
Eleceed: The Law of the Strongest

A brave young man who sacrificed his life to save a little girl from a tragic fate. After his death, Ares finds himself in front of God, who gives him a unique opportunity to reincarnate in the world of his choice and grant him three wishes of his choice. Driven by his passion for manhwas and captivated by Eleceed's story and characters, Ares decides to embark on a new life within his favorite manhwa. However, his rebirth does not turn out to be as simple as he imagined. Ares discovers that he is now Jiwoo Seo's older brother, but he also faces serious problems controlling his addiction to fighting. This addiction leads him to lose control over himself, falling into an obsession with fighting and constantly putting himself in danger, as well as making enemies all over the world. .... You can access + of 30 chapters in my Patreon. patreon.com/WriterFan .... I don't own Eleceed or any of the characters

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170 Chs

[31] "To come back to life"

{} It will be used when someone speaks telepathically.


[One month later]

[In Japan, in an underground laboratory]

Ares is observing through a microscope. "I'm almost there... I have completed the first stage of my research, and now I can focus on cloning my sacred beast."

He takes off his lab coat and enters another room. The wall is filled with information about the original ancient dragon.

Ares stares at it intently. "The power of this beast was unimaginable. It is said that it could destroy the world. Its strength and power were unparalleled in ancient times."

"If I manage to clone the original dragon, I will be able to create the most powerful beast in the world. HAHAHAHA, I am a genius. Of course, I will succeed. I just need some time."

Ares stops laughing and says seriously, "Each dragon has a unique power that awakens... With what power will the dragon awaken? I am anxious to find out."

Rebecca enters the room. "Ares, are you finally ready to come out?"

"Well, I needed to research how to clone the dragon, and now that I've figured it out, I just need to start extracting the white blood cells from the dragon's blood as the first part of the cloning process," Ares says with a big smile.

Rebecca says, "Hmm... well, you're the scientist, I don't understand your words. I came to tell you that I'm going to challenge someone in Japan."

"Alright, even though I have been researching the blood for quite some time without interacting with the outside world," Ares replies. "I have been paying attention to your training, and I know you have become quite strong in the past few months, but it's not enough... your powers won't have a qualitative change in such a short time. You have to keep improving. The battle will do you good."

"Although there aren't many powerful awakenings here, be careful. They are not a problem for me, but it's different for you. If something happens, let me know," says Ares.

"Yes, I will be careful, and I will let you know if anything comes up," Rebecca responds.

"Alright, when will you go to fight?" asks Ares.

"In two days," Rebecca responds.

"Hmm... well, when you leave, I'll start working," says Ares.

"Alright..." says Rebecca.


[Four months later]

In a spacious room, there is a capsule guarding a golden liquid and a sleeping baby dragon, which should awaken soon.

(Dragon image)

Ares, with his healing abilities, created the liquid with the necessary nutrients for the dragon's optimal development, but he knows it still needs to absorb energy to complete its growth process.

After leaving the room where the baby dragon was, Ares was approached by Rebecca with a worried tone.

"There's a problem," she said.

Ares, seemingly indifferent, asked, "What's the problem?"

Rebecca explained that she had challenged several awakened individuals in Japan and had caught the attention of some of them.

Ares, not paying much importance, responded, "Already? And what's the problem? Are they just some flies?"

Rebecca began with a concerned tone, "First, I need to tell you what happened outside."

"Outside? Did something important happen? I haven't been paying attention to world news," Ares asks.

Rebecca responds with concern in her voice, "After we left China, several organizations from around the world went there to investigate what happened with the Long family and try to find you."

"Since I was with you when we went to the Long family, they saw us, and there are rumors that you're no longer alone but with a woman, and wherever she is, you're there."

"When I started challenging the awakened individuals in Japan, there was no problem until a few days ago when I encountered an awakened individual from outside and defeated them. They told me that they already knew I was the woman who had a relationship with Ares, and they will come for us."

"It's possible that our location has been revealed," Rebecca says with concern.

"Mmm... no problem... if they want to come and die, let them come. I need a few more days until the dragon awakens, and then we can leave," Ares replies.

Rebecca continued, "That's not the only problem. It's said that Gheorghe Gisbert, ranked 39th in the world, is coming to Japan for business."

"It's possible that several high-ranking awakened individuals will arrive soon. You have many enemies, and they will come to verify if you're really here," she added.

Before Rebecca could continue, Ares interrupted with a big smile on his face, "A battle could break out here."

"What better way to fight? It's been a long time since I could fight, and what's better than a confrontation against multiple awakened individuals, HAHAHAHA," Ares said with a devilish smile.

Rebecca thought to herself, 'Is he really crazy enough to confront several high-ranking awakened individuals in the world?' as she watched Ares laughing like a maniac.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, and the ground shook slightly.

"The dragon chamber," Ares said, turning around and quickly opening the door to the room.

Inside, there were small crystals embedded in the walls, and in the center, there was a broken capsule and a small white dragon on the cracked floor, wagging its tail from side to side and looking around the room with interest.

Ares and Rebecca were surprised to see the small dragon and watched in awe as it explored the room.

{Where am I?} asked a feminine voice, surprising Ares and Rebecca.

{What an ugly place}, the voice continued.

"Ugly place," Ares replied angrily.

{Yes, it's an ugly place. Everything is destroyed, without any vegetation}, insisted the voice.

"Ugly. You destroyed this room, and of course, there won't be any vegetation. We are underground," explained Ares, irritated.

Suddenly, laughter was heard behind Ares.

"What are you laughing at, Rebecca?" he asked.

The dragon's eyes gleamed, {What a beautiful woman}, it said telepathically.

The dragon vanished from where it was and appeared circling around Rebecca, astonishing them with its incredible speed.

'How can it be so fast? I didn't react... With only a few weeks of life, it has such great speed. This ancient breed is truly incredible,' thought Ares, impressed.

{How beautiful you are}, said the dragon.

{I am beautiful too}, said the dragon, moving around everywhere.

"Wait! Isn't it speaking? Can it communicate telepathically?" asked Rebecca, astonished.

"What?" 'Hasn't it spoken at any moment? How many abilities did it awaken?' wondered Ares. Ares asked in amazement, "You were just born, how do you know our language?"

{Oh well, he is sleeping, but my senses were functioning and collecting information... I learned your language... nothing complicated}, responded the dragon, who called herself Silvia.

Rebecca embraced it with admiration, "Wow... you're amazing, little dragon. You can speak like us just a week after being born."

The dragon smiled modestly. "Yes, I can, but it's more impressive to do it telepathically. Besides, I have some memories from my previous life flying in nature."

"Memories? Could it be that you can awaken memories from your past life before being cloned?" Ares wondered quietly.

Curious, Rebecca asked the dragon, "Do you remember anything else, little dragon?"

Silvia stared directly at Ares and said, "Well, I feel like he and I have a very close relationship, and my name is Silvia. What's yours?"

'Maybe it has to do with the fact that I took care of him when he was about to be born and gave him some of my blood,' Ares reflected before answering, "My name is Ares Seo."

Rebecca moved the dragon from side to side when a scream echoed through the house. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "Your name is Silvia, you're very pretty. I'm Rebecca Brown."

"Of course, I'm beautiful. I'm the princess of the Crystal Dragon clan," Silvia said proudly.

"Wow!" Rebecca repeated. "Silvia, you're a princess, that's incredible."

"Phew... Of course, I'm also a dragon of noble lineage. Very few creatures compare to me," the dragon said with a very arrogant and cute attitude.

"Noble blood?" Ares asked. "Can you tell us more? It would be very useful for the future, to know how to treat you."

"Well, I don't remember much at the moment," Silvia responded. "All I can tell you is that all races are divided by their bloodline. The purer the lineage, the more power and status you'll have in the clan."

"Incredible," said Rebecca.

'Here's the jackpot,' Ares thought. 'Who would have thought that the Long family had the blood of a true dragon with pure lineage?'

"I want to eat, bring me something to eat. I hope you don't take too long," Silvia said, lying down in Rebecca's arms.

"Hey, it's me who has a bond, you should be nice to me," Ares said angrily.

"Hahaha, don't challenge her, she's very cute," Rebecca said.

"That's why you have to take care of me. I'm a princess. Hurry up and bring me food," Silvia said, closing her eyes with an indifferent attitude.

A vein appeared on Ares' forehead.

"Fine, what do you want?" Ares said angrily. 'She's my future companion. I have to take good care of her.'

"Bring me meat from some beast. It must have good lineage. I don't accept just any animal to eat," Silvia said without opening her eyes.

"Shhh... And you're demanding," Ares said, and he left the room, leaving Rebecca and Silvia alone.

"Hahaha, Silvia, you're mean to Ares," Rebecca said with a radiant smile.

"I feel like we have a powerful bond, so he has to please me. I'm a noble princess. Not everyone has the privilege of having a bond with me," Silvia said.

"Do you have more memories?" Rebecca asked.

Silvia opened her eyes and looked attentively at Rebecca.

"If you don't want to say it, it's okay," Rebecca said worriedly.

"It's not a problem. I have one more memory," Silvia said.

"It seems like I used to fight a lot with other beasts. But being a dragon of noble lineage, just because of my bloodline, many other beasts were submissive. I only had to fight with beasts of very noble lineage, but still, I trained a lot," Silvia said.

Rebecca asked curiously, "Is lineage very important among beasts?"

"Yes! Lineage and race determine everything... your talent, your status in a clan, and even if you're fit to inherit the blood legacy of your race," the dragon responded with a deep voice.

"Wow... as a dragon with pure lineage, I suppose you've inherited the legacy of your clan," Rebecca said amazed.

"That's right, although I don't remember much about it. All I know is that my clan was very powerful," the dragon admitted nostalgically.

"They definitely were! You are a legend!" exclaimed Rebecca excitedly.

"I want to get out of here. Tell me about the time we're living in. I feel like I've been sleeping for thousands of years, and I'm weak," the dragon requested with a note of impatience in its voice.

"Of course. I'll take you to see the beauty of the place where we live," Rebecca promised with a smile.

"Great! Because this place is quite desolate. Everything is gray," commented the dragon with an ironic laugh.

"Haha, yes, you're right. But don't worry, you'll see how beautiful our world is," Rebecca said as she picked up Silvia in her arms, and they walked towards the exit.


1907 words.

Next Chapter "Someone is knocking on the door"