
Ember of the End

In the year 2251, the company 'DreamScape' made a revolutionary full-dive VR set. This soon spread through out the world, amd after 7 years, the MMORPG 'Purgator' was released. And in a city, with sky high buildings that pierced the skies, a young adult with a newly acquired VR set entered his house with the prospects of starting an adventure.

Haste_Holmer · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Recurve I

A boy with silky, medium, brown hair with slightly tanned skin was wearing a black T-shirt with a white collar and sleeves.

He was also wearing green pants, and on his feet were grey shoes.

He was holding a bow in his hand, aiming at a target about 45 metres away.

He drew the bow with knocked arrows and shot, the arrow flew through the air and hit near the middle.

If this was a match, he would've gotten 8 points for that shot.

"Phew, that wasn't a bad shot, maybe 7 points for that shot?"

He wiped the slight sweat on his forehead with his forearm and lowered his arm.

After some more practice he left the archery range and grabbed a sandwich.

He got onto his bike and drove off.

It was getting dark, it seemed to be around 4-5 Pm, but there were almost no cars, only he was on the road today.

He soon passed a sign that said "Wallentin Road"

And on it was also written "" Bicarias Forest,

Lieudo City ""

After going some distance, 5 minutes away from his home before entering the city, a police signaled him to stop.

"What happened sir?" The young biker asked politely, respecting the officers who spend their time upholding the law.

"Show me your ID young man"

Even though the officer was tired because of all the work he was doing, he didn't show it, instead he smiled at the young man for his respect.

"Alright officer"

He quickly opened his wallet which had some change, two credit cards and some other random things.

He pulled out his ID and showed it to the officer.

After checking the ID and checking if the pictures matched he looked back at the young man and said;

"William. 20. Born in Waleshire, phone numbe..."

The young man didn't know why he mentioned the ID's details, but he nodded his head and replied.

"Yes? Any problems officer?"

"No. Here, take it back"

William nodded his head and said his farewell to the officer who he most probably won't met again.

As William drove off on his bike, the officers eyes trailed along with the speeding bike.

"It's rare to see a young man who has respect for others, I hope he goes far in life"

The old police officer smiled to himself.


As William entered his house in Lieudo city, he saw a delivery man waiting outside his house with a truck next to him.

"Oh, it's Here already? I guess express delivery really is fast"

He walked up to the delivery man who had a piece of paper and pen with him.

"Mister William?"

William looked the delivery man up and down.

He was wearing a light blue shirt and black pants and with a tired expression he quickly gave the paper to Willaim and said "Please sign this for the your package"

"Thanks for the pen"

William quickly filled out the paper and gave it back to the worker.

"Thanks mister..."

He looked at the name tag that said 'Jerry Mistlelieu'

"No need! Let me get the content inside for you sir!"

Jerry cut him off before he could say his name, hoping to end his shift as quickly as possible.


He unlocked the door into his house and walked inside.

His house was a 2-story house with multiple high-tech facilities.

The delivery man Jerry got a large 7 foot tall box out and carried it inside with the help of a machine.

After he installed it inside with Williams specifications in mind, he quickly left.

"Setting this bad boy didn't actually take that long"

William smirked to himself and looked at the magnificent beauty that was the VR-Capsule in front of him.

It was quite high grade, one of the highest quality available to the public.

It had functions of brain safety, providing nutrition, etc. for consumer health and ergonomics.

William looked at his watch, which said 6:10 Pm.

"It's gonna launch tonight at 11, so I'll some shit eye before that"

And he slept.


In a tall building, larger than any around it, a woman sat in front of a desk with the latest computer on it.

"Boss, all the preparations are set for launch"

A man standing next to her and her colleagues swept his gaze across the whole room, and finally looked at the woman, smilling at her.

"Great job everyone, this took 6 years of development, but finally after multiple companies funding this project and the charity programs that took place, we finally have done it! This is going to change the industry forever everyone..."

Most didn't pay much attention to the speech, but they were all happy and glad that their hard work was finally paying off.

"...Everyone Is getting a raise!"

The whole room erupted in cheers.