
Empress of the World

Book is COMPLETE and FREE. From a young age, Aurora wanted to be different than her domineering mother, Empress Zephyra. When Aurora unexpectedly inherits the throne, she is left behind with two words: be better. And she tries. But just as things seem to have settled, Empress Aurora of Valiant receives a vision: the entire world will be destroyed. Along with her friend Devrim, Aurora makes the bold decision to travel to the Fates in the land of magic to find the answers she seeks. To be better, the new Empress must place her own life on the line to stop the coming doom.

NobleQueenBee · Fantasi
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702 Chs

Confrontation with the Queen

The next morning spirits were high as Aurora and Devrim made their way back to the throne room to meet with the king and queen. On the ride back the night before, Ithel had apologized again for his behavior and asked how he could help. Together the group decided that he would go and talk to his parents before the meeting with the Empress.

As she passed through the halls, Aurora again saw the human carrying linens, and her good mood disappeared. 'I have got to help him and any others,' she thought, but she was unsure how to make it come about. 'One problem at a time.' She had to talk to the king and queen about her own situation before she could assist anyone else.

When they reached the throne room, Devrim was not permitted to enter. "Only the Empress," the herald told them.

Devrim look concerned and started to object, but Aurora touched his arm. "It will be fine," she assured him. Taking a deep breath, the Empress entered Zoltan's and Lanassa's throne room. Only a few soldiers were stationed along the wall: they did not consider the Empress much of a threat. Surprisingly, the smaller thrones on either side of the king and queen were empty. Both Ithel and Brinn were noticeably absent. 'That is not good,' Aurora thought. She curtsied at the base of the thrones in her gown of blue velvet and waited. Now that she was sure that they knew her identity, she could have merely dipped her head, but she saw no reason to make the royals angry.

"Welcome Empress Aurora, ruler of the human world," Zoltan said in a booming voice.

"Greetings King Zoltan, and Queen Lanassa. Will the prince and princess not be joining us?" Aurora asked calmly.

The monarchs' expressions darkened. "I am afraid that Prince Ithel has become ill. He sends his regrets. Princess Brinn was not invited to this meeting." There was an edge in the Queen's voice that discouraged Aurora from inquiring further.

"I am sorry to hear that the prince is unwell," Aurora told them.

The king's face softened. "Thank you for your concern, but we did not come here to discuss the health of our son. Have you reached a decision on our offer?"

Aurora tried to stay calm, "Did the prince not speak with you this morning?"

"He did," Zoltan affirmed. "That is how we know he is sick. He expressed a desire to retract his proposal of marriage, but he would never go against the wishes of his parents. Ithel will rest until the madness passes."

'So that is their game,' Aurora thought angrily. If she agreed, they would force the prince into marriage. How could parents do that to a child? Her own mother had done many things, but she had not forced her to marry. Then again, Aurora had not been old enough to marry either. "I am afraid I must agree with the Prince. This marriage cannot be."

"You asked for our help to find the Fates. That is our price." Lanassa reminded her.

Aurora nodded, "I will find the Fates on my own. As for the rest of what I owe, Princess Brinn says I have paid her in full for her rescue. For your hospitality during our stay, I will gladly send many treasures from the human world including books when I return home." The Empress was kind but firm. The King looked at his wife and an understanding passed between them.

"The throne room is too big for such delicate discussions," the queen said with an air of concern. "Please accompany me to my chambers, young Empress."

Aurora saw no other option, and she followed Lanassa from the podium out of the room. Lanassa's chambers were not far from the throne room. Servants feverishly cleared the way as the two royals passed. Aurora walked even with the Queen, trying to keep step. Now that they were on the same level, the woman could see that Lanassa was more than a head taller than her and sleekly built. Her pace was brisk, which made Aurora nearly have to jog to keep up.

Inside the chamber tea and light refreshments were already laid out. The sitting room was large enough for a ball, but the ladies took their seats in a corner by a window. "Would you like tea?" The queen asked politely. Aurora accepted the cup but did not drink. The queen could be trying to trick her into drinking a love potion or something. Did those even exist?

"Do you not like my son?" Lanassa asked directly.

"I actually think he is very charming." Aurora countered. Other than his misplaced attempt at affection, Ithel had been a gentleman.

"Then why would you reject such a beneficial proposal?" The queen was confused.

"I do not love him. I love…someone else," the Empress was reluctant to give up Devrim's name for fear of repercussions.

Lanassa nodded knowingly. "Ah, love. The indescribable human emotion we elves know nothing about…" There was bitterness in Lanassa's tone as she spoke. "I suppose he loves you too, this man." When Aurora nodded, she continued, "Let me tell you what I learned about human love: it does not last."

"What do you mean?" Aurora was shocked by her words.

"I was in your position once. A human man wandered into our midst during the reign of the previous king and queen. Those monarchs also wanted to find the key to human creativity, so they invited the man to stay. He was charming, and as the daughter of a nobleman I had the time and access to see him more than the other she-elves. One day the man held my hand and told me a delicious secret. He told me he loved me! I was happy to have received such attention. For my part, I enjoyed his company.

"The time came and he proposed. I accepted his offer of marriage knowing that it would not be an easy life, yet I was content. Everyone approved of the match. But on the day of our wedding, which was blessed by the attendance of the king and queen, my groom was nowhere to be found. A report came that he had thought the better of marrying me and that he was seen fleeing back over the ice barrier. I was disgraced! Had not Zoltan taken pity on me and wed me that very day, I would have been an outcast in society. So you see, human love means nothing. It is as changeable as the wind."

There was something strange about what Lanassa said, but Aurora could not put it in words. Instead she asked, "King Zoltan married you the same day that you were jilted?"

"Yes, he always cared for me. He could not stand to see me treated in such a way, so he felt it was his duty to marry me." Lanassa spoke kindly of the king. She truly believed he was her rescuer.

"I am sorry that this happened. It is indeed a tragedy." The Empress sympathized; just because the queen could not feel deeply did not mean she had no feelings at all.

"It will have been worth the trouble if you will avoid the same fate. Do not marry for love. Marry Ithel." Aurora could sense that Lanassa was trying to be helpful, but Aurora knew that Devrim would rather die than leave her side. And she would rather die than hurt him.

"I am afraid I still have to decline your offer, your Majesty. I cannot do as you wish." Aurora said gently.

The queen's face changed from compassionate to a piercing gaze. "Your refusal is unfortunate but not unforeseen. While you may be able to settle your debt with the riches of your kingdom, the price for their freedom is much steeper." Lanassa waved her hand and two dirty, beaten men were brought in chains. They were almost unrecognizable, but Aurora immediately knew them.

"Nurlan! Junayd!"