
Enchanted Kingdom

This manga is set in medieval times but there is magic. There are 16 different types of magic Reaper Magic, Light Magic, Dark Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Stealth Magic, Hunter Magic, Void Magic, Lightning Magic, Earth Magic, Wind Magic, Demon Magic, Gravity Magic, Dragon Magic, and Healing Magic. There are 8 different kingdoms in Japan Keodora Dynasty - West japan Goxihan Empire - North japan Oudoyiran Dynasty - North West japan Steburgian Empire - East Japan Thaiban Kingdom - North East Japan Inotonian Kingdom - South Japan Diponian Empire - South East Japan Erucian Kingdom - South West Japan Most of the kings in Japan are corrupt because they are hungry for power and war, so they mostly abuse their power The higher districts are looked down upon the kings because they think their inferior and are only worthless dogs. So they abuse their power and sometimes terrorize their lower districts. There are 4 that are determined to destroy all corruption Shi Kisoki, Kenta Nagami, Tashiro Hisako, and Ari Miyoshi Shi Kisoki Is the main character. All 4 characters will form a group called The Black Rose, A group that is determined to destroy corruption. P.s. This is my first manga ever and I’m writing this for fun because it is my dream to become a manga writer so it might be pretty bad but I hope you like it as it goes on.

Rudy_Gallegos · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

God Vs Lion

(The scene cuts to the castle of laewas and a scout is running as fast as he can in a panic towards the castle, he eventually reaches the castle and rushes through the Castles gates and he kneels before the king breathing heavily)

The scout says in a panicked and breathing heavily: King Azemar we have a problem!

King Azemar has an annoyed look on his face and says in an annoyed tone: What's the problem, scout?

The scout says panicked and breathing heavily: 2 of our knights have been slaughtered in the Common Citizens District!

(The king grunts surprised and his eyes widened in shock)

The king says in a shocked tone: Who killed them!? Who Killed those knights!?

The scout says: We do not know, but from the cuts and width of the cuts it must be a katana

*The knights and the king grunts in shock*

The King says in shock: No one in years has used a katana since the ancient Japanese battles. They're so hard to master because you have to master your swings to even use a katana properly! This person who killed 2 of my men must be talented! There's nothing else it could be.

(The scene pans back to Shi and Kenta)

Kenta yells: Lion Guard of The God Lightning Peer from my soul and My blade! Give me your power Senrus!!

*Kentas Aura Intensifies into blue electricity and Kenta stabs his longsword into the ground and electricity burst from the ground and his aura, Kenta's Hair turning white and his Eyes glowing Full Blue, The aura forming into a lion with the auras eyes of the lion being black flames. Kenta would take his longsword out of the ground, getting into his fighting stance with the aura formed lion around him*

Shi closes his eyes says in an emotionless tone: So be it..

*Kenta Would suddenly launch at Shi at the speed of sound, Kenta's lion shaped aura around him sounds like its roaring, the black flames of the eyes make a black trail, but Shi is standing still and completely calm, when Kenta's sword hits Shi everything goes quiet, suddenly there is a humongous ball of orange appears and an lightning ring forms around the orange ball, it makes a humongous explosion and lightning striking down with the explosion, the explosion destroys the 3 mountains and incinerates the trees of the forest, the shockwave is so loud that all districts hear it even the people in the castle the force of the shockwave destroys buildings and homes, the kingdoms right side wall*

(Everyone in the castle runs out and looks at where the Loud explosion sound came from and they see a huge amount of smoke from an explosion coming from the right side of the kingdom. Everyone looks in shock and make shocked noises.)

The king yells in anger and shock: What the hell is that!?

The scout yells: I don't know!? Are we getting suprise attacked!?

The king yells: We couldn't be thats impossible! The other scouts would of saw it!!

(Another scout runs to where they are standing and looking at the large amount of smoke from the gigantic explosion)

The scout yells running towards them: MY KING!!, MY KING!! THERE IS A BATTLE AT THE COMMON CITIZENS DISTRICT!!

(The scene pans to Kenta breathing heavily in the humongous crater of what used to be the forest and the 3 mountains)

Kenta says while breathing heavily: Is it...over?..

(Suddenly bright red glowing eyes appear through the smoke of the explosion)