
Empress Eva

Eva the empress of Shea ville ruled her people in a firm andmerciless reign. She was feared by her enemies and slayed those who crossed her path. She fought and defeated the dark realm, imprisoning their lord in the process. Later backstabbed by her own people. What happens when she is left with two difficult choices and is forced to be with the dark lord. "Together, we can rule our realm and bring order to the land. But first, you must prove your loyalty to me... and to yourself." Eva, the once-feared Empress of Shea Ville, found herself in a precarious situation. After being betrayed by her own subjects, she was forced to seek an unlikely alliance with the Dark Lord she had previously defeated and imprisoned. Now, she faced two difficult choices: One, Join forces with the Dark Lord and together, they could conquer Shea Ville and rule their world forever. Or refuse the Dark Lord's offer and attempt to reclaim her throne alone. This would mean facing her treacherous subjects and the Dark Lord's armies simultaneously, with little or no chances of success.

Gold_En_2990 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


A group of men sat in their assigned seats, their faces etched with worry and concern. Above them, a grand, gold chair loomed, reserved for royalty. The chiefs whispered among themselves, their distress palpable.

"We can't just sit back and watch as our people suffer, one chief, Philip, spoke up, his voice laced with urgency. "We're losing men, and our people live in fear."

Lord, the apparent leader, silenced him with a stern glance. "Enough, Philip. We cannot make decisions without our queen's presence."

But another chief, undeterred, continued the discussion. "Our people are afraid, and the attacks grow more frequent and alarming. We can't sit idly by and do nothing. We must fight back or return what is rightfully theirs."

The room fell silent, the weight of their situation hanging heavy in the air. The chiefs' faces reflected their desperation, their eyes pleading for a solution to their plight.

Empress Eva's gaze swept the room, her eyes lingering on each face before moving on. The elders, desperate for a solution, reported their plight, begging for her intervention.

"My lady, the underworld's armies are invading our lands," one elder said, his voice trembling. "They seek to release their ruler, the Dark Lord Xandros, from his prison. Our soldiers are no match for their dark magic."

Empress Eva's expression didn't change, but her hands stilled, her grip on the armrest tightening.

"We've tried to hold them back, but they seem endless," another elder added. "Our people are fleeing in terror, and our cities are burning. We need your help, my lady."

But Empress Eva just waved her hand, dismissing them.

"I'm afraid I have more pressing matters to attend to,at the moment. If you weaklings cannot handle it then live with it" she said, her voice dripping with apathy. "This...infestation will pass."

The elders exchanged disbelieving glances, their faces pale with shock. But Empress Eva simply stood up, her black velvet gown rustling, and walked away.

As soon as she left the room, the atmosphere erupted into chaos. The men, fueled by desperation and anger, began to protest. Their voices grew louder, more violent, until a full-blown coup was formed.

Meanwhile, in her garden, Empress Eva tended to her dark flowers, her hands gloved to protect her skin from their toxic touch. A dark raven perched on a nearby statue, watching her with piercing eyes.

"My lady," the raven whispered, its voice like a rusty gate, "the people have turned against you. They march towards the palace even now."

Empress Eva's expression didn't change, but her hands stilled, her grip on the flower stem tightening.

"Thank you, my dear raven," she said, her voice low and even. "I will take...precautions."

Without another word, she turned and fled, disappearing into the shadows. The raven took to the skies, flying overhead as Empress Eva made her way to the one place she knew she would be safe, at least for the min time- the dungeon where Xandros, the Dark Lord, was kept.

As she descended into the darkness, the air grew thick with the stench of mold and decay. She reached the cell, her heart pounding in her chest.

And then, she saw him. Xandros, the Dark Lord, stood tall, his eyes gleaming with a fierce inner light. Even in the dim torchlight, his chiseled features seemed surprisingly handsome, his dark hair falling across his forehead in a way that seemed almost...alluring.

Empress Eva's breath caught in her throat as their eyes met, a spark of something unexpected flaring between them.

"Well, well, well," Xandros said, his voice low and husky. "Look what we have here. My Empress, fleeing from her own people."

Empress Eva's gaze narrowed, her eyes flashing with anger. But Xandros just chuckled, the sound sending shivers down her spine.

"You should have listened to your elders, Eva," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "Now, you're at my mercy."

And with that, the torches flickered and died, plunging the cell into darkness. Empress Eva's became alarmed as she heard the sound of footsteps, echoing through the corridor.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and a figure loomed in the entrance. Empress Eva's hand instinctively went to her dagger, but Xandros's voice stopped her.

"Wait," he said, his voice low and commanding. "Let him speak."

The figure stepped forward, its features illuminated by a faint, eerie glow.

"My lady," it said, its voice dripping with malevolence. "The people have taken the palace. You are no longer Empress."

Empress Eva's eyes flashed with anger, but Xandros's gaze held her back.

"What do you propose, then?" she spat.

The figure smiled, its eyes glinting with triumph.

"You will come with me," it said. "And meet your new ruler."

And with that, everything went black.