eyes narrowed as I surveyed the knights, their armor gleaming dully, their faces obscured by the shadows cast by their helmets. I could feel their eyes on me, burning with a mix of curiosity and disdain. They were Father's loyal dogs, ready to do his bidding without question.

I lifted my chin defiantly, my voice ringing out clear and strong, "I do not plan to heed to my father's will. If he desires to see me, relay to him, that I shall not foresee him until he foresees me foremost in my Palace." The words tasted bitter on my tongue, but I refused to show any weakness.

As I turned on my heel and retreated back to the safety of my room, I could feel the weight of their stares on my back. The air was thick with tension, the silence broken only by the soft click of my heels against the marble floor. I refused to look back, to show them any sign of fear or uncertainty. 

I sank down onto the plush cushions of my bed, my heart pounding in my chest. I had defied Father, a dangerous game to play in a palace where loyalty was everything. But I refused to be cowed, to bend to his will like a puppet on a string. I would find my own way, even if it meant walking a path that was fraught with danger and uncertainty.

Mother had a longstanding connection with the Duchess of Valentine in her earlier stages of life, so Father had reason to believe that I was the one who brought Prince Cillian. And not everyone knows about Mother's connection with the Duchess except Father and I. However, it violates logic for Prince Cillian to suddenly materialize and murder those individuals. Furthermore, based on their dissimilar facial traits, the slain individuals were most obviously not Dominions. They are alleged to have had a sinister scheme.

One of my thousand theories is that they had something to relay to Father, since Elmir and Domino have been on unequal terms since generations. So probably they were plotting revenge against Elmir by leaking some information?

-Helia Palace-

As the grand doors of Helia Palace swung open, the Entrance Courtyard revealed itself as a breathtaking expanse of polished marble, its surface gleaming under the soft glow of chandeliers hanging from the ornate ceiling. Tall, intricately carved columns lined the courtyard, each adorned with delicate floral motifs that seemed to come alive in the flickering candlelight. The air was thick with tension, a palpable energy that crackled as the knights awaited their orders.

To the left, a set of gilded doors led to the Royal Study, an elegant chamber bathed in the warm light of a crackling fireplace. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with ancient tomes, their spines glowing in hues of gold and red. An ornate mahogany desk took center stage, its surface scattered with parchment scrolls and a golden quill, hinting at the important decisions and secret alliances made within the confines of this chamber.

Richly upholstered armchairs were arranged around an intricately woven rug, providing a comfortable space for intimate discussions and strategic planning. The soft rustle of parchment and the ticking of a grandfather clock echoed through the room, a constant reminder of the ever-ticking sands of time. A large, detailed map of the kingdom, dotted with colored pins, hung proudly above the mantelpiece, showcasing the reach and power of the royal family.

The study room of Helia Palace was a sanctuary of knowledge and intrigue, a testament to the delicate balance of power and politics that shaped the course of the kingdom.

The King, seated on his chair, radiated fury. His face was flushed, and his fists clenched tightly against the armrests, knuckles white with rage. "UGH! That insolent creature. Who does she think she is to order ME, the KING OF DOMINO around like that? All she knows is to create problems every now and then!" the King bellowed with furiousness. The nobles surrounding him exchanged nervous glances, their expressions a mix of concern and fear. They knew better than to provoke the King further, yet they could not help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the Queen, whose eyes darted around the room, searching for a way to diffuse the situation.

In the Helia Palace, the atmosphere was heavy with discontent. The Queen, her brow furrowed, leaned closer to the King, her voice a mere whisper, yet laced with urgency. "What can we say? After all, she's the daughter of that witch!" Her disdain was palpable, a sharp contrast to the elegance of her gown, which flowed around her like liquid silver. The other courtiers remained silent, their expressions a mixture of shock and agreement, unsure of how to navigate the tempest brewing before them. "If she doesn't want to come, we have no choice but to use force, Your Majesty." the Queen added.

"I did not ask for your opinion, Daleyza. Do not interfere in my correspondence with my daughter!" remarked the King sternly as calmly as possible as to avoid any further complication of the matter at hand.

"Your DAUGHTER? Your ONLY daughter is Isabella!" yelled the Queen.

Enraging the King, the guards were summoned, "Guards, take her out of here, this INSTANT!" The tension escalated. The Queen's protest echoed in the hall, her voice rising above the murmurs of the assembled nobles. "WHAT! You can't do that!!!" she exclaimed, her indignation clear as she struggled against the guards who approached her. "Hey! Stop! Who the hell do you think you are to touch me!!!!!! YOUR MAJESTY YYyyyyyy...." The guards, stoic and unwavering, exchanged glances, their expressions betraying no emotion as they executed their orders in full force.

"Haaa....I don't have time for this nonsense anymore. I am yet to find out the enigmatic motive behind the Prince's murderous actions last night". muttered the King, his voice below a wispher.

-Amoria Palace; At Night in Luxana's Balcony-

"It's the night of the Full Moon, huh? Every year.....*tears falling* on 21st of August, you're always the only one who wishes me *smiling with tears rolling down her cheeks*.

As for my wish, I..............I..............I'd like to escape from this Hell."

"Alright, I'll grant you your wish. But of course, with a price to pay in return." said a voice from the garden below my balcony.

As I leaned forward to look down, someone leaped up to the balcony. "Greetings, My Royal Princess" he said standing on the railing between my hands. I was taken aback by his sudden appearance and regal demeanor. His confident stance and charming smile left me speechless for a moment. 

"Prince of Valentine..." I whispered with superior eyes, gritting my teeth, while there were still tears falling down my cheek. "You may have caught me off guard, but I will not be swayed by your grand gestures," I declared, trying to maintain my composure despite the overwhelming emotions. Deep down, I couldn't deny the immense surge of bitterness within me. For that reason, there have been rumors that I was the one who brought the prince to the banquet.

"Oh, so you remember me. What a pleasure!" opined the Prince as his voice was smooth and full of amusement, making me realize that he was enjoying my discomfort. I knew then that this encounter had an ulterior motive.

"That does not justify your presence, sir." I exclaimed with eyes that would lash out any minute.

"But it does grant your wish, ma'am." he replied smiling like an innocent child, who ABSOLUTELY was not involved in the murder case less than 24 hours ago. What a charming impostor. Haa...I for one, do not speculate how he managed to pull it off.


"What's in the Annex next to the Helia Palace''? he questioned with a straight face and skewed eyes filled with determination to find out. I suppose he heard the rumors of the secret meetings and clandestine activities taking place there, fueling his curiosity. The answer he received only deepened his intrigue, leaving him determined to uncover the truth behind the Annex's mysterious purpose.


"So, you won't answer"?


"Don't make me resort to violence, Princess. And besides I'm the only one who can save you from this hell. I suggest you start cooperating before things escalate further. Trust me, you don't want to see what I'm capable of." 

"..." Who exactly does he think he is to decide who I'll be trusting and sowing out to escape this hell with? He's got quite the nerve. 

"Sigh. Happy 15th Birthday Princess, on this special occasion, would you grant me the honor of knowing who or what exactly resides in the Annex of Helia Palace, pretty please"? he said with a pleading voice. 

Stunned by his sudden change of attitude, I smiled mischievously, with eyes twinkling with secrets. "I'm afraid I cannot reveal that information, My Dear Prince. The Annex of Helia Palace holds mysteries that are meant to be kept hidden." 

He smirked. 

"Very well then My Beloved Princess, I believe you give me no choice." he said as he raised a Seraphine jeweled necklace as a threat. "Do you wish for this accessory to meet it's end right here and then"?

My eyes widen in disbelief.....Where'd he find that? I've looking for that for years on end now. That necklace was my mother's only keepsake! 

"Fine, if you hand that over, I'll trade you the information you require in return."

"All of it." he added.

"Fine," I said unwillingly.

"There's a casino, which was the reason the nobility would congregate in the perplexing, abandoned annex. The King would be drinking in his hidden chamber, and behind him would be the old artifacts and jewels that were supposed to hold great power and fortune. This would be the case for those who were regular customers with great influence or held great power, or for those who won and made a lot of money in illegal activities down there. These gatherings were frequently used by the King to forge relationships and control his visitors for his personal benefit. The secretive nature of the underground casino was enhanced by rumors that the annex was haunted." I confessed arbitrarily. 

"Good Girl". He exclaimed as he threw the necklace towards me.


"I will come to get you tomorrow, please wait for me." he hinted, smiling softly as he leaped out of the balcony. As I rushed to see where he's off to, he disappeared.

"Get me tomorrow?" How intriguingly odd…

To be Continued...