
summoning heroines

Summon 100 units of riders of taps and riders dragonhawk, and send them to the camp, ending I went to the southern part of the settlement.

"This place should be perfect" I said as I put my hand on the ground and channeled my energy a moment later the earth trembled and went flat without any obstacle.

It had an area the size of a football stadium, and it was big enough for what it was about to summon, a moment later three huge ships appeared that had a tap head with 4 propellers, had the appearance of a ship but no candles with 4 guns on both sides, was the ship used by the humans of Word of Warcraft.

"Amazing, I've seen it in the Word of Warcraft game, but seeing it in person is a different experience." I flew over the ships but no matter what angle I looked at it, my eyes shone.

"Then pray to modify," I said as I moved to the first ship.

I started by changing gunpowder guns for more modern guns like the Swedish-made Archer that has more destructive power than an iron ball that used the original guns of the ship, also implemented anti-aircraft weapons M163 Vulcan that had 6 guns, besides being automatic, also change the ammunition that they had in the warehouse for new ones and reinforced the defenses of the ship with magic.

"I only need the generals" I said as I headed towards the altar of kings, the heroes were supposed to be summoned at the beginning but I did not want to hear philosophy as [by light] [that the light illuminated your path] and all those phrases that Uther mentioned, but at the time I need my generals, therefore I will have to endure it.

Therefore I decided to summon Jaina Proudmoore, who was an excellent elementalist magician, apart from her I summoned Maiev Shadowsong, I chose her because she was a murderous exponent and she was very loyal, and the last one summoned is Alleria Brisaveloz as she does not It was part of the system I moved a few threads in the system to be able to summon it I do not think anything bad happens "I hope", besides she would be a great general for the blood elves that I have in my units, I just hope it does not hit much with Maiev , because it would be a pain if they did, in addition later they would summon their sisters, and we would have 4P, cough ... cough ... cough ... I left the subject.

Press accept and a bright light came out of the altar which then appeared three tall and beautiful female figures, one had a long, lank blond hair with pointed ears with a jade skin wearing an orange two piece revealing silk dress, with Several accessories, I was sure that she was Alleria.

I looked at the other girl who had brown-white hair wearing a long one-piece blue dress with white lace on the sleeves, she was human he was sure it must be Jaina.

The last one had purple-white hair with long ears and a light purple skin, wore an armor-type blouse with shorts and a dagger at the waist.

This was amazing they were the most beautiful girls I had seen so far in this world, apart from the girl I met in the port, these were beautiful.

"We salute the teacher," said the three at the same time as they bowed a little.

"Well come to my kingdom" I said while nodding to them, were quite young as about 17 years were quite promising, and as they would not be after all they were heroines of their different factions and very strong.

As I saw that they were not wearing armor, I summoned three boxes with their respective armor.

"Well take your armor that the army of the kingdom is about to arrive we will prepare for the battle" I said as I showed a big smile.

But the response I received from them left me stunned.

"In no way" x 3


the second chapter for later

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