Sanya and Reno were truly powerless, as the Lunaseeker had said earlier. They watched on as the recruits were slaughtered before their very eyes.
Their hands and legs were bound by thorns made of blood. It was the white masked man's doing. "H-How did it turn out like this?!" She asked herself as despair slowly crept up to her psyche.
No matter how quick the recruits were running away from him, it was futile. Like prey turning their backs at the predator, they were struck from every angle or location with his blood spikes.
While everyone else was fleeing for dear life, Damian was not about to leave the dying Leon. "G-Get up, Leon!" he desperately tried to wake his friend up, but the loss of blood had already been too much.
Leon's lips turned pale as he wallowed on the ground, laying on a pool of his own blood. "Leave me, Damian. Make a run for it." Leon whispered to his friend's ears.
Damian, however, who was long been in tears, was not having any of it. "Don't be ridiculous! We can still make it! We're going to obliterate the Lunaseekers with our own hands, right?" Damian tried to keep a smile on his face, in an attempt to keep himself calm, as well as his friend.
After massacring every single recruit except for Kyro, Leon, and Damian, the masked man turned towards them now. "What do we have here?" he asked in a menacing voice as he waved his wand around.
"We have to go right now, Damian!" Kyro exclaimed as he slowly backed up to them while having his wand aimed at the Lunaseeker.
"Though a fly might feel anger, nothing it can do will make a difference once faced with the inevitable." The masked Lunaseeker uttered to the three.
Kyro wanted to run. His instincts were screaming at him to get as far away as possible from this Lunaseeker. But he knew better than to leave Damian and Kyro by themselves.
Leon placed his hand on Damian's shoulders. "Help me up, Damian. We finally have a Lunaseeker in front of us, this is an opportunity to avenge our families." He said as he coughed out blood.
"You are in no condition to fight at all, you idiot!" Damian attempted to stop him, but it was futile. While exerting pressure to the area where the wolf bit him, Leon slowly stood up. And with a grin, he pulled out his chipped knife.
The two of them were adamant in protecting Damian. "Just stay back until its over, Damian." Leon said, barely on his feet at this point. The blood still gushing out of his wound.
Their conversation was interrupted by the masked man bawling out in laughter, however. "Hah. Does stupidity come as a default for being human as well?" he mocked them, still giggling.
In an instant, he was already in front of them. "You despicable flies." The masked Lunaseeker kicked Kyro, but the latter blocked it with his arms through sheer prediction only.
Kyro's arms shattered, as well as his ribs from the impact of the kick. "Kyro!" Leon shouted, he desperately swung his knife around, but the masked Lunaseeker merely toyed with him.