
Solstice Branch

"There is no need for you to apologize, Mister Otto. He is not dead. I am sure he is not. I will go back to Solstice and get him back myself, I am sure of it." Leon quelled Otto's worries and immediately sent the grumpy Bishop from the Holy Nation State of Pariah into a good and uplifted mood. 

"Good. It is good that you are hopeful. We must never lose hope, young man." Otto said with a smile, but his smile slowly faded into that of a fatigued face as soon as he glanced at the direction of where Commander Kanon Sokolov was, who was smiling nervously and nodding his head. 

Otto then took the liberty of guiding them towards the Palace of Pariah, it was the 'castle' if they were in Solstice. The people who held the highest positions in Pariah gathered here whenever there were meetings, events, or ceremonies. White bannisters and white sheets as well as decorations coated the room fully.