

Emotions are a powerful thing, they can cause us to do so many things like fall in love, build relationships, or even fall into despair. Despair like Emovere has. A country that was once the most powerful & wealthiest country in all of the world has since its reign been riddled with civil wars. Until one day a powerful Queen by the name of Elpis saved the land. For the next several years Emovere would slowly prosper until she mysteriously vanished without a word, causing the land to fall back into despair. Years later a mysterious individual by the code name Tournament would make their presence known with the announcement of Tournouá Tou Menos a tournament that all would be welcome with the grand prize being Menos, a drug that can grant someone eternal happiness. In this world emotions are everything, they are the reason only a handful of its original 50 states remain, they are the reason why Emovere is close to its end and they are the reason select individuals have become very special. Felichs being one of them. An 18-year-old from the poorest city in all of Emovere hopes to enter this tournament in order to give their mother who’s dying from illness one last moment of happiness. Many will enter Tournouá Tou Menos but only one will win. Who will come out on top? What will happen after? And just who is Tournament & What are they truly planning? "You know...you can never be hurt by someone if you just...let nobody near you. I learned a long time ago that no matter what title you give a person, friend...family, it doesn't matter, they'll all turn their backs on you eventually. That's why I stopped trying to grow close to people. And sure, don't get me wrong it hurts...it hurts like hell...today I woke up and I wished I hadn't...this never-ending cycle of pain...l just want it to all be gone, I know I'll never be happy, but if I could have just one moment of peace...just one measly second...it'd be nice..." ~ Felichs

Ashe_Wayne · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Turn 3: Goal That Consumes You, Will Only Lead To Your Demise

 Four days before

"Ni madres, How THE HELL do we keep gettin' into these STUPID situations!?" A young, red-haired, almond-brown skinned woman named Baya screamed sarcastically. 

"Blame yuh idiotic girlfriend. If she wouldn't have pissed off the damn guards we'd be fine." A short, young man with a bright, blonde ponytail and cream colored skin by the name of Vastago screeched.

"GRAHAHA! ¡A huevo chica! This is why I fucks with you jefa, you really know how to have fun, unlike these ñoños." Laughed Viento, a tall man with spiky hair, whose skin was as dark as the night. 

"Mi vieja, don't worry everything'll be fine mi amor just keep running! Another woman named Malu, with lime green hair and eyes, whose skin was brown as caramel, yelled out to her Baya as she smacked her butt."¡Chale! Watch out for those damn bullets!" 

"You know when I was told t'night would be fun, I didn't think y'all meant this fun. A lady named Suelo, with beautiful dark skin that matched her curly afro, yelled before turning around. "Arghhhh I'm tired of running from these pussies though. I say we turn around and kick their ass!" 

Te voy a partir tu madre!" Malu screamed at her.

Suelo turned around, pulled a rifle out, and began firing at the Pecunia Police Force that was chasing after them. 


"Yes sir Captain Nighson!" Yelled out the officers of the PPF. 

"Esto está la chingada"…Malu thought to her before yelling out to her group, "GET YOUR ASSES BACK TO THE FUCKING HIDEOUT AND IF YOU ANY OF YOU EVEN THINK OF DYING I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!" 

Malu ran down an alleyway. She turned back momentarily but couldn't see anyone.

"You're all alone again it seems. How will you fair my dear? This state is definitely not what it used to be. Not the way your books have told it Mother…" Tournament thought to themself. "So what do you think of her?"

"I wouldn't want that filthy cleaning my toilets, let alone entering Tournoá Tou Menos. She, like this country, is a stain on Emovere. A stain that needs to be removed one way or another." A young woman with a white and pink mask responded. 

"Pahaha, there's so much hate in your heart for a place you once called home. Your rightful home might I add." Giggled Tournament before continuing. "Well, I think we both have business to attend to here, don't you?"

"Oh, you mean that one?" The woman responded looking out at Malu's friends running away. "Yeah, I guess I could pay them a visit, they are my child after all."

Tournament let out a slight chuckle before disappearing into the night.

"Can't believe I let them goad me into seeing her yet they never spent a second with theirs…ahhh whatever, this should be fun." The lady thought to herself before vanishing as well. 

"Mulahaha, so the Orange Rose is back in Excitatur…and it seems she has friends too. This should be interesting, real interesting." A strange man said as he walked out from behind the chimney. "It's always exciting in Excitatur ain't it!"

"AYE shut up you idiot I'm trying to sleep! And get the heck off my roof before I call the police!" A man yelled out from his window.

This was the State of Excitatur. It was a beautiful, wealthy state that was modeled after a place known as Athens. Many would visit it before the wars, but ever since it had become home to the most violent gang in Emovere today: Vindicta. A gang of ruffians led by Malu. She was a twenty-four-year-old woman from Potestas, the wealthiest city in Emovere. A lot of Excitatur's money comes from the entertainment district Respicias. Before the wars, everyone visited the city frequently to meet the beautiful people who, for the right price, offered a lot. Many gave Excitatur the nickname, "Heaven For the Whores" because of Respicias. Malu on the other hand, called it Hell. A place that can make a sweet innocent girl like herself into a violent criminal in the blink of an eye. 

She wasn't always this way though. Before Vindicta, she was living a great life with her mother Aborica Raddix, and her father Ramus Raddix. The Raddix family was an extremely powerful one. Aborica was a member of its council, having the third highest position as she was the leader of Potestas. Her father on the other hand was a powerful man himself as he was the commander of the state's military. Tragedy would eventually strike though as both would eventually pass away when Malu was five-years-old. Sadly, since she wasn't their biological daughter she inherited nothing but a trip to the orphanage. This is where she would meet Baya, Viento, Suelo, and Vastagos. 

"Mama…papa…por favor, vela por ellos…please watch over them. They shouldn't have to endure because of my choices" Malu thought to herself as tears flooded down her cheeks. "Chale…I should've gone with them."

Eventually, Malu made her way back to their hideout, but nobody was around. The hideout of Vindicta was an old run-down building just outside of Excitatur. To the public it was a regular casino, but underneath was the real attraction. Vindicta was an enormously large gang, so large in fact that it had been split up into four divisions by Malu, with each division having a total of fifty members. Baya was the commander of the Corazón, a division she ran from the hideout with most of her members disguising themselves as casino workers and security guards. Viento was the commander of Diamanté, and his division was the muscle. He ran a boxing gym in Pecunia where his division trained new potential members. Suelo was the commander of Pala, and she trained her members in the art of being a marksman. Lately was Vastagos who was the commander of Trébol, and he ran his division from Respicias, out of a brothel where his members worked as accountants and temptresses. To gain new members, the four of them and Malu would host fight clubs to scout. But there were two other reasons for the fight clubs: names and information. Fight clubs brought big names which brought money and big crowds that, with a little influence, would talk like a parrot. 

"Where the heck is every-" Malu started to say before she was grabbed from behind. 

"No mames, Baya, you damn idiot." Chuckled Viento as he watched Baya get hit in the stomach.

Chale! Why do you always do this mi amor? You know not to pop up behind me like that." Said Malu as she helped up her girlfriend.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch! Lo siento, amor, I was just so worried." Exclaimed Baya 

Malu, like she usually did, kissed her once on the forehead and then on the lips. 

"Baya…Viento…but no Suelo or Vastago? Where the hell are they!" Malu thought as her angst grew.

Viento, knowing Malu well, spoke up before she could erupt, "Cálmate jefa, they're good. The vieja said she had some shit to do."

"And Vastago?" Questioned Malu.

Baya and Viento stayed quiet as they looked at each other and then at Malu. 

She took a deep breath before asking again, "And…Vastago?"

"He should be fine, love," Baya said as she gripped Malu's arm nervously.

"Should be…híjole, what the fuck happened to him?" Malu questioned angrily.

"The guards lost us, but Suelo said overheard them cochinos saying go after the little one. We haven't heard from since," Viento replied in a low tone.

Malu shoved Baya off of her before walking away. Baya tried reaching out but Viento grabbed her wrist.

"Let her go, she just needs to cool off." Viento said as he hugged a tearful Baya.

Malu's anger over the years had gotten worse. Most of the time she would calm herself by boxing. This time seemed different though as she grabbed her sweater and gun, then headed out. 

"You two, there's a fight tonight so get this place up and running. And watch out for that weird motherfucker who came through. No confío en ellos, huele a serpiente. I hate snakes. I'll be back later on." Malu shouted as she exited. 

After a few minutes of walking, she made it over the mountains near Excitatur.

Malu let out a fake laugh before thinking out loud to herself, "I lost Papa and Mama on the same night…I can't lose anymore. This shits killing me. Every damn time, why can't I just have a moment of peace? Whoever the hell's pulling the strings around here needs to stop."

As Malu punched the dirt many thoughts continued rumbling through her mind

Roughly twenty-five years ago

In the city of Potestas, there was a powerful family; the Raddix Family. Aborica and Ramus had tried for months but couldn't have a child. One night their doorbell rang and much to their surprise a child was on the doorstep in a basket. There was also a note that said 

"Please take care of my child, I can't let her be taken by those monsters."

The then-young-couple was confused by the note, but also delighted at the thought of having a child. 

Five years later (still in the flashback)

With Aborica being in such an important position, Ramus decided to take some time away from his position, leaving his vice commander in charge. 

"Hahaha, I never thought this whole parenting thing would be so difficult." Said Ramus as Malu ran around the house with her shorts on her head.

No puedes atráparme papá!" Malu screamed as her dad tried to catch her.

"Teehee, you would think a commander would be able to get a three-year-old." Giggled the housemaid. "By the way, I'm going to town for a while to grab a few things. I'll be back later on, so try not to burn the house down." 

"Que tenga un bien día," both Ramus and Malu said waving to their maid.

"Ah, gotcha manzana pequeña! Who's Papa's little princess?" Ramus said as he threw Malu up in the air.

"Look at the loves of my life, calienta mi corazón, I'm so happy to be home. Said Aborica as she gave her husband and daughter kisses.

Ramus handed Malu off to Aborica as he went to prepare dinner. 

"Mi bombón oh how I've missed you so much," Aborica said as she pressed her cheeks against Malu's. "Oh my, your hair is getting even greener. Have you been sneaking more apples? Mijita, they already turned your hair from red to green, soon your skin will as well!" 

Eventually, the three sat down and enjoyed their meal together. As Ramus was about to start talking he got a phone call. His happy expression turned into shock as he delivered the news to his wife that Aidia had attacked Excitatur. 

"Aidia??? I thought things had calmed between us…" Aborica responded.

"I told them we couldn't trust The Snake King, he's always been this way! One minute he's working with someone and the next they get stabbed in the back!" Ramus exclaimed as he slammed his fist on the counter.

"I know how much this hurts you. What'll happen to your friend over there? Isn't he still captured?" Aborica questioned.

"Si…mi compa…I'm leaving. I will burn that devilish state down myself if I have too! And I'll save him as well!" Ramus said grabbing his coat.

"Do you really have to leave, mi amor? Maybe it's better if we let the rest of the military handle it." Aborica said nervously as she gripped her pearls.

"I am a man of Excitatur and the commander of its military, sería deshonroso por mi parte no estar con mis hombres," Ramus said as he gave his wife a hug and kiss, then his daughter the same. 

"Diosas por favor protéjanlo." Aborica prayed to herself as tears wept down her face.

Malu looked on as her father left and her mother continued to cry. She tried hugging her mom but for the first time, she nudged her away and went off to her room. This day was forever scarred in Malu's mind. Her father would go on to be betrayed by his country, as his men captured and fed him to Aidia. There, they broadcasted him being slowly and brutally slaughtered for the entirety of Excitatur to see. 

"Break the fingers!" 

"Cut the fingers!"

"Break the hands!"

"Cut the hands!"

"Break the feet!"

"Cut the feet!" A man ordered with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Yes sir Chief Brute!"

"Don't forget oil! We'll set his body ablaze!" Yelled a lady licking her lips.

"Yes ma'am Chief Marina!"

As the men poured oil on Ramus, they lit their matches.

Ramus cursed Excitatur, "You will regret the day you turned your back on the goddess and betrayed your own people! You're all monsters! Every last one of you! I promise you will suffer for this one hundred thousand deaths!" 

Soon hundreds of matches covered his body and it blew up in flames. Ramus screams echoed through the streets of Aidia and Excitatur.

"How…how could you let this happen…dear Eirini please rid of us this evil…please…" a man cried from his cell. 

As Aborica sat there the horrific scene replayed through her mind over and over again. She continuously cursed Eirini's name and cried for her husband. Malu began to cry as well as she sat outside of her mother's room, hearing her father but not knowing what was happening.

"Mommy! Por favor mommy!" Malu cried out.

A loud thud followed and she could no longer hear her mother or father. A few days later she was sent to an orphanage where she would eventually learn the truths of not only that horrifying night, but the day after. At her young age she didn't know, but as she grew older Malu would find out her mother's head was placed atop her father's grave with the words guilty written across. As she learned more and more about how disgusting Excitatur was, her soul grew more and more black. She had but one thing on her mind and that was to find out who betrayed her father and who desecrated her mother's grave. 

Back to the present

"I wish I could've left you in a better situation. All the pain you had to endure at such a young age..." a voice wept.

"Eh? Mama? Responded Malu as she looked around. "Is that you?"

"HAhaa, you're such a crybaby. Grow up, we all had it hard. Heck I had my entire country ripped away from me, but you don't see me going around crying." Snickered a lady

"Who the-" Malu yelled out before ducking. "Una flecha? Who the hell still uses arrows to shoot at someone???"

"Ah, ah, ah, I'd watch my head if I was you." The lady snickered as she flicked her finger causing the arrow to fly towards Malu. 

"Brujería? I didn't know witches were still around." Thought Malu as she continuously ducked the arrow. 

The mysterious lady yawned before thinking to herself, "ugh I grow bored of this…it's only been five minutes and she's already tired. If only he were here this would be more fun. Oh well, guess I'll make my exit for now." 

A cloud of pink smoke appeared the her and with that she vanished into the night. 

"Was that…one of those cochinos from the PPF??? No, It couldn't have been…those idiots they don't have arrows. And why did it…smell like Almendra?" Said a befuddled Malu trying to catch her breath. "Whatever I need to go check on Vastago and make sure he's alright."

Malu made her way to Respicias. 

"I can't believe the same little shit who used to always on me is now a core member to my family. Hehe, you never did stop being un cachondo, but that did help you create a very successful brothel. I just hope you prepared those putas y putos to do more than just fuck around." Malu thought as she walked through the tunnels Vindicta had built. 

It took her about an hour but she eventually made it to Respicias. While she walked through the city she noticed many wanted posters with her face on them. Because this was a common theme throughout Excitatur she made sure to always have her hood on, so she was less recognizable to a passing face not paying her too much attention. 

"Thankfully these idiots never got color in their printers. I just look like a regular chica blanca here. Enough messing around Malu, time to get over to Vastago's!" Malu muttered to herself as she picked up her pace. 

As she approached his hideout the worst case scenario she had tried pushing out of her mine was close at hand.

Chale! Are you fucking serious? Not like this… " Malu said as she dropped to her knees.

Malu looked on as members of Respicias, Pecunia, and the Potestas Police Force surrounded Vastagos' hideout.

"You piece of trash, come out with your hands up!" Yelled a sergeant from the combined police forces. "If you obey, maybe one day you'll be able to see the light of a day. If not, we're gonna come in there and kill every last one of you criminals."

"Mierda! Mierda! MIERDA!" Malu whispered to herself

"Worried much my dear? You know, there's still time to help your friend before he's captured." Said a voice from around the corner. 

The mysterious voice caused Malu to jump back and pull out her pistol. Upon recognizing who it was, she calmed herself slightly but still kept a firm grip on her gun. 

"You've drawn your pistol so I guess that means you're ready to give up that life of yours eh? So young too. But I admire your courageous mindset nonetheless." Chuckled Tournament. 

"When it comes to mi familia, I'll do whatever it takes," Malu stated as she slowly lowered her weapon, looking back at the horrific scene in front of her. "'Sides that, I know you from somewhere don't I? Yeah, you're that bicho raro that put all that money on a fight a few weeks ago, aren't you? Why are you here? Were you following me or something?" 

Tournament stared on blankly.

"Aye dios mio I swear you fuckers come our homes and think 'learn their language? Nah they can adapt to us' you know there's a word for people like you. It's called colonizador. Colonizador de bicho raro!" Malu pondered a moment, then rolled her eyes before continuing. "Look, weirdo, try learning picking up another language, it'll help you communicate with more people." 

"Weirdo? Me? Pahaha, I guess with this mask on I am kind of weird, aren't I." Replied Tournament as they walked towards Malu's side. "As for your other questions, if you must know, I just so happened to be passing by when I saw someone who appeared to be Robin Hood hiding behind a wall. I hope I don't come off as more of a weirdo. I just felt like you'd be comfortable if you had someone beside you." 

"Whatever works for you 'cause all I care about right now is trying to save my brother and I don't know if that big ass hat of yours is blocking your view, but there's over thirty guards surrounding him." Malu stated as she pointed at the hideout. "So I don't THINK there's really time to mess around chatting." 

"Yes, yes, my dear, thirty angry guards. Anger pointed at your little gang. You know I bet they would much rather paint the streets of Respicias red with his blood, rather than take him to a cell. Don't you think? Questioned Tournament.

"I wasn't trying to think of that…" said Malu as her angst began to grow.

"That seems to be your problem. You only look at the path in front of you and think continuing to walk forward is your only option. But what if the road had an obstacle in front of it? Would you charge through like an angered bull or will you calm yourself like a dove and think about your options? People nowadays seem to be so intent on proving themselves and one-upping each other that nobody stops and thinks." Stated Tournament as they began to sit down. "Sit down with me for a second, my child. Even in this dire situation, it's still a nice day out. Why don't we use this beautiful day Eirini's given us to calm our nerves?"

"I don't have time for some hippie nonsense, so if you're not gonna help, then just shut up and leave me alone." Said Malu

Tournament sighed before responding. "You may be older than them but you're still just as immature."

"Don't speak to me as if I'm a child," Malu said angrily

"Then maybe you should stop acting like one." Snickered Tournament. 

"You want me to sit down with you while mi compa, my fucking brother, is inside with ALL THOSE FUCKING GUARDS ready to kill him!" Screamed Malu as she began to sob.

"And it'll all be because of you! Weren't you the one who created this little rag-tag group? Aren't you the one who calls herself the leader? If that's the case then you're responsible for everything that happens to them. So, if anyone is to blame for his death it'll be YOU. Of course, nobody will say it out loud, but you know deep down they'll all be pointing fingers at you. And it's because you're an incompetent leader. Heck, you even have divisions led by your little family, and it's all because you can't bear to manage all of that responsibility. I've done some digging into you, you've had a few of your members arrested and killed over this past year right? But they weren't brought in by you I bet, so they don't really matter huh? Pathetic. You're not special. You're just trying to get revenge for your parents. Revenge that you'll never get if you don't change." Tournament responded as their words struck Malu's body like a guillotine. 

Malu dropped to her knees as her tears watered the weeds cracking through the cement. Tournament put their hand on her shoulder. 

"I desire to help you, but only if you're willing to help yourself." 

Malu said nothing. She sat down with them and tried her best to calm herself. She sat back against the wall as she could hear the guards yelling out to Vastago. She tried thinking back to easier times, occasionally peeking at Tournament. She could see what appeared to be a slight smile on their face. For some reason, it helped calm her more. 

"You are strong, my child. You have persevered through so much hardship." A strange voice said.

After the previous encounter, Malu's eyes opened quickly and darted around. Except her entire surroundings were no longer the same as before. Everything was dark. She couldn't even see her hands in front of her.

"Where am I?" Questioned Malu. 

"Where you are doesn't matter, as much as this. Do not trust that one no matter what. They will only help you to gain something out of you." The voice said echoing through the strange place.

"You mean the weirdo in front of me, yeah I figured that-" Malu started to say before being cut off.

"No, but one very similar to them. One who also reeks of the same filth. Beware my child. The voice continued before putting her to sleep.

Malu began to look around. She was back in Respicias, though something seemed different. As she stood up her body did not follow, but words did. 

Wheel of Breath:

Calm- "Cerebral Connection"

Followed by: as your soul exits your body you may enter another, try to overpower them, and, if successful, take complete control of their body. This process may be repeated, but beware as your physical body will be defenseless. Should it be killed you will become a lost soul, forced to wander for eternity.

"Un espíritu…this is why I don't mess with witchcraft" Questioned Malu. 

She tried moving her body, but as expected she wasn't able to touch anything. The more she started to worry the more she started to fade. As she did, Malu was able to gain a little control over her body.

"Somebody throw me an ax, I'm taking down this damn door!" Captain Nighson yelled out. 

Malu ran towards him and grabbed his neck.

"Get yer ass over metiche!" Malu yelled out.

As she grabbed his neck, Malu could feel her soul slowly enter the man's body. She started to squeeze his neck more viciously, digging her nails into him causing blood to slowly spill out. The more she did the more she could feel herself entering his body.

"So how the hell do I take over his body? Puta madre, you could've given me a better instruction manual…"Malu muttered in frustration. "Wait was it that?"

Malu noticed what appeared to be the captain curled up like a fetus.

"Is that what I'm supposed to defeat? But how? It feels…slimy…esto es asqueroso." Malu continued.

"Who…who are you? Why are you here? This is a sacred place!" Questioned Captain Nighson's soul.

"Sacred place eh? So, you must be his soul. Tell your god, lo siento." Malu exclaimed as she shoved her pistol into the soul's mouth and pulled the trigger.

Upon killing him, Malu had taken full control of Nighson. She grabbed his gun and began firing at the other guards. Two of them dropped dead while the others ducked for cover. 

"What the HELL are you doing Nighson!? Those are your men!" Yelled out Captain Wan of Pecunia's Police Force.

"ARGHHHH! Whatever his reason's may be, it seems he sided with the enemy. Kill him! I'll take the blame for this call." Yelled out Captain Juu-san of Respicias Police Force. 


"FIRE!" Wan and Jun-San yelled simultaneously.

Before the captain could get his final words out he was shot multiple times, his body instantly dropping to the ground.

"Chale, why the heck am I feeling this? I need to get out of his body before I die!" Exclaimed Malu as she started coughing up blood. "So, if they get hurt, then I do too? ¡Chinga tu madre! I should've figured this witchcraft would come with more drawbacks. lo que, if I'm going down them I'm taking all you pieces of shits with me."

Malu ran over to the next officer and took control of him. As the fight went on the task became harder and harder. She was only to take down a few more officers with this method, but still twenty remained with backup in pursuit. 

"No more firing you idiots! I don't know what's going on, but our men aren't traitors! This has to be some sort of witchcraft and knowing those scum I wouldn't be surprised if they sold their souls to Synkrousi." Yelled Out Captain Wan.

"I'll take my men and we'll deal with this supernatural bullshit, you take yours and get that pimp out of there! I don't care if he's dead, I just want him taken down!" Commanded Captain Juu-san.

"Calm yourself, eh? Now what? I got half these idiots coming for me and I can't take over any bodies because they won't shoot each other anymore. What the heck do I do?" Malu said as she grew more and more worried about the situation. 

"I'm surprised you're not helping the needy like you usually do…Tournament." Snickered a young woman. 

"Pahaha if it isn't my best friend Rose. What brings you here? Get lost too?" Tournament joked.

"Tch, can it you irritant. Wasn't she your other candidate?" Questioned Rose as she flared her nostrils at Tournament.

"Ooouu, so feisty. Alas though I could easily help her, but it doesn't seem worth it. I don't see the same thing I saw in Felichs. When they took their first breath it was magical! They knew exactly what to do. However, Malum on the other hand used hers and arrogance clouded her judgment." Said Tournament shaking their head at the pitiful sight. "I will say, I do find it amusing how similar you two are." 

"HAhaa, don't compare me to her. I'm nothing like that trash over there." Snarled Rose.

Tournament pondered to themself a moment before responding. "I will admit you are a master with that bow of yours, Rose. But I think you overlook the skills these officers have. I mean, even though they are burning with the fire to slaughter a gang that has hurt so many of their own, they still have their minds clear and focused. They actually impress me." 

"ARGHHH…shut it! I'll handle this myself." Rose said as she nudged Tournament aside and readied her bow. "By the way, if the girl dies is it ok?"

"I have no need for her, so do as you please. Although, if you try keeping her alive then at least we won't have to clean up the mess." Chuckled Tournament.

Rose hopped on top of the wall and with her bow in hand readied four arrows. Her eyes set ablaze, the air slowed to a stand still as she slowly breathed in. The sun began to shine its light on her as if she were center stage. Then, with lightning quick speeds, she let off twenty arrows killing every single guard in an instant. As she breathed out the air moved once again but the lights still remained centered on the Orange Rose of Excitatur.

"My, oh, my! Now I see why they speak of you like a legend." Said a mysterious voice as they slowly approached while clapping. 

"Pahaha, well isn't this interesting? If it the man who refers to himself as the CEO of Excitatur-" Tournament started to say before being cut off.

"Mulahaha! You're right my mysterious friend! It is I. The one! The only! CEO of Excitatur Inc. Key Valentine! It's a pleasure to meet you both" Key said as he reached his hand out.

"I'll be making my exit. I don't have time to waste on either of these wanna-be leaders." Rose said, as smoke appeared like before, before once again vanishing.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure of Excitatur's ruler coming to me in person?" Tournament responded as they looked at the man's hand.

"Ahhhh you mean to tell me you're plotting against my country and can't even be man enough to shake my hand? Well, I guess you're wiser than you look." Key said before removing his glove. "I dipped it in poison, but after seeing your glove I was just hoping little ol' Rose other there would've shaken it."

"Funny, you say I'm plotting against your country, but in reality I'm just standing up to the neighborhood and taking back my friend's belongings." Tournament chuckled.

"Belongings, eh? Well, I reckon something belongs to the one with the most money and while you do have a fancy suit there, I would bet mine's just a lil more expensive." Key said as he rubbed his fist full of rings across his suit lined with emeralds. "Mulahaha, money can make the world go round and round, HELL she'll even do cartwheels if you throw enough her way."

As Key walked away, he continuously dropped wads of cash like a man dropping a rope to guide him out a cave. Tournament centered their attention back to Malu who had gotten back into her body.

"¿Flechas? Where's the witch at?! I'll kill her!" Questioned an angered Malu. 

"Pahaha, I think she's the least of your worries insolent fool. You failed Malu." Tournament said as a frown grew on their face. 

"Failed? You say it like this was a test." Malu started to say until seeing the grin form behind Tournament's mask. "Son of a…te mataré!" 

"Silence!" Yelled Tournament as their voice froze Malu in their tracks. "Honestly, you disgust me. I expected so much more from you. I set this all up because I wanted you in my tournament, but now whether you join or not doesn't concern me anymore." 

"You think I'll actually let you walk out here alive? Sure, against thirty others I struggled, but right now it's just me and you. Mano e mano puta or whatever the hell you are. I'll never, let someone hurt my family and get away with it." Snarled Malu as she held Tournament by their coat. "Ima …"

Malu dropped to her knees. It was as if all of her energy left her body. 

"Like I said, you disgust me." Responded Tournament as they pushed Malu over with their foot. "And a lowly dog like yourself will never so much as harm me."

"AYE! Get the hell away from her you bastard!" Vastago shouted out as he ran over to Malu. "Yo, what the heck happened to you?!" 

"I'm…just glad…you're ok…" Malu struggled to say as she coughed up blood. 

"Y-you came…to save me…?" Vastago sobbed as he hugged Malu. 

Exhausted, Malu was not able to speak anymore as she slowly started to pass out. 

"Now that she's good." Vastago started to say as he quickly attacked Tournament. "You're so dead!"

"Oh, ho? Another feisty one . "Tournament responded as they effortlessly dodged the punches from Vastago. 

"All you do…all you do is dodge! Fight me you coward!" An exhausted Vastago said as he wildly threw punches .

"What for? You're a child compared to me. Besides, I'd rather not touch filthy whore." Tournament chuckled.

"A child? Would a child know to do this!" Vastago yelled out as he fell to the ground.

"Giving up-?" Tournament questioned before falling to the ground. 

"Hehehe BADDABA-BING, BADDABA-BANG! That's another direct hit for Sweet Shot Suelo!" Suelo yelled out as she grinned from ear to ear slamming her rifle into the roof.

"Yaahooo! Good shot Suelo!" Vastago cheered.

Their cheers would rapidly change to angst as the clouds formed overhead, with the sky changing from its bright blue to a dull gray. Rain started to slowly pour in. The winds began to howl. Faint sounds of drums and pianos could be heard as if an orchestra were marching their way. A bed of flowers sprouted all over Tournament's lifeless body. As the last flower bloomed a loud BANG rang across the skies of Excitatur! 


"WHATEVER IT IS WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!" Vastago yelled out as he struggled to pick up Malu's body. "ARGH MALU THIS IS NO TIME FOR SLEEPING!"


The flowers covering Tournament were slowly absorbed into their body. 

"You dogs…you really think you're special, don't you? Your little gang can't even control a city, whereas mine…we can control this entire country." Tournament growled as they wiped their suit off. "Your fight is no longer against Excitatur's military…you're now in the presence of beings who've transcended humanity! 

"I-I-I thought they were dead?" Stuttered Vastago as he fell on his butt.

"Wh-wh-what the…WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU?" Suelo screamed as she struggled to get the words out.

Tournament's laugh grew louder and more wicked as they slowly removed their gloves and walked towards Vastago and Suelo. While her vision was blurry, Malu could make out the situation and tried her hardest to pick herself up. 

"If you even think about touching them…" Malu said as her legs shook viciously.

"Pahaha, maybe you're not a dog? No, no you're more like a fawn fresh out of the womb. The way your body shakes I can tell you now know what true fear is. I am the face of that fear." Tournament protested as they walked towards Malu. 

"The only thing I fear is not being able to avenge my parents. Other than that I'm not scared of a damn thing!" Malu responded as she spit in Tournament's direction.

"Hmph, I will not waste my time with you. Enter my tournament if you want, but don't expect a warm welcome, dog." Tournament stated as they put their gloves back on and walked away.

Tried as she might, Malu was not able to follow him as she was barely able to stand herself. Vastago and Suelo were both left frozen in their tracks. 

"You two…get it together…they're gone," Malu said, as she continued to struggle to get the words out.

"Y-y-y-you didn't see their face." Said a staggered Suelo. 

"I-I-I've never seen…anything like that… I don't think it was even human?" Questioned Vastagos as he rubbed his hands against his face.

"Let's just get back to hideout guys," Malu said as she threw her arms onto their shoulders.

The three struggled, but eventually they made it back safely. After relaying the events to Baya and Viento the five knew what to do. Malu would make her way to Fortuna to enter the tournament along with Viento. The others would continue working Excitatur, while also finding out any information they could on Tournament and the mysterious archer. 

"¿Las alcantarillas? I can't believe we have to go through sewers." Griped Malu. 

"It's the safest way there according to the chiquito. 'posed to be snowing the next day or two." Viento replied as the two walked through the sewage system.

"Aye Viento, tell me the truth. Who do think it was?" Malu questioned.

"¿La puta rata? Hard to say. We've all grown up together for years. I'd hate to find out someone's snitching." Viento asked as he started to slow down. "Why do you trust me so much though?" 

Malu looked up and sighed before responding, "You and I…our relationship isn't like the rest. Matter of fact, you didn't join until after you damn near killed me."

"Yeah…" Viento responded as he hurried his pace again.

The two continued to walk through the sewers. Because of the current state of Emovere, all of the sewers in the country were connected, meaning it was fairly easy to get from one state to the next while avoiding the harsh conditions. There were guards who patrolled their respective areas, but in these times nobody was truly loyal. A few bucks could pay off anyone. 

Meanwhile somewhere in Excitatur 

"Now that's a mighty fine gesture." Cackled Key as he put the note in his pocket and reached for his phone. "I think I might've found me a pretty interesting ally in this crooked world…Mulahaha!" 

Back in Fortuna

Eventually Viento and Malu made their way to Fortuna and marched straight to Their Council's House.

"You let her live…you've gone soft." Muttered Rose.

"Maybe you're right. Seize them at once. I want her with Felichs and Solis and the man in the room with THAT one. I believe he's grown bored all alone." Chuckled Tournament as they called out to Servus #11836.

"Yes, my lord," Servus said as she made her way to the phone. 

As Malu and Viento approached the estate a plethora of guards surrounded them. The two had no choice but to drop to their knees. As she looked around, she noticed Tournament in the window waving at her. Her anger grew as she knew exactly what had happened. In mere seconds the two were arrested, beaten, then dragged inside the house. 

"KEEHEEHEE! Company…eh? Will you…hear my story?" The man said as his eyes fixated on Viento's lifeless body. 


Who Are They?

Character: Malum Raddix

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 25

Ability: Wheel of Breath: Calm- Cerebral Connection, a mysterious ability that allows Malu’s soul to exit her body and take control of another body after conquering their soul. The downside is her body is defenseless and she gets exhausted quick from lack of training.

Likes: family, guns, apples, specifically green

Dislikes: red apples, laziness, disloyalty

Fun Facts:

1. Malum was originally supposed to be the main character of Emovere and this was going to be story of revenge

2. Her given name is Malum, but people close to her nickname her Malu

3. Malum is a big fan of dice and currently has the most wins amongst Vindicta. Malum (25 wins), Vastago (20 wins), Suelo (13 wins), Viento and Baya (10 wins)


*note: not everything is easy to translate, especially slang, so some of these may not be “correct” but they are depending on the area you’re from.

Ni madres: No way

A huevo chica: hell yeah girl

ñoños: nerds

Mi vieja: My girlfriend

mi amor: My love

Chale: literal translation (give me a break) but it’s basically used when frustrated

Te voy a partir tu madre: I’m going to kick your ass

Esto está la chingada: this is not good

por favor, vela por ellos: please watch over them

Corazón: heart

Diamanté: Diamond

Pala: Spade

Trébol: Clover

No mames: No way/ Come on

Lo siento, amor: I’m sorry love

Cálmate jefa: calm down boss (to a woman)

hijole: son of or goodness (basically frustration without finishing the sentence)

cochinos: pigs

No confío en ellos, huele a serpiente: I don’t trust them, it smells like a snake

No puedes atráparme papá: you can’t catch me dad

Que tenga un bien día: Have a good day

manzana pequeña: Small Apple

calienta mi corazón: warm my heart

Mi bombón: my sweetie

Mijita: my daughter

sería deshonroso por mi parte no estar con mis hombres: it would be dishonorable of me not to be with my men

Diosas por favor protéjanlo: Goddess please protect him

por favor: please

Brujería: witchcraft

almendra: almond

un cachondo: a pervert, a whore

putas y putos: another way to say whore for both genders

chica blanco: white girl

mierda: shit

mi familia: my family

bicho raro: weirdo

Colonizador: colonizer

Colonizador de bicho raro: creepy colonizer

hippie: hippy

mi compa: My friend

Un espíritu: a spirit

metiche: nosey

puta madre: son of a bitch

esto es asqueroso: this is nasty, disgusting

Chinga tu madre: fuck you motherfucker

lo que: whatever

Flechas: arrows

te mataré: I’ll kill you

mano y mano puta: (Malu was saying 1v1 but didn’t know tournament’s gender, puta/puta)

Las alcantarillas: the sewers

chiquito: kiddo

La puta rata: the fucking rat

Ashe_Waynecreators' thoughts