

One cold winter morning, children were playing

on the streets. On the far east of the city in a dark alley seven children were searching for food from the garbage.

All of them were orphans who lived on the streets. they have no one to take care of them so they have to take care of themselves at such a young age, 'Gang' the oldest out of the seven siad.....

"Ah .. I got a left over pizza here and only a quarter of it have been eaten....

he was so happy that he could not stop smiling

'Dame' one of the other kids said in a loud voice

" All of you come here .... today is a great day for us ....look... look I found a bag of money ....

Even though they don't get to go to school like other normal children of their age.....

They were illiterate ....but one of them 'Maw' can count and use money ...

'Maw' said ... " 'Dame give me the money ... I'll count it ... I will tell you how much is in there ...

'Dame replied with anger

"I can also count... " every one of them looked at him and they all started laughing ....

'Dame ran away ...and 'Khlain' one of the kids saw that there were tears coming from his eyes....

Khlain went after dame ....and yell at him to stop running

as he was running ...

'Dame who was almost out of the alley .... looked back at Khlain... and in that moment as he reached the street a car came and bump into the little boy ... and all of them were shocked with surprise ..and they scream and shouted

" Dame Dame Dame and tears were running down their cheeks ...

As they reached Dame they saw he was bleeding ... and they couldn't do anything but stare at him ....

the tears they shed a moment ago disappeared because they were shocked everything happened so fast...

they couldn't take it ... they are still children afterall....

When the driver of the car got out he was als shaking and he also couldn't do anything but just stare at the child ... it happened in an instance when he was busy talking and the moment he realise ...the child was already on the ground ......

he stood there like an idiot ...as he looked at the Dame who was lying on the streets and the children who were crying...

until a voice from behind woke him up...

"Eric you idiot what the hell are you doing standing there ... put him in the car and let's take him to the hospital."

Eric quickly took the child in his arms and put him in the car... and they went to the hospital ...

All the other children couldn't do anything and they couldn't believe what just happened .... the money that Dame was carrying were all on the ground now.....

"let's go follow them to the hospital Khlain said in a low voice but every heard him....

and they all replied with


As they were running they lost sight of the car ... Gang in the mean time was thinking to himself

There are many hospitals in this city where would they take little Dame.....

Soon he remembered a time when he was still alone in a part of the city .... a hospital for children ...and he quickly asked the others to follow him ...

They all agreed and started running behind him ....

When they were almost the hospital they saw a huge crowd at the entrance of the hospital .... they decided to watch from afar....what was going on there ....

but some of them didn't stop ... as they wanted to see Dame badly ....

but gang shouted

" wait where are you all going .... stay here a watch first ..."

Gang was a very smart boy ...

Khlain who was watching the crowd suddenly said

"There is a child there but he's not Dame ... and he could see people with mic...and camera....

gang said that they're reporters.....

they all look at gang and asked him with a smile ..... how did you know...?

he answered

" I heard some people a while ago said that they are reporters ...."

they were satisfied with his answer ...because they knew .... gang was very smart... and without him they wouldn't have survive this far....

this is my first time writing ...

so bear with me please ....

if I can continue writing ... I hoped ..

my writing will get better with time... I hoped....hahaha... had to say it twice....

james777creators' thoughts