
Elohims wrath

Andrej_Tatov · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Cold feet pt 3

Amidst the snow-covered expanse, Arne and Bjorn trudged wearily. Their breaths hung in the air, and their eyes squinted against the icy wind. But then, a distant sight—a plume of smoke—stirred hope within them. Their little home awaited.

As they neared, the landscape shifted. The smoke resolved into something else—an enigma. A colossal metal structure emerged, its surface pocked with openings, like a thousand eyes peering out. Cloth structures clung to its sides, fluttering in defiance of winter's grasp. Wooden supports crisscrossed, creating a chaotic yet harmonious dance of materials.

Bjorn squinted, his frostbitten fingers tracing the contours of a structure. It was a spaceship even though they didn't know it. The spaceship was repurposed to resemble a giant house, it held secrets beyond their comprehension. Within its metallic embrace, warmth mingled with cold—a paradoxical cocoon. The floor cradled memories of their birth.

Here, they found solace. The harsh cold retreated, and death's shadow dared not cross the threshold. Bjorn's breath fogged the air as he stepped inside, feeling the pulse of the ship.

Arne dropped the lifeless creature onto the cold floor, its fur still glistening with frost. He turned to Bjorn, his breath visible in the air.

"Could you take this to the storage room?" Arne's voice was gruff, but there was a hint of urgency. "I need to go greet my wife."

Bjorn blinked, momentarily taken aback. Arne wasn't the one who gave orders—the leader of their makeshift community was Bjorn. Yet here he was, asking Bjorn for a favor. Confusion flickered across Bjorn's face.

He nodded, not trusting his voice. Picking up the creature, he cradled it in his arms. The fur was sharp against his skin, a reminder of their precarious existence.

Two weeks, he calculated. Two weeks until the snows relent, until the earth awakens from its icy slumber. But would they last that long? The communal stores were dwindling, and winter's grip tightened with each passing day. Bjorn's own mortality loomed—an uninvited guest at the feast of survival.

His breath hitched as he considered the division. How could he split sustenance among them? The children, their eyes wide with hunger, haunted his dreams. The elders, their frail bodies clinging to life, whispered prayers for deliverance.

My death, Bjorn mused, is a solitary affair. But the thought of losing those he loved—their laughter, their stories—struck deeper.

How could he tell the others? The food supplies were dwindling, and the cold season showed no mercy. Bjorn's mind raced, calculating rations, dividing hope.

But then—a loud thump echoed from the storage room. Bjorn's instincts kicked in. He dropped the creature and drew the mechanical spear from his back. The ship had secrets—dark corners where forgotten things stirred.

Arne's request was forgotten. Survival took precedence.

He pushed the door open, heart pounding. The room was dimly lit, 

Bjorn's eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, revealing the source of the noise. A figure emerged from the shadows, cloaked in tattered fabric that seemed to merge with the ship's interior. It was Anna, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and determination. Her presence was both a relief and a puzzle. Why was she here? Only he and Arne were allowed access to this room. Bjorn's grip on the spear loosened, the cold metal slipping from his fingers as he took in the sight of Anna. His frustration melted away, replaced by a surge of emotions he could barely contain.

"Anna, what are you doing here? You know this place is off-limits," he said, his voice trembling with the effort to maintain control. Deep down, all he wanted was to hold her, to feel her warmth after the cold, harsh days in the forest."

Anna's eyes, wide with fear and sheer grit, met his. Her voice trembled as she spoke, "Bjorn, we were running low on food. I had to come here."

Bjorn nodded, torn between frustration and tenderness. She had risked everything to ensure their survival. He wanted to berate her for breaking the rules, but deep down, he just wanted to hold her, to feel her warmth against the cold reality of their existence.

He stepped closer, the mechanical spear forgotten. Anna's eyes widened further, and he saw the exhaustion etched into her features—the strain of rationing, the weight of leadership. Without thinking, he pulled her into his arms, crushing her against his chest. She smelled of sweat and tension and adrenalin, a stark contrast to the sterile ship. And then he kissed her. Her lips were soft and hot, a revelation. They tasted of desperation and longing. The world outside ceased to exist as he poured all his pent-up emotions into that kiss. Anna responded with equal fervor, her fingers tangling in his hair. For a moment, they were suspended in time—a captain and his wife, clinging to each other in the face of uncertainty.

When they finally pulled back, breathless, Bjorn rested his forehead against hers. "You did the right thing," he murmured. "Always."

Anna's eyes searched his, and he saw gratitude and love reflected there. She had risked her life for their people, for him. In that dimly lit room, surrounded by forgotten artifacts, Bjorn vowed to protect her—to cherish her—no matter the cost.