
Ella my roommate

Ella is a story of a teen girl who told revenge for her roommate who was defile at her you age

Myra_Unity · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

chapter 2

I did ok because I want her to be,we went to school the next day.ella was so happy I was surprised she never say anything to me last night and today she was happy,I ask her girls what's the news everywhere was quite for some while and the next voice I heard was laugher, I was curious and ask why are you guys laughing.one of her friend Kate answer and said today is Nancy birthday her boyfriend is planning her a dinner party and tonight is gonna be party party party,I look straight to Nancy in misbelieve and ask tonight??? you mean you go to parties at night, Kate reply Nancy don't tell me you haven't tell her,this time I feel like hitting Kate so hard I never expected this, Kate was a good girl even Nancy my roommate,I left and wanted to be left alone,I couldn't believe because Nancy never went out at night we both stay in the same room,the next morning at school.i ask her about what Kat said,she keep smiling and said nothing much,stop bothering yourself about me ,,she said..this time around I stop being worried about her, like if she wants to stop being my friend it would be nice if she say it to my face,,,,hey Ella,,are you going out with us,, today is gonna be fun,,,I pay deft ears and act I held nothing,,she left me because I wasn't saying anything,I we d straight to Nancy were she was ,and ask I see her privately,,,we both walk away,,,,well I have no ideal what I ever did but why are you behave weird,,,she said I don't want to be like her,,,my eyes were wide like I really don't understand what she was saying,,,then I ask her what was she talking about,,that was when she told me everything she was hidden from me,,,she started by saying no one has ever been my roommate,,,I always freak them out,,I ask her why then she reply,,,when I was admitted into this school I was happy and living cool till the day I met Jesse,,,wait wait do you mean uncle Jesse our civil teacher,,she said yes and tears 🥺 roll down from her eyes,she said when Jesse was transferred to our school he was introduced to our class that he was going to be our new civil teacher ,,Jesse was a handsome guy he was fair and has cute smile.,,when Jesse was taking my class he ask some questions about civil education and I was the best in answering all his questions then he ask me to come see him after his class,,,,I went to see him that day,,when I got to his office he didn't say anything he brought out a note from his pocket and sqeez them in my hands,,he was about saying something when we held a knock on is door I quickly put the paper he gave to me in my back and walk out,,that day after school when I got to my room I open the paper but I was shock because he wrote is number house address and ask me to come visit when I feel like,,,I told my old roommate success about it and she advice me to visit him,,,