
Emmitter Of Doom

Brian Strider is supposed to be the heir to the powerful family that protects the Earth's royal family but unlike the others he is anything but strong.He goes through a lot to get acknowledged by his family and that's when he meets a mysterious man who gives him a mark that steers him back to the duties of his past life.can he overcome the obstacles that he may face and fulfill his duty to the multiverse as the emitter of doom.

Council_of_sages12 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 13: Discussion

The stairs led to a dimly lit underground tunnel, following the tunnel the group ended up in a large dome shaped room. The room looked old and it was filled with a lot of weird articles which were probably ancient as well.  Mike looked around the room examining every portion of it, he felt like he was in a museum. One thing that caught his eye was the golden circle at the center of the room, he could see some strange energy emanating from it.

"What's that golden circle grandma?"

"Oh that, we're gonna talk about it later, first come take a seat", she said pointing them to a group of sofas gathered around a center table at the back of the room.

"So your true eyes have finally awakened", Mike's grandmother proceeded after everybody had sat down and was snacking on something

"Actually I think they awoke two years ago after dad died that night".

"Why didn't you say anything then!?"

"I didn't know what was going on with me, you've never told me anything how was I supposed to know you'd believe me if I told you".

"Then why did you tell me now?"

"For two years I've had these eyes that let me see people differently, I've figured that I can see into the soul of other people and I know all their emotions, so far I've seen those 'creatures' disguised as humans who killed my parents and one of my friends has two souls, a calm one and another ominous one that makes my eyes hurt. My point is, you've been telling me stories and stuff along these lines since I was a kid, I want to know the whole truth, I only lied to you because I knew you were hiding things from me too".

"It's customary to enlighten the person chosen by the true eyes, if you'd said something earlier I would have told you the truth about our family already, now listen carefully...

  ...Millions of years ago, creatures from space evaded this planet in hopes to wipe out the human race and take this planet as theirs, in the midst of our dilemma a god descended and sacked those creatures from the planet, but he knew they'd come back and in a way that humans wouldn't notice, so he selected our ancestor to possess the true eyes which can see through any guise, he was to pass down the power so that it's users would inform the world when those things return, but the world forgot this history because the human population that witnessed it then was small, there were no ways to record events and the knowledge failed to be passed down as new generations surfaced, our ancestors however kept this knowledge never failing to pass it down, and sure enough these creatures came back again in disguised forms, but the human race wouldn't believe the one person who could see them. Long story short, this god showed up again but this time he decided that humans needed to fix their own problem, therefore in exchange for loyalty to him, doing his every will and not having a will of your own he gave those who possessed the true eyes the ability to fight these creatures that were far more powerful than humans".

"So you're saying I'm gonna have to swear my loyalty to this god and lose my will in order to gain power to fight these creatures for the sake of the earth?"

"Basically, it is a sacred duty and you should be proud for being selected".

"Bullshit, I can't get a load of this crap".

"Language brother, when did you get so violent without my notice".

"How do you expect me to accept losing my freedom as a sacred duty, if there's one thing I'll never give up even to a god it's my freedom, secondly you want me to kill Brian?, I can't!, he's not done anything wrong. apart from the fact that his emotions say he hates humanity, I think there's a logical explanation because deep down he was filled with sadness and pain, someone must have hurt him to make him that way".

"This Brian, is he your friend with two souls"

"Yes, his me is Brian strider and he's my only friend"

" Wait did you say he's name is strider?!"

"Yes, he has a little brother who is very strong called Andrew with an op power, though Brian himself is strong he has no pulze ability"

"Then you must be mistaken, the strider family have been friends with our family since they helped out your great grandfather, your father was best friends with their current leader Lemuel who is probably Brian's father, if you're sure of what you say then don't get involved with that family. For now we're gonna have you learn about your powers and prepare you for the ritual where you'll pledge loyalty to the god of love".

"Like I told you earlier, I'm not going to become a puppet for a god just for the sake of saving this planet"

"Don't be foolish Mike, this is not the time for you to be rebellious".

"I'm done with this discussion!".

With that Mike walked away and exited the room, he honestly didn't want to become a stooge for this god, he didn't want to become like his cold heartless father, his grandmother affirmed that she didn't like the idea as well, she may not have said it but when she was talking about losing one's will, her emotions changed to that of genuine sadness. He was glad about one thing though, that he could be wrong about Brian being like one of the creatures that killed his mother the following night after his dad was killed, though he'd grown to hate those creatures he won't lose himself just to make them pay and that's why he's been training hard to become stronger, not to get revenge on them but to protect those he loved from them.