Elon, a devil powerhouse from ancient times, awakens from its slumber, revealing the truth about the witches and why it must fight to crush them all. (I really want the contest's rules to be fixed.)
In a dark cavern within the devils' territory, Elon stirred from his dark slumber.
Elon, a powerhouse from ancient times, the equivalent of a Saint to the devils, forced into hibernation after confronting the witches.
The wroth expression on its dark, wrinkled face displayed its rage clearly.
The witches had forced it to the brink of death before, but now it was finally awake again, Elon could wreak havoc on the world once more.
Suddenly, the devil's eyelids opened, revealing its pitch-black eyes. Every muscle and tendon in its body creaked as it abruptly stood up.
Flexing its limbs, like a school kid warming up before games, Elon tested the condition of its body. He gave his arms a Tug to wake them up.
'It's been too long.
'I've allowed the witches to recover their strength.
'I, Elon, won't stand for it any longer.
'To make a stand I must fight back against those wretched witches.
'For what's right, I must purge the true evil in this land.'
Few knew this, but the devils used to be humans, too. However, they had undergone drastic genetic experiments to enhance their bodies.
Why would they do that to themselves?
To escape from the witches' slavery.
In ye olden times, the witches ruled over all the land, suppressing the commoners with brute force. Anyone without powers was worth less than dirt to them.
In a bid to save themselves and their descendants, a group of commoners—lead by Elon himself—underwent dangerous experiments, eventually turning into devils.
Not everyone could survive such a risky procedure. Never theless, innumerable people still volunteered. Many of their members died; many lost their minds and rationality. The few who survived found their personalities twisted. However, they all retained their determination and unity to achieve their goal.
'We cannot let our descendants suffer under the witches' oppression, not again. For their freedom, we must crush the witches while we can, before they rise up once more.
'Just like a Phoenix that rises from the ashes, if we give them more time, they will regain their rule over commoners.'
Elon thought back to the time it had been human. As a father, he had loved his little boy, Bill, and his wife, Miya, with all his heart. It was because of him that he had organised the group now known as the devils.
Opening the door of its ancient abode, Elon stared at the rising sun for the first time in many long years. At first, the brightness blinded it, but as its easy adjusted to the light, it stared out at the beautiful scenery, which was a stark contrast to its gaunt, Lonely figure.
'This is the land we saved from those b*stard witches; this is the land we saved from oppression.
'The common folk may not know the truth behind all this, but we know it's for their own good.
'We know we are fighting a just cause for the sake of all humanity.
'Even if the witches and church have set the people against us, we will not abandon them.
'For what is right, for freedom, for humanity, we must make this stand.'