
Enchanted Kingdom

This manga is set in medieval times but there is magic. There are 16 different types of magic Reaper Magic, Light Magic, Dark Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Stealth Magic, Hunter Magic, Void Magic, Lightning Magic, Earth Magic, Wind Magic, Demon Magic, Gravity Magic, Dragon Magic, and Healing Magic. There are 8 different kingdoms in Japan Keodora Dynasty - West japan Goxihan Empire - North japan Oudoyiran Dynasty - North West japan Steburgian Empire - East Japan Thaiban Kingdom - North East Japan Inotonian Kingdom - South Japan Diponian Empire - South East Japan Erucian Kingdom - South West Japan Most of the kings in Japan are corrupt because they are hungry for power and war, so they mostly abuse their power The higher districts are looked down upon the kings because they think their inferior and are only worthless dogs. So they abuse their power and sometimes terrorize their lower districts. There are 4 that are determined to destroy all corruption Shi Kisoki, Kenta Nagami, Tashiro Hisako, and Ari Miyoshi Shi Kisoki Is the main character. All 4 characters will form a group called The Black Rose, A group that is determined to destroy corruption. P.s. This is my first manga ever and I’m writing this for fun because it is my dream to become a manga writer so it might be pretty bad but I hope you like it as it goes on.

Rudy_Gallegos · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


(Scene Fades in) *Shi Kisoki is walking towards the entry of Keodora Dynasty with the black hood covering his face, the trench coat covering his katanas* An Keodora Knight says in a firm and confident voice: Show us your pass to Keodora peasant! *

*Shi reaches into his trench coat and tosses them one of the soldiers' heads . They look at me in fear and anger* The Keodora knight yells: you peasant bastard!!, die!!!!

*all of a sudden the knights body is cut into 8 perfect pieces and Shi Kisoki doesn't move at all*

Shi walks past the knights remains and says in a cold tone: may the underworld torture you greatly..

*Shi walks into keodora, and sees kids playing and adults talking and knights and watch outs*

Shi Kisoki says in awe: what a beautiful town. Unfortunately..beautiful towns hide under makeup to hide their evil..

*Shi walks around the town and looks around for the lightning dragon of laewas*

Shi walks up to one of the people of the town: Hey mister, do you know where I can find this so called Lightning Dragon of Laewas

* The citizen says: go to the mountains of laewas that's where he is rumored to be. I just pray that you don't die

*Shi smiles comfortingly*

Shi says: I won't die, thank you for your information

*Shi heads for the mountains of laewas through laewas and eventually reaches the mountains and sees humongous craters up the mountain*

Shi says excitedly: My first step of my plan is now in action! This Will be a new beginning mother!

*Shi Starts running towards the mountains and stops at the mountains*

Shi says: I guess, Asking him to join will come at a price.

(Scene pans towards a humongous crater of what used to be a mountain)