
Embattled throne of emerald city

A wonderful world but danger is everywhere. Dragons are the overlords and chaos fills the world as a virus till tigers and lions had enough of it. Dragons are in danger and red tiger challenges the blue dragon and defeat him but .. Will dragons come back again will tigers be able to restore the world in order and peace lets find out..

Hilary_muiruri · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

The conspiracy of the realms part 2 ( choosing side in the great war)

Two days ago before Darkling invaded the lower realm of angels, dragons were forced to choose side, the dragon tribes council was called upon to deliberate on this issue. This council was the highest in the dragon race where all old powerful dragons decided, in normal situations the dragons would be on merry mood and the atmosphere would be lively. But today, things were totally different since the patriarch had informed them including the secluded dragons thus the heavy gloomy atmosphere.

The first elder of council stood and said " patriarch and fellow elders i suggest let rebel against heaven after all we are supposed to be sovereign rulers of this plane and now we have to fight for our own birth right damn them damn the heavens."

He sat down and he was supported by more than half but the 5 most powerful defenders did not speak but were listening to the foolish utterance of the elders.

"Let call back the lord darkling and collaborate with them" one elder said.

" I have been itching to beat the hell out of those winged punks, man what are we waiting for patriarch?" other elders came out strongly.

The flame was fanned until three quarters of the council led by first elder had just fallen out with heavens, but, still a few rational elders supported heavens totally.

" Remember dark realm has no sovereign ruler but only 6 puny prince and they await for their king. Mmmmmmh remember how the creator trusted us with this realm to be guardians and also archangels treat us well, how can you forget all these just because you are arrogant and prideful ptui you lot old punks you stink know that" they snapped angry.

One of the guardians had enough with these arguments, he roar mighty to the sky and then said "SILENCE ALL OF YOU" After wards he sat down with its wings retracted and no noise could be heard . The patriarch stood from the throne which was at the very front and said " since the council is in favor of the dark side so its decided we shall support them but we need to preserve our bloodline hence those not in favor you shall sent away from this plane of high order of the cosmos myriad word to the lower plane to hidden some of the young dragons. I repeat ENSURE THEY SURVIVE do you understand elders"

"Yes we do and we shall oblige to you orders patriarch" they chorused as they bowed down.

"Next we shall double security in the dragons territory and deploy our west flank army to the north where darklings are situated to show our loyalty and the rest of army to be ready any time for my orders to unify this realm " he continued but deep down in heart he knew that this was a foolish errand but hope for the best at the end. The meeting was adjourned and everyone apart from patriarch. The throne room was silent until a mass of darkness materialized to a young man unsurprised it was the same darkling . He said " nicely done now let's in the north a good show shall we?" Then he vanish without waiting for the response from the blue dragon. The dragon said " damn the grand scheme of things, i feel like i can puke now what are we then puppets in their hands? i wish to go back where these giants were not scheming and battling out. Well then let's see the 'good show'" He then disappear as his words echoed through the room. 

On the side of cats the elders came with 5 archangels and told them the preposition of heaven and the plots of the blue dragons. The cats immediately called upon emergency meeting of a joint high council of the cat elders. As soon the elders arrived the meeting began after the leaders announced the main cause for the meeting. 

All elders did not opposed at all since this matter was above them since the two realms at war were also massive empire with thousands of eons that minus high heaven because that the candle of creation and habitation of the Ancients. The cats knew the high heavens will not stand down in the sight of provocation hence wise choice stand with Ancients and live. 

"Those dragons made a wrong move in this matter ah do they think the dark princes stand a chance against Ancients. Hahaha! Fools they are "

Preparation were made swiftly and coordinated in the presence of the elders. First elder of high heaven point to the north of this plane and shouted " TO THE NORTH"


 Back to the battlefield...

The confrontation of the supreme races led to total displacement of the north inhabitants. On the hour of heavenly sacrifice to the Ancients, all angels withdrew first to do their most scared duty to praise and pray to the Ancients. As they withdrew a mighty divine formation closed up the lower realm, to much amused darklings then they gloated and ridicule the angels running before the end of the battle. 

Not until a west wind came over with massive killing intent then beastly roars were heard from west quaking the ground. The sky darken as if doomsday had arrive then a voice " HOW DARE THE DOGS OF DARK COME WITH THEIR FIFTLTHY TO CAUSE TROUBLE IN MY REALM OF ANGELS ARE YOU COURTING DEATH?" Anger was evident then streaks of lights were seen coming upon the darkling race killing the off-guard army. 

Again the south wind came repelling the approach army then a voice chuckled " Seriously how can heaven afford to bring lowly cats in this war anyway dragons i give cat banquet remember to leave some for me" Then dragon responded " YES SIR LORD DARKLING"

The dragon arrived at the battlefield and hell broke loose as fire rained down all elements went amok. Darklings had a short breather but the hour passed quickly and a billion angry low ranked angels came down and battled with crazy fellows. The darklings army with their allies were overwhelmed and were planning for a retreat.

Until a voice from the most silent realm in the myriads of universe the Most high heaven" ENOUGH ALL OF YOU" 

Everyone was shaking and trembling as He spoke suddenly a golden light descended and all high ranked angels stood besides the low ranked angels and judgement was about to be rendered until the dark realm opened up and mysterious thing happened.