
Years Ago


"He's a what?"

An elf, I sign. An elf, Aemin. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just thought...

"I did notice that you were happier these last few weeks." My brother says, fixing a pointed glance at me. "But I never expected—"


He points a shocked finger at Kaz, who's just standing there with a completely passive expression.

"Is he our mystery hunter?!"

I nod.

His head whips towards his direction. And then he asks something that's so totally unexpected, yet so expected at the same time.

"Did you try my cherry pie? Did you like it?"

Of course. It's Aemin.

Kaz's eyes flicker briefly to the side before he nods. But even before he can say anything else, my brother is all over him.

"I've been wanting to meet you for so long— I cannot believe that Rinei literally knew about you all this time and didn't tell me!" He exclaims, his eyes practically sparkling.