
Ember’s Kiss “A Fiery Love that defies the Darkness”

In the small town of Oakdale, 16-year-old Rory Michaels struggles to find her place amidst family secrets and supernatural whispers. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she meets enigmatic Ethan Blackwood, a mysterious and captivating stranger with ties to the ancient magic that permeates Ashwood, a town shrouded in mystery and danger. As Rory's family moves to Ashwood, she finds herself torn between her forbidden love for Ethan and her growing connection to Liam, a charming and loyal friend with his own secrets. As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Rory must navigate the treacherous world of supernatural politics, family feuds, and ancient secrets that threaten to tear her apart. With the move to Ashwood, Rory must confront the darkness within herself and the truth about her family's past, all while embracing her own destiny and the fiery love that will change her life forever.

Sylvie_Gold · Fantasi
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28 Chs

Chapter 10: Secrets and Smiles

As Aurora walked home, she couldn't shake off the warm feeling that lingered long after her encounter with Liam. Her mind replayed their conversations, and her heart skipped a beat every time she thought of him. When she arrived home, she found her mom and brother, Alex, in the kitchen, cooking dinner together. Alex turned around, his eyes scanning her face, and teased, "Hey Rory, you're looking awfully rosy today!" Natalie, her mom, noticed her flushed cheeks and asked, "Honey, what's got you glowing? Did something happen at school?"

Aurora forced a shaky smile, trying to downplay her excitement. "No, nothing happened, guys. I just feel like I'm fitting in really well, that's all." She quickly added, "I'm starving, so I'll just go freshen up and come down for dinner." Without waiting for a response, she hurried upstairs, locked her bedroom door behind her, and let out the breath she'd been holding since she walked in.

As she leaned against the door, her heart still racing, she couldn't help but wonder if Liam had anything to do with her newfound happiness. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but her mind was already racing with thoughts of him...

Aurora changed into a comfortable pair of pajama pants and a cozy nightshirt, trying to shake off the lingering excitement. She took a few deep breaths, attempting to composed herself before heading back downstairs. As she entered the kitchen, the aroma of freshly baked lasagna filled the air, making her stomach growl with hunger. Natalie and Alex were setting the table, and Alex gave her a playful nudge. "Hey, sis, we saved you some garlic bread."

As they sat down to eat, Aurora tried to focus on the conversation, but her mind kept drifting back to Liam. She couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking of her too. Just as she was starting to relax, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She excused herself, hoping no one noticed her trembling hands as she pulled out her phone...

Liam's POV:

As I walked through the front door of my house, I couldn't shake off the feeling of excitement that lingered long after my encounter with Aurora. I had never felt such a strong connection with someone before, and it left me both thrilled and unsettled.

I dropped my backpack on the floor and headed straight to the kitchen, hoping to find some leftovers from dinner. My mom had cooked my favorite dish - chicken parmesan. After devouring the food, I felt rejuvenated and decided to retreat to my room.

After freshening up, I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, and my thoughts drifted back to Aurora. Her smile, her laughter, and her piercing light blue eyes haunted me. I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing at that moment.

My phone seemed to be calling out to me, urging me to reach out to her. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was too soon, but my curiosity got the better of me. I pulled out my phone and sent her a text:

"Hey, Aurora. I couldn't stop thinking about you. How's your night going?"

I hit send and waited anxiously for her response, my heart racing with anticipation.

I pocketed my phone, deciding to put my thoughts of Aurora on hold for a while. I needed a distraction, and my little sister Emma was always a good one. I changed into a simple polo and juggers and headed to her room, hoping to find her in a good mood.

As I entered her room, I saw her sitting at her desk, surrounded by textbooks and notes. She looked up and smiled, her black eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hey, Liam! How was your day?"

I sat down beside her, ruffling her curly brown hair. "It was good, Emma. How about yours?"

We chatted for a while about her day at school, her friends, and her favorite subjects. She was a bright kid, and I loved hearing about her adventures.

As our conversation wound down, I asked, "Hey, where's Mom and Dad?"

Emma's expression turned serious. "Mom went out to get some things, and Dad is out back talking to the pack warriors."

My instincts prickled at the mention of the pack warriors. Something was brewing, and I didn't like it. But I didn't want to worry Emma, so I kept my concerns to myself.

"Okay, kiddo. Just make sure to stay inside and lock the doors, okay?"

She nodded, her eyes wide with understanding. "I will, Liam. I promise."

I gave her a reassuring smile and a gentle pat on the back before leaving her room. As I walked out, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Little did I know, my night was about to get a lot more interesting.

As I made my way downstairs and to the backyard, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, hoping to see a message from Aurora, and I wasn't disappointed. Her name flashed on the screen, and I couldn't help but smile as I remembered our moments together in the library and cafeteria. I had saved her name as "Little Wolf" because of her bravery, strength, and energetic spirit. But as much as I wanted to chat with her, I knew I had to prioritize the pack's business. My dad, Alpha Eric, was talking to the pack warriors, and the tension in the air was palpable.

I approached them, my eyes scanning the scene. My dad stood tall, his black eyes gleaming in the moonlight, his dark brown hair a stark contrast to my own. I had inherited my mom's deep blue eyes, but my dad's hair color. My sister Emma, on the other hand, had inherited our dad's eye and hair color. I was almost as tall as my dad, my muscles well-formed from years of training and exercises. I didn't take nonsense from anyone, just like my dad.

As I approached, I noticed pack guards were present, which only added to my concern. Something was seriously wrong. I called out to my dad, using his first name as a sign of respect. "Alpha Eric?"

He turned to me, his expression stern, and nodded for me to continue. "I'd like to have a word with you, if you don't mind."

He dismissed the others and walked towards me, his eyes locked on mine. I could feel my canines growing, my eyes itching to shift to golden yellow as he spoke. "Vampires, Liam. Three teenage vampires were caught trying to sneak past the borders and into our territory."

My anger flared, but I kept it in check, knowing my dad needed me to stay calm. "Isn't this the third time this month? What about the treaty we signed? Are they just ignoring it now?"

My dad's face darkened, his annoyance evident. "I don't know, son, but I intend to find out. This cannot continue, especially with your sister's birthday and shift coming up. She's turning nine, and you know what that means."

I nodded, trying to pacify my wolf, Amir. He was restless, eager to take action, but I knew my dad's word was law.

"Okay, dad, I trust you. Good luck, and when you get back tomorrow, you'll have to tell me everything, deal?"

My dad smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Deal, son. You'll know everything the second I get back. Now, let's go inside. Your mom should be back by now, and all this pack business has made me hungry for dessert."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Is there any time you're not hungry, dad?"

He laughed, his deep voice rumbling. "Of course, son! It's just that your mom's cooking is the best in the world."

I grinned, agreeing with him. "I guess that's something we can both agree on."

As we walked inside, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. The vampire threat was growing, and I knew my dad would do everything in his power to protect our pack. But I also knew that I, as his son and future alpha, had a role to play in this. And I was ready to face whatever challenges came our way.

As we entered the house, the warm scent of freshly baked cookies enveloped us, and my stomach growled in anticipation. My mom, Annalise, greeted us with a bright smile, her eyes sparkling with warmth. We exchanged hugs, and my dad whispered something in her ear, making her laugh.

We gathered around the dinner table, Emma joining us with a bounce in her step. My mom brought out a decadent chocolate cake and the cookies we smelled earlier , and we dug in, savoring the rich flavors. The conversation flowed easily, with jokes and stories shared around the table. For a brief moment, I forgot about the vampires and the pack's troubles.

As we finished our dessert, my dad suggested we head upstairs to our respective rooms to retire for the night. I nodded, feeling a mix of exhaustion and restlessness. As I entered my room, I was enveloped by the familiar comfort of my surroundings. My room was spacious, with black walls and white furniture, giving it a masculine, sleek feel. A large window overlooked the backyard, and a plush area rug added warmth underfoot.

I tried to focus on my homework, but my mind kept wandering back to the vampires and the pack's safety. I finished my assignments quickly, my mind preoccupied. Next, I decided to exercise, knowing it would help clear my head. I grabbed a towel and headed down to the gym in the basement.

As I began lifting weights, my thoughts drifted to Aurora, my Little Wolf. I dropped the barbell I was lifting and picked up my phone to reply to her message.

"Hey Liam, I'm eating dinner with my family and my night is going well. What about yours?"

I smiled, feeling a sense of connection to her. I quickly replied, "Just finished dinner and doing some exercise now. Missing you, though." I put down my phone and went back to my exercise, feeling a sense of determination wash over me.