Follow along as the original character Ethan Hilt starts opening up and interacting with notable characters as he lives the day as an semi-ordinary genius, with a penchant for mischief. But when he wears a mask or disguise he becomes a different persona altogether. Well depending on which mask he wears. Of course, he enjoys not being alone in his new endeavors. He also delights in the slow but almost infinite progression in his abilities and... powers? This story has Ethan's perspective much of the time but just as he isn't the only character in the universe their is other characters living their lives and interacting as well. So watch as a tale unique in story unfolds as more and more characters interact and stories intertwine. This Story will update every two weeks on Saturday The main character is neither a hero nor a villain as he prefers to just follow along his own code. Of course it doesn't stop him from doing some good. Or even getting up to some mischief to other character's dismay.
He was awoken as stray rays of sunlight shone through his window. Stretching in his bed he slowly crawled out of his bed. He was soon dressed in a simple pair of jeans, a black short sleeved shirt, and red ESU sweater. He was then pocketing his phone, wallet, and his keychain as he walked out the door. Making his way out of his apartment he gave a quick wave to the older woman that lived downstairs, "Out for your morning run Miss Webb?" His voice had a New Jersey accent to it.
"Yes, I am Mr. Hilt. I assume you are off to work?" The woman had black hair with stripes of white. Her hair swayed as her silver eyes glazed over for a moment before she looked at him with a radiant smile. "Good luck on your fortuitous encounter today."
The man stopped for a moment and nodded, "Thank you Miss Webb. Good luck with your fortune reading today!" He proceeded out of the building past the building Caretaker who grunted in annoyance as the man waved at him and tried to tell him good morning. Shrugging in indifference he walked out of the door.
It was still early in the morning as only the rays of sunlight were shining thinly through the buildings. The man made his way down the sidewalk past brick buildings and alleys with shaded spots where the homeless stayed. With the morning smog blocking most of the light.
New York City, New York
7:26 AM, April 27, 2011
He eventually arrived at the subway. Walking down he swiped his card and waited for the subway. It was not long before one arrived, full of people. He sighed as he stepped aboard. He stood for a few minutes before it arrived at his stop. Stepping out with a swarm of people he exited onto a busy street where he could see the building he worked at.
In front of the building was a classic yellow school bus, a class of High School Juniors from Midtown were getting a tour today. The CEO of the company's son was part of the class, which is more than likely how the school got permission for the tour in the first place.
Ignoring the bus he walked past the crowd of students that had gathered in between the bus and the building. Walking inside he smiled at the desk attendant and slid his employee badge before a gate unlocked and he walked in further to the building past the security. Walking to the stairs he swiped his card to enter and walked up the stairs. Arriving at the second floor rather quickly he received a text message and quickly checked his phone.
The message was from 'BMDumby 17', the message said, "I dropped off the flash drive at the second floor's Lost and Found. Now please destroy those photos."
The man gave a slight smile before he proceeded into the locker room where he opened his locker. Inside was a bulletproof vest with the word 'OSCORP' that were in bold white letters on the front and 'Security' on the back. There was also a pair of black combat boots and a green baseball cap. In a basket hanging on the door was a stun gun and an extendable baton while his belt hung from the door as well.
He pulled off his sweater and put on the rest of his equipment and gear. Spending a few minutes getting all his gear together and putting his sweatshirt inside before he closed his locker. Straightening his hat and double checking his gear before he walked out into the hall. He walked down the hall and entered the Security room. Inside was a dark skinned man standing by a group of others giving orders.
"Murise and Billings you will be patrolling the grounds later. For now you will be on the cameras and relieving Jamey while he patrols. Any questions?"
""No Boss Hoxsin."" The pair responded in unison.
Boss Hoxsin nodded and grunted in acknowledgement. Then he turned to the man who just arrived, "Kid? You're early? Good." Boss nodded before motioning for him to follow. "Jackson didn't show up for work today and he was scheduled to help me and Dr. Hamilton move a…" He pulled out a clipboard and looked at it. "Project Arachnid, to an offsite facility. You will be helping me in his place, come on." The Boss walked to the door and the man followed him out of the room.
"Supposedly the project is being set aside temporarily, so we are moving it to a warehouse in New Jersey." Boss explained as they made their way to a cargo elevator lift. "We will need this lift to move the cases of spiders to the garage."
The elevator stopped on their level and Boss pulled the cargo elevator door open. They stepped on and the man that Boss called Kid grunted in response. He rarely talked at work, he saw no need. Mostly because he did not want to get to know his co-workers.
The Boss pressed the button labeled 23 and swiped his card. "Today should be a relatively easy day for you. Usually they have actual personnel move it but for 'security reasons' we are moving it instead. I hope you understand."
"Yes sir." The 'Kid' acknowledged Boss's words as the elevator went up. Arriving at the 23rd floor they stepped out into a hallway. At the other end of the hallway was an emergency staircase. In between the two was a security door with a keycard reader.
As they walked up to it, Boss swiped his card and they entered an open lab room where there was a lot of movement. In the center of the room was a one armed scientist giving a tour of the lab to a group of students. The rest of the scientists on this floor were doing versions of biotech research. But Boss and the 'Kid' made their way past them to a room that had black tinted windows.
The Boss slid the card again and the door opened. Inside was a dark room but the lights slowly started getting brighter when they walked in. Along the walls and by the glass were several Spider Terrariums. Inside some were large spiders but inside others there were smaller ones or some even lacked any.
"Creepy… now we just have to wait for Dr. Hamilton. Take a look around in the meantime." Boss told him.
The 'Kid' started looking at the various spiders. In the Terrariums were spiders of various colors he walked up to one labeled '003' it was black with glowing red lines. It was the size of his thumb tip and after a moment of staring at it the spider disappeared. It didn't just run off, it was like the spider had some form of camouflage or invisibility. After a moment of squinting he realized he could still make out the blur of where the spider is.
He moved over to another container marked '068' inside as it was a white spider with pink lines that turned invisible as he walked past. Ignoring it he decided to take a look at another. This one was in a container labeled '666' . It was a red spider with black lines and horns on his head. It was the size of its hand, he thought it might turn invisible again but instead it shot forward and struck the side of the cage, hissing at him.
He walked to the next terrarium labeled '083' . It had a black spider the size of his thumb with blue and green lines that were glowing. It started clicking and rubbing itself up against the container wall.
"Okay-" the door opened and in walked a white haired old man in a white lab coat his hair was disheveled and he had bags under his eyes. "Ah! You must be Security. Thank you again for your help." The man seemed at the end of his wits with nervousness that could be heard. "Because of the… sensitive nature of the project. We will be moving them slowly and discretely over the next six days."
"Understood!" Boss nodded to the 'Kid', "He is Ethan, but I call him Kid and I am Bruce Hoxsin, but my subordinates call me Boss."
"Then I will call you… Boss." Dr. Hamilton turned to the door, "I left a trolley outside, and we are going to move them to a facility in New jersey. I will give you an address in the car. Boss you grab the trolley, and you Ethan, I will show you how to take the terrariums off the wall." Dr. Hamilton walked towards the wall while Boss stepped outside to push the trolley inside.
Ethan followed Hamiliton to the wall and watched as he unlatched a terrarium from the wall before he carefully carried it to the trolley the Boss had brought in and set it down. Ethan nodded and then took another terrarium down and put it on the Trolley. They continued to do this until there were sixteen terrariums on the trolley in total. They are stacked two high, four across, and two thick.
"Okay, now let's get it down to the garage. I have a van waiting for us, it is already checked out." Dr. Hamilton remarked while he started making marks on his clipboard. "Push the cart, 'Kid'."
Ethan rolled his eyes as he backed out while pulling the Trolley along. While he was moving with Boss Hoxsin and Dr. Hamilton to the cargo elevator.
Meanwhile across the room, a bright young man that is 16 years old with Hazel colored eyes and brown hair pushed up his glasses with one hand while his other hand had a camera. He looked through the focus and took a picture of what they were currently being shown.
"Now this is Oscorp's newly created DNA splicer, with it we can combine the DNA sequences of two species seamlessly. We can even customize and alter the sequences to our liking." Doctor Connors, the one armed scientist that was showing them around, showed them the machine. It seemed like a black cube with two glass holes where vials could be placed.
To the young man's right, a redhead of the same age with freckles raised her hand. "Doctor Connors, does Oscorp not think it is reckless to splice DNA?"
Doctor Connors showed a tired smile, clearly he was used to this girl's questions. "Miss Watson, we do not actively splice DNA without permission from the government. But that does not mean we cannot create a machine or in this case a better machine to achieve a cleaner result. Which is what we have done Miss Watson. As for any DNA we do splice, it would be with the permission of the government and they would hold any blame for what occurs." Doctor Connors then looked around at the students, "let's go look at our large holographic projection room next."
As Doctor Connors and the other's walked away the brown haired young man got a bit closer and focused on getting a better picture of the machine. He clicked and he got a photo and went to take another when he felt something bite his hand.
He quickly shook his hand throwing off the red and blue spider that bit the back of his hand. He stared as it moved away for a moment.
"Peter!" A voice called to him, he looked up from the spider to see the redheaded girl looking at him. "You coming?"
"Yeah MJ!" Peter turned to look at the spider again but it was already gone. He remembered the red markings on it were actually quite strange. He followed after his friend. He would soon forget about the spider bite on his hand… for at least a few hours.
The blue spider with red markings slowly made its way to one of the vents and climbed inside, slinking away.
In the garage, Ethan pushed the trolley out of the elevator and in front of them was a van. Dr. Hamilton walked forward and opened the rear end. "Put it inside, we have a second trip we will have to make today as well after this."
Ethan pushed the trolley into the back of the van and climbed into the seat by the back doors and closed them as Dr. Hamilton and Boss climbed into the front seats. Ethan leaned back and rested his head as the van started up.
"What's in this canister?" Boss held up a spray canister that was sitting in the cupholder.
"It's Ethyl Chloride Pesticide. It won't kill the subjects if they escape but it is enough to stun them, at least long enough to retrieve them." Dr. Hamilton quickly explained. Then Boss started up the van and drove out of the underground garage.
None of them talked during the drive, the only times were when Boss asked for directions from Dr. Hamilton. Ethan even managed to fall asleep.
Unknown to them one of the cages silently opened and a black spider with glowing green and blue lines crawled out then went towards Ethan and climbed up his leg and into one of the pockets inside his vest. Once the spider was out of its terrarium the roof of the terrarium closed just as silently as a yellow spider with white lines looked on, then it calmly went and hid in a shaded part of its cage.
Ethan woke with a start as he was jostled awake as the van came to a complete stop. Blinking a few times he stretched his arms before he looked to the front as Boss climbed out of the door. He could see they were inside of a warehouse and that Dr. Hamilton was pulling closed a garage door. Ethan opened up the back doors to see a more open and white lab area. It seemed they were not stopping this project, it looked rather like they were just moving it.
Ethan sighed as he stepped out and pulled the trolley out of the van and into the center of the lab. "Okay Doc, where are we putting these?" Boss asked.
Dr. Hamilton walked over, "There are labeled spots along that wall for all of them." He then walked over to a computer terminal and started typing.
Ethan looked at Boss who just shrugged in response before he started moving the terrariums. It took them a lot longer to put them up then it did to get them down. After setting them all down Ethan pushed the trolley back into the van.
"Come on Doc, we are all done here." Boss told Dr. Hamilton as he closed Ethan in the back with the trolley.
Dr. Hamilton nodded before he walked over to the passenger door and opened it while Boss opened the garage. Boss climbed into the driver seat and drove out of the garage. Once outside he climbed out and closed the garage door making sure to put on a padlock.
Ethan then leaned back and fell asleep again. Or at least until Dr. Hamilton and Boss started to talk. He woke up when they had yet to even cross the bridge back into New York.
"Hey Doc, we haven't eaten anything all day mind if we stop off to grab a bite before we get into traffic?" Boss asked.
"I don't mind but this is about the only thing we will be doing today. Well besides setting up the trolley full of another set so we can take two trips tomorrow." Dr. Hamilton responded dryly with his almost soulless look glancing back at Ethan.
"Okay," Boss then turned on the radio to the morning news.
"Welcome to New York's Radio News! To start with the green muscled creature that the military has been pursuing was spotted once again. This time in Toronto Canada, we got reports that despite it being in Canada, General Ross has led a squadron that he has named, 'Hulk Busters' in order to catch or kill the creature. In other news the scientist named Reed Richards is set to lead a team to investigate the properties of the passing cosmic storm. Even famed model Jonathan Storm and extraordinary pilot and astronaut Benjamin Grimm are along for the ride as this project is in competition with the Latvarian Space Telescope which was said they would be taking readings of the storm from afar. But if people want something a little more close to home they can-"
Ethan continued listening to the radio until they got to a drive-in at a fast food chain, "kid what do you want?"
"A Cheese Burger, everything on it and a bottle of water." He then looked towards the front, "I am parched from all the talking." Boss started chuckling while continuing ordering while Dr. Hamilton smiled thinly.
"A burger and root beer for me." Dr. Hamilton stated.
Boss nodded before looking out the window. "We will have a cheeseburger with everything and a bottle of water. A burger meal with a root beer. Then the last will be ... .hmm… chicken tenders meal with a lemonade drink." He listened and then nodded before he drove through to the window.
After paying and picking up their food they continued on their way while eating. Ethan noticed several times that Dr. Hamilton was rather ravenous while eating but still maintained that lifeless look in his face. Ethan frowned but did not say anything.
Arriving he climbed out of the back, pulling the trolley again. He then pushed it into the cargo elevator before Boss pulled the door closed. He then swiped his card and pressed the button for the 23rd floor. "Dr. Hamilton I think we get the idea, you can go get the van parked while Ethan and I set up for the guard that will work with me tomorrow."
Dr. Hamilton looked at Boss with a frown before he nodded, when they arrived at the 23rd floor he walked to the stairs while Ethan and Boss went to the dark room with the terrariums.
Ethan walked inside while pushing the trolley before he and Boss started putting the terrariums on the trolley. He looked at the Boss who nodded.
"We are done. Come on, I need to get you set up in the surveillance room on the second floor." he asked.
When they entered a guard that was sitting at the terminal celebrated. "Sweet now I can stretch my legs!" The man was sloppily dressed and when he walked up to them Ethan could smell the alcohol on his breath.
Ethan ignored him and walked towards the security terminal, he looked at the various views the camera's were taking.
"You can only blame yourself, Jackson. I told you yesterday to be here on time. Tomorrow you will show up here at 5 am or you will be out of a job. Now come on, we are going on patrol and to relieve the others." The Boss said as he left the room.
"Oh come on!" Jackson exclaimed as he left the room. "You can't really-" His voice was cut off as the door closed.
Ethan sighed then walked toward the door. Leaving out of it he walked down the hall to a closet and opened the door. Inside was a box labeled Lost & Found he rummaged through and found a USB that was placed inside. He pocketed it then off to the side was a box labeled 'anti-Jackson', he picked it up. He then walked back to the security room and after opening the box he pulled out some sanitizing spray and then used the end to shuffle all the trash into a trash bin. He then sprayed the desk and chair down before wiping them down with some paper towels.
After the workspace was all cleaned up and stopped reeking of booze he sat at the desk. Then he quickly typed on the console and removed and manipulated the footage to make it look like he never left the security room nor entered the room with the Lost & Found.
Then for the next five hours he switched between working in the security room and going on patrols. Once it was time for him to clock out he walked down the hall to the locker room and changed back out of his security uniform. While he was pulling on his sweater he didn't notice the spider crawling from his security vest into his sweater pouch.
As he walked out of the building he waved at Boss as he left. "See you in three days!"
He took the subway back to his apartment. As he left the subway near his apartment he heard someone scream in the alley nearby. He stopped and glanced in to see two bulky hooded men surrounding a woman. They were cackling like a pair of hyenas.
"Oh come on hot stuff! Spend some time with us."
"We promise we will make you feel as good as we will feel!"
Ethan quickly sprinted down the alley as he got close he leaped and kneed one of them in the back of the head. But before he could launch an attack against the other one he heard a high shrill and looked up in time to see the other hooded man going knock kneed as he held his groin and groaned in pain before falling over.
He stood up from his crouching position and looked over at the young women. She was just a bit shorter than him in height. She has long shimmering black hair and emerald green eyes that almost seemed to glow.
He was actually stunned for a moment as she looked him over for a moment before smiling, "Thanks for the rescue, not that I really needed it." She pointed out nodding to the man she knocked out.
"Then why did you scream?" Ethan asked as he looked over her, noticing her leather jacket, white shirt, holey jeans, and black combat boots.
"I screamed because I was not paying attention and one of them grabbed my ass." The woman nodded at the man next to Ethan who groaned in pain as he started to get up.
Ethan kicked the groaning man in the head. "What do you want to do with these two?"
"Leave them." She walked forward and interlocked arms with him and smiled. "Can you help me? I am new to the city and I need an escort home."
"Then I will gladly be your escort." He then walked with her out of the alley. "My name is Ethan Hilt, might I ask your name?"
She let out a giggle. "You might. My name is Felicia Hardy." Her giggle was angelic and hypnotizing, "So how did you learn how to fight?"
"Nice to meet you Felicia, actually my parents had me learning to fight ever since I could walk." Ethan thought for a moment before he smiled and shrugged. "Well that and gymnastics."
As they walked down the sidewalk they started to talk to each other. "Really what styles of fighting?"
"Karate, Aikido, Boxing, and Mixed Martial Arts. How about you, did you learn to fight?" They walked past a coffee shop that was closed.
"I did. I learned Mixed Martial Arts and Wushu, which is better for my body frame." Felicia walked along while glancing at various shops that were closed, "I just moved to this city, you don't mind showing me around do you?"
Ethan looked at her and smiled, "Sure, I have the next two days off. Can I get your number?"
Felicia for a moment seemed surprised at something then she smiled back as she pulled out his phone, "sure, but you should really password protect your device." Ethan checked his pocket and saw his phone was gone. "Forgot to mention, I am an amazing pickpocket."
Ethan chuckled while watching her input her number in his phone, "so it is a date?"
Felicia continued focusing on the phone while she responded, "sure…" Then she did a double take, "wait what?" Ethan laughed when she looked at him wide eyed.
"How about tomorrow?" Ethan asked while they arrived at a sorority house Felicia was leading him to. It was part of a set of frat and sorority houses that were on this street.
Felicia still seemed stunned as finished typing her number in his phone, "Umm… Tomorrow morning works and we can just go for coffee." Then she seemed to think something, "then a tour around New York the rest of the day. Then a date at a japanese restaurant of your choosing the next day. How about that?" She stepped towards her sorority as she tossed his phone back to him.
"Works for me. Want me to text you the location or pick you up?" Ethan asked as he watched her walk up the steps to the door.
"Text me the spot I'll meet you there… say around 9 in the morning." Felicia stated as she opened the front door and entered the sorority house. Ethan smiled and pocketed his phone while he started walking away while smiling.
Felicia on the other hand closed the door and sighed. Feeling all sorts of flustered, she started shivering just because she was hiding her nervousness for so long.
"He is a cutie," Felicia almost immediately felt annoyed, she even made a disgusted face for a moment. She looked over to see the blonde bimbo by the name of Myranda and her backup duo. Felicia joined this sorority because her mother forced her to, she went along with it because she thought she might be able to make a friend or two. But since coming here she realized that this place was not a place she could make a friend. "Since I am the sorority head you should really let me have the first go with him."
Felicia suddenly felt extremely angry. She was about to yell at her when she had a sudden idea. She gave Myranda a smile that gave her shivers, "sure I will change our plans and have him pick me up tomorrow." She then waved at a stunned Myranda as she left up the stairs to her room.
Meanwhile Ethan was arriving home, walking into his apartment building he saw another of his neighbors. A 'businessman' with a penchant for conning his investors. "Evening Ethan, thought about my-"
"No and I am not going to Ezekiel." Ethan responded quickly to the man as he quickly walked past him and up the stairs. After he arrived at the third floor he walked a bit down the hallway arriving at his door he took out his key and opened up the door. He then walked inside and closed the door making sure to bolt the door before walking further into his apartment.
Looking around he sighed for a moment before tossing his wallet and keys on the counter he then walked into the bathroom. He took off his clothes and set his phone on the sink near the shower. He then stepped into the shower.
As he was showering however a spider crawled out of his pile of clothes and made its way to his phone. Which rang at that moment. He looked at his sink where his phone was sitting and saw it said, 'Hot Stuff'. He smiled then put it on speaker and answered it.
The angelic voice he heard not too long ago spoke, "hey I kinda need to change our plans. Can you come pick me up instead? I have an annoyance I need your help with." He raised an eyebrow at that. She sounded somewhere between excited and annoyed. But she definitely had an underlying angry tone to her voice.
"Certainly." He agreed because it sounded like she was alluding to something else.
"Sweet thanks! See you tomorrow morning!" Ethan's hand was still hovering over his phone lost in thought when she hung up.
While he was showering the black spider climbed out of his hoodie and climbed up the sink. As he was talking to Felicia it slowly made its way over to his phone, where his still wet hand was hovering over it.
The black spider with glowing blue and green lines walked up onto the back of his hand and bit it. Ethan flinched and swung his hand which sent the spider across the room and hitting a wall, killing it. It then fell to the floor and curled up, dying on the spot. Ethan on the other hand glanced at his hand to see the red mark, he frowned. Then he shrugged it off and continued with his shower.
When he got out of the shower he dried himself off, then he went to the kitchen which was in view of his bed. Unfortunately he had a small apartment so he only had a separate bathroom with a sink, shower, and toilet. While his bedroom and kitchen were all shoved into one place.
He pulled out a salad from the fridge he had pre prepared. He sat at his counter and turned on the television. "This is Foxtrot News…" He watched the news for a few minutes and ate before he laid down to go to sleep. Strangely when he did he was feeling overwhelmingly exhausted and sleepy. So he fell right asleep.
While he slept he dreamt or rather he remembered…something.
The first memory was odd. It was a series of flashes. But in them he felt like he was looking through a spider's eyes. He could tell because of the scene he recognized of his actual body looking at spiders inside terrariums. With these series of images was a message like a narration or a voiceover. "Host of The Shadow, the Demon hunts you relentlessly. We offer our protection. In exchange, protect our totems as well as knowledge of what could have been."
Then he felt his memory slide and change over to another view.
He saw a black haired young man in the mirror for a moment. Instantly he understood it was him but in another life. A life in a world similar to his own. The version of him fell in love with a blonde mutant woman with telepathic powers and an ability to change her skin to diamond. He was a scholar and professor. He had degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, genetics, and mutant biology. The version of the world was much more advanced, where space travel and flying cars were commonplace things. He remembered a nephew that was a villain that could control shadows. But he remembered that eventually he died, a demon came after him. A demon clad in red with red skin. The demon arrived in an eruption of flames and tore out his heart, chanting about killing off the Bloodline of Shadows." Then it ended.
Ethan woke up covered in sweat. He got up and checked the time. It was only 5 am. He had plenty of time before he had to pick up Felicia. His mind was in a mess, so he did the only thing he could think of. He went for a run.
He put on his running shorts and a t-shirt then prepped his headphones and phone so he could run while listening to music. Which was a mix of Jazz and Pop songs. He then stepped outside his apartment and locked the door then he quickly made his way down and out of his building. Once he was on the sidewalk he ran in one direction. As he was running he kept thinking about the memories. As he ran he slowly assimilated the memories.
The first set of memories were of one of the spiders from those Terrariums or the Memory Arachnid, as he decided to call it. It must have been the spider that bit him in his bathroom.
The second set of memories were there and he could remember them clearly, but he knew he never lived them. It was like a file he got he downloaded rather than made, it did not affect his emotions in the slightest. But it did provide some information but most of it was fading. The only thing that was sticking around was the information and knowledge about chemistry, biochemistry, biology, genetics, and mutant biology. It was like that information was being downloaded into his head. But just because he knew it did not mean he understood it.
He supposes this means he will be going back to college.
Eventually he stopped running. He looked where he was and saw he was twelve miles away from his apartment and it was only 6:24 am. He decided to run back home as fast as he could to test his speed which has seemingly increased. He could tell because he ran twelve miles while only doing what could be considered a light jog and he wasn't even breathing heavily or sweating.
So he ran in a straight line back to his apartment. While he was running he felt his speed and endurance increasing ever so slightly as well. It was strange that he could just sense that. When he was running, there was a fence, instead of stopping he jumped up to vault over it, it barely even slowed down his momentum. When he arrived back at his apartment it was only 7:03 am. He immediately ran upstairs and went inside his apartment and pulled out a notepad to write down what was happening.
'New Abilities:
-Increased flexibility
-Increased reflexes
-Increased speed
-Increased endurance
-All abilities seem to grow the more they are used.'
He then sat on the edge of his bed and thought about if there was anything else. He looked around his room and noticed his weights in a corner. He walked over and lifted the heaviest ones. It wasn't easy but he could do it without straining himself unlike before. So he started practicing with these weights. One in each hand, he had done this for about an hour when he stopped. He felt his strength had increased tremendously during that time. He then went back and added two more things to his list.
'-Increased strength
-Assimilated memories of the Memory Arachnid and another version of me.'
He then glanced at the time and saw that it was 8:15 am. He had been exercising for a while so he was all sweaty. He set the notepad down and went and took a shower. Once he was done it was only 8:30 am so he took his time getting dressed. Deciding on a pair of blue jeans with a basic brown leather belt and metal buckle. He wore a shirt with a crocodile on it that said, 'Bite Me!' He then pulled on a blue hoodie with zipper that he left open as for his shoes they were just a black and white brand pair. He then went and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was messy but not too messy it worked with the dirty blonde color. His eyes were dark blue before but it looks like they became more vibrant than before. His face became seemingly more chiseled and handsome. Or maybe that was just him being a narcissist.
He sighed and made his way to his destination.