
Empty Promises: The CEO Cunning Bride

Do you believe in reincarnation? "In this lifetime, I was the one who followed you. In the next life, you'll follow me." Do you believe in having a past life? "No matter how many lifetime, I only want to be with you." Do you believe in karma? "A broken, unfulfilled promise..." *The cover drawing does not belong to me. However, it fits my setting and characters. I would be happy to credit the artist if I know who they are!*

Nini_X · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
227 Chs

Bloody Mouth And Robe

Yang Zheyan was startled when Xiong Jingfei started crying after running in and out of the old abandoned building. She had one hand on her throat and the other as if it was trying to grasp something. There were no words to describe her emotions.

Instead, of trying to say anything to comfort her. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. Holding her tightly in his embrace and letting her release all her anger and sadness out.

He doesn't know what she had been through in life, but he won't let it happen again. Now that he's here.

"Don't cry," Yang Zheyan murmured, gently patting her back like he was soothing a child. "I'll always be with you."


When they returned to the filming area, Xiong Jingfei was in low spirits with red puffy eyes. She no longer has a cheerful attitude.

While Director Hu was talking to her, she nodded her head to his every question. Though Yang Zheyan doubted she was actually listening to what Director Hu was saying. She even got into the car willing with Yang Zheyan without fighting back at all.

By the time Xiong Jingfei returned to reality, she was standing inside a hotel room. She quickly scanned the room but was still unable to comprehend how she got here. Her school bag and purse were in the room with her, although she doesn't recall carrying them either.

Xiong Jingfei sat down at the edge of the bed and held her head with her hands. She was probably hallucinating everything earlier. There was no way she had just talked! She hasn't spoken in five years. She tried every possible method in the past to force herself to say at least one word or make one sound. Still, nothing worked. Also for a garden to appear and disappear out of nowhere. She shook her head, thinking things through, it doesn't seem in the slightest bit real.

She was in such deep thoughts that she did not hear the door to her room, click open.

Yang Zheyan kneeled down on both knees and felt her head again. He asked, "Feifei, how are you doing?"

Xiong Jingfei's immediate reaction was slapping his hand away from her. She thought it was a random person until she saw that it was 'Lu Weisheng'. Why was he here? She had a questionable look on her face.

"Heh, looks like you're back to normal." Yang Zheyan smirked, rubbing the hand she slapped. "You should get some sleep. It'll be a long day tomorrow."

Before Xiong Jingfei could respond back, there were rapid knocking coming from the door. Those knocks sounded like it was begging her to open the door as soon as possible. When she opened the door, Wen Yuan was standing there with his friendly smile on. Though his eyes were sprouting fires at the person standing behind her.

"Mr. Lu, why don't you share a room with me instead of with Feifei?" Wu Yuan said, getting to the point of why he knocked on Xiong Jingfei's door.

"I don't want to share a bed with a man." Yang Zheyan firmly stated in a polite tone. Wu Yuan sounded polite by trying to offer his room, but only he could tell that Wu Yuan was trying to force him out. "In particular with you."

"It's improper for a man and woman who aren't 'married' to be 'sharing' one bed." Wu Yuan replied, trying to remain civil. "Also, you can sleep on the 'couch'. Who said that you had to share a bed with me?"

Between the two conversations, Xiong Jingfei had caught the jest of what was happening. Though she was confused about how she came to share a room with Lu Weisheng.

Wu Yuan noticed Xiong Jingfei's perplexed expression, so he tried taking advantage of it. "Feifei, you shouldn't spend a night with him until you're married."

"Who are you to tell her what to do and not do? She was the one who said yes to Director Hu." Yang Zheyan interjected, crossing his arms.

Xiong Jingfei pointed to herself, she was the one that said she was willing to share a room with him? When? Where? Now that seemed more absurd than thinking she actually spoke.

"Yes, darling!" Yang Zheyan wanted to close the door on Wu Yuan. Holding himself back, he explained, "Director Hu asked if you will share your room with me because the rest are booked, and you said yes."

Xiong Jingfei face turned to horror. She didn't! Or did she... Alright, somehow she can vaguely recall saying yes to that. Except she wasn't listening and only nodded along when Director Hu was talking!

"You're not thinking of kicking me out of here, are you?" Yang Zheyan leaned forward and whispered, "It's dark and scary out there. I don't want to drive alone back. It'll be miles before I can find another hotel. I-"

Xiong Jingfei blocked Yang Zheyan mouth from rambling on. If he kept going, he might make a dramatic stop at the part where they slept together. She helplessly smiled, signaling to Wu Yuan that she'll deal with this. He doesn't need to worry about it. With that, she closed the door on him and turned around to face the real troublemaker.

Wu Yuan stared at the closed door for a couple of seconds. He couldn't find another reason to force Yang Zheyan out without revealing the full truth. Making a clicking sound with his tongue, he muttered, "Traitor, choosing your husband over family."

Xiong Jingfei glared at Yang Zheyan who got her into this mess. She didn't want to trouble Director Hu or any of the staff on this issue. Especially when she nodded yes to the accommodation already. There are bigger things to do tomorrow. It wasn't like he can do anything with her on full alert.

She pointed at him and the couch.

"Woah, you want me on the couch?" Yang Zheyan pretending to be surprised. Though he already knew Xiong Jingfei will never let him share the bed with her again.

She rolled her eyes. If he doesn't want the sofa, she had a better choice waiting for him. She pointed at him again and the door this time.

"Ah, okay I will sleep here..." Yang Zheyan moved over to the sofa and patted it to get it soft. He sat on it and looked up at her like an abandoned puppy. "Better than leaving I guess..."

Xiong Jingfei ignored his sad muttering. She went to the bathroom for a shower to release her stress. When she finished, she took a nice long look at herself in the mirror. Opening her mouth, she tried very hard till her face turned cherry red, but no sound will come out. With frustration, she hit the sink countertop with her palm.

Why? When she spoke with that boy 'Wei Weimin,' the words flowed right of her mouth fluently. It was as if she never lost her voice.

She lifted her head to retake a look in the mirror. Her eyes grew wide open with shock, seeing her mouth have blood flowing out and gushing down onto her white robe. Panicking, she wiped the blood away with her sleeve. However, the blood kept flowing out without a sign that it's stopping. The blood-drenched her white robe red and dripped onto the ground.

Xiong Jingfei frantically ripped off her bloody robe and backed away. At the same time, she slipped on the wet tile floor and ended up hitting her back against the wall. Making a loud 'thump.'

The door burst open, Yang Zheyan rushed to Xiong Jingfei who sat on the ground.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Yang Zheyan asked in a frenzy, seeing Xiong Jingfei's deathly pale face with her robe half undone.

With her eyes tightly shut, she clung onto Yang Zheyan and pointed to the mirror.

"There's nothing?" Yang Zheyan held her in his arms, feeling her body tremble.

Xiong Jingfei opened her eyes slightly and was shocked once again. There was nothing... Everything was clean like the way it was when she first entered the bathroom. The floor was bloody-less, her mouth didn't have blood gushing out, and her white robe didn't have any blemishes.

"Ahem," Yang Zheyan cleared his throat with flushed cheeks. Carefully, he reached out his hand and pulled up Xiong Jingfei's robe. It had slipped down from her shoulders, and he could see things she would blame him for seeing.

Her face was as pink as Yang Zheyan when she noticed where he was touching. She instantly released her grip on him and covered herself quickly.

"Careful, you might have hurt yourself when you fell." Yang Zheyan helped her up on her feet and led her back to the room to sit on the bed. He made sure to check her ankle to find any sign of bruising. Also, that's the only place he can check without Xiong Jingfei kicking him again. Unable to help himself, he teased, "Would you like me to check your bottom?"

Xiong Jingfei quickly kicked him in the knee, which he surprisingly dodge it. She raised an eyebrow with a hidden smile. He's a fast learner.

Realizing she almost forgot something, she grabbed her tablet and wrote down, 'How did you know I am engaged?'

"Ohhh, about that..." Yang Zheyan shifted his eyes elsewhere, unable to face her questioning innocent eyes. The moment he saw his chance to escape, he rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door. "I have to take a shower now."

Xiong Jingfei scoffed, shameless. She sat on the bed, waiting for Yang Zheyan to get out. She waited and kept waiting, and almost an hour had passed by. She swears he was taking his sweet time on purpose. She couldn't force her eyes to be open. It was even harder when she didn't get any sleep last night.

By the time Yang Zheyan opened those bathroom doors, Xiong Jingfei was fast asleep on the bed. He smiled and sat at the edge of the bed near her. Although on the other side of the bed was missing a pillow. He looked at the sofa, she had already put the pillow and a blanket there for him.

He caressed her defenseless face. She was dead wrong if she thought he was really going to sleep on the sofa. Yang Zheyan leaned forward and placed his lips on her forehead, "Goodnight, my wife to be."