

A little girl goes on a first adventure to seek revenge for her grandfather and to discover her true identity in a world filled with supernatural beings and many dangerous things awaiting her journey.

hazalali · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


After walking for some days, in the mountains, a village was now in view. Flora now exhausted stumbled down the mountains on a small road leading towards the village where, suddenly a horse cart came to a stop, "hey move out of the way", yelled the man on the horse.

Flora who was startled by the horse fell to the ground. The man on horse came down an approached the girl, "hey, you're not from around here are you", he said kneeling down towards her.

"Ah...no I just came down the mountains, I'm heading towards the village over there", she pointed. He looked towards the village and smiled politely, "oh you mean Jafta, I'm from there let me give you a ride there". Flora climbed at the back off the cart, the cart started moving and headed towards the village.

The place was crowded with people of different races and even beast man which she had never seen. The cart finally stopped; the little girl thanked the kind man started exploring the place. The place was livelier than she expected, feeling hungry and exhausted she sat down to rest. There were many children running around, suddenly a shop owner started screaming as the children dispersed while guards chased after them.

Flora wondered what happed, one of the guards spotted her, cursing he rushed towards her, as she was distracted by the dispersing children, feeling the presence of someone flora instantly dodged the guard's hands. Shocked, flora revealed her hunting knife she kept under her socks, remembering the techniques her grandpa taught her, she lunched towards the guard as if hunting for a small rabbit and slashed at his chest.