
Emperor Bloodline and Inheritance

Title: "Emperor Bloodline and Inheritance" Synopsis: In the action-packed fantasy novel "Emperor Bloodline and Inheritance," readers are transported to the planet of Giordon, where the protagonist, Toaj, embarks on an epic journey of self-discovery, power, and redemption. Toaj, a man driven by a sense of justice and a desire to right the wrongs of his world, leads a group of oppressed individuals out of the corrupt kingdom of Proma. Along the way, he seizes power and establishes a new kingdom called Gretia, where he vows to rule with wisdom and justice. Endowed with the strongest emperor bloodline and inheritance, Toaj possesses the ability to rule over his people like an empire. With the aid of his newfound powers, Toaj navigates the treacherous landscape of cultivation, martial arts, and sorcery, rising from a mere mortal to a formidable warrior. As Toaj builds his kingdom and trains his followers, he faces numerous challenges, including betrayal, intrigue, and the ever-present threat of war. Alongside his loyal companions, Toaj confronts dark forces and uncovers sinister plots aimed at toppling his rule. Through epic battles, intricate political maneuvering, and moments of personal triumph and sacrifice, "Emperor Bloodline and Inheritance" explores themes of power, loyalty, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. Will Toaj's vision of a just and prosperous kingdom prevail, or will the shadows of darkness consume everything he holds dear?

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The task to train the folks

As the two finished the amazing battle they saw 6 figures flying towards them and they were afraid thinking it was the Noble officials of the kingdom

Then one of them whom seem to be the leader began clapping with big beam of smile that could melt the heart of a lady.

"The sparring section you guys heard was amazing"said Toaj

The duo seem to recognize him as Lord Toaj

" Thank you my Lord" they replied

"What are your names" asked Toaj who was more interested with the youth who won the spar than the other

"I am David" said the youth who won the spar

"I am Peter"said the other youth

" David how about joining the Toajkim star and becoming the 6th member"Toaj went straight to the point

" Yes sir.. thank you for the opportunity to serve you and the people more" said David

"Nice one"said Toaj and then he looked at Peter" your future endeavors will be boundless but not as Peter with your hard work you would reached unimaginable heights but your future doesn't seem to be a Toaj star because they are the best of the best the elites of elite.but your future would bring glory to the kingdom that am going to establish"said Toaj after seeing Peter potentials

" Thank you Lord for the pointers" said Peter

"Remember that destiny can change depending on the part you choose so you might not be as great as I say you would but if you put more effort than the one your putting you might be greater than what I evaluated"said Toaj

Toaj together with the 5 star while holding David on the hand flew toward a large tree that is wide to enough to accommodate a lot of people

The 6th star stood in an horizontal line as Toaj inspected them

"5 of you have reached the 5th warrior rank while I have reached the 7th stage showing that our progress is remarkably fast compared to some martial artist"said as he evaluated the Toaj star" he then looked at David and you have reached the advanced martial disciple, quite remarkable"said Toaj

" 5 of you go out and train the folks out there, and I need good results"said Toaj" let me and David stay here so I can train him.

" Yes my Lord"5 star replied and left the huge tree that housed them towards the settlement

"Hehe.. let's see how many people that is going to grow under us" said Alex

" Mine would be greater" said Joseph with a smug smile

"What the fuck"exclaimed John" I have the capacity to have my people surpass everyone"said James who is always as calm as water

" I can't wait to train the juniors greatly and contribute to the great Lord Toaj"said the ice beauty beside them, Mary

Everyone was looking with expectations on how many people under them would surpass the other under another star members

Competition and battle intent was filled in the eyes of the 5 star

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