


SAMANTHA- oh look he reply

KAYDEN- what did he say?

kayden ask in curiosity

in her mobile screen a face logo with platinum hair reply


aggh...you just disturb me for only this!?

SAMANTHA- he said why I disturb him?

KAYDEN- heh like heel he would be busy.

SAMANTHA- of course he wouldn't

she replies




don't get annoyed I know you don't have work or anything important I send his video to get your opinion on how he looks since you are the most handsome awakened one I know.

he replies


well that's true im the most handsome awakened one after all hahaha

she replies




oi, mr. beautiful just say he is good looking.

he replies


yeah yeah, he is good looking for an average guy hey that reminds me where are you for the last ten months?

she replies




huh? I return home since nobody accepted my challenge for the LAST TEN FREAKING MONTHS!




aggh... since even kayden does not dare to challenge you nobody dared to accept your challenge...

SAMANTHA- hey oppa he saying because you never challenge me in public other World rankers think you afraid of me that's why nobody dares to accept my challenges?

she asks while looking at kayden

KAYDEN- oh I hear things about that but never care about them.

he said with a carefree tone

SAMANTHA- so the reason nobody accepts my challenges for freaking ten months is because of you huh?

she said with a smile but you can see her red aura around her

KAYDEN- it's not my fault we spar almost daily all night why would we need to spar in front of others right? hehe.

kayden look away in nervousness jiwoo also become panicked

JIWOO- um..sis who this awakened you both are talking about?

she looks at jiwoo

SAMANTHA- oh yes he is the world's number one healer kartein.

she said with a smile


KAYDEN-( that my students save your mentor )ahem so what did he say about jiwoo?

kayden become happy after clam himself and ask her with his normal tone

SAMANTHA- he said jiwoo is good looking.

KAYDEN- jiwoo be happy since kartein is officially ranked no 1 in looks among the awakeners.

JIWOO- oh there also a ranking for looks?

SAMANTHA- yep and your noona is no 1 in among female awakened ones and kayden also in no 5 in looks amongst males.

JIWOO- wow! you both are so great!

jiwoo said with double thumb up

KAYDEN- yeah im that great hahaha

SAMANTHA- someone watching us.


KAYDEN- that commune ability girl.

samantha look back and see iseul hiding behind a three and her half body exposed

SAMANTHA- um... what are you try to doing?

she slowly come out

ISEUL- ahem I came to make an offer....join mir.

SAMANTHA- im not going to join any group.

she said while looking at straight in iseul's eyes and iseul was surprised

ISEUL- what?why ?

SAMANTHA- none of your business weather I join a group or not.

she start walking jiwoo and kayden also follow her

SAMANTHA- just because she this country elite she on high horse like a ranker jiwoo don't become like her become like kayden oppa he is arrogant and behave like shit in front of the top 10 rankers but he have both the power and skill to do that.

JIWOO- hehe ok.

KAYDEN- why don't you start insult me every time to encourage jiwoo from now on huh?

SAMANTHA- oh that a good idea right jiwoo.

JIWOO- hehe.

samantha and jiwoo laugh at kayden with their bright smile

KAYDEN-(well it's also good feeling to seeing their smiles...family huh)

after returning to thair rooms

director's office an old man looking outside the window

so you're saying samantha was abroad for her study there she learn how to fight and remained unnoticed until shinhwa discovered jiwoo's house...and she even beat jisuk?

the old man ask while looking outside the window

yes sir shinhwa is still keeping that information a secret but that what we found out from our own investigation.

the men in black suite reply

I should talk to him myself.

the old man said

in the night 9pm around


I got a call from old man I mean the director himself to meet him when I go outside and he didn't said his location so I have to search for him after walking around I find his energy he was looking at the water and the entrance bridge


SEONGIK- im sorry for called you out at this hour.

he said while turning his head towards samantha

SAMANTHA- it's ok and I was able to meet the most powerful awakened one in the country.

seongik surprised and

SEONGIK- hahaha after a long time I hear that but I already retired and now jiyoung yoo is the most powerful in the country.

SAMANTHA- (old fox he understood what I mean still answer like don't ) so what's the reason director called me?

SEONGIK- I've been hearing a lot about you from the instructions they said you're a outstanding awakened one.

SAMANTHA- well I just win against one of the top four with one attack so it's just normal reaction from the instructors.

SEONGIK- that also might be but I heard you use electricity and also have super speed even can commune with animals do you realise how talented you are?

SAMANTHA- sir you only wasting my time please tell me why you called me at this hour.

her happy expression change to her poker face seongik surprise seeing sudden change of expression

SEONGIK- I heard you declined mir's offer and if im not mistaken nothing is officially between you and shinhwa what your future plan?

SAMANTHA- ( I just reject her in the evening and he already know that? he sure know his stuff huh?) I have nothing set for now.

SEONGIK- then I would like to make an offer.

SAMANTHA- offer?

SEONGIK- be my apprentice.

SAMANTHA- I respectfully declined I already have someone who taught me how to fight bye.

she start walking towards her dorm seongsik surprised

SEONGIK- huh? no you don't understand the holds of this offer you shouldn't make such decision on a whim I give you more time to think on it so why don't you discuss this with the awakened who teach you how to fight after the Academy is over?

she stop when he was start talking she turn around and reply

SAMANTHA- im sure of my decision.

she said and walk away towards her dorm she return to her room


SEONGIK- ( I didn't expect her to refuse my offer


SAMANTHA- I know it's a lifetime offer but for me the one who teach how to fight is incomparable to anyone else in the world he is the best.


The best huh....? I don't know who is this guy she talking about.....but im very jealous of him.) haha.

next day was pretty normal like others just one new think samantha, kayden and other professors of the Academy felt a powerful awakened one spreading energy carelessly

in the evening a lightning struck in the forest side of the island

next day


in the middle of the class jang inform us that the one get cat punched by kayden got struck by lightning well I know what happened but didn't tell jiwoo

in the evening I was taking a walk with jiwoo and kayden

someone called us from the backside

hmm you must be samantha.

we three looked


SAMANTHA-huh? who are you?

my name is dusik kang im the ex-chairman of baekdu and suchan's grandfather.


she with her poker face

DUSIK-( arrogant kid!) can I talk to you for a second?


dusik looking at jiwoo

SAMANTHA- I have nothing to hide from him.

DUSIK- oh I see....(he is her brother huh?) samantha I hear you beat my little suchan?

SAMANTHA- huh? whole academy know that what about that?

dusik pissed at the answer

DUSIK- the reason I came to see is to make you an offer

SAMANTHA- offer?( first that old fox now this one all shit heads hah)

DUSIK-yes why don't you join baekdu?

SAMANTHA- well if I remember correctly your little suchan the strongest rookie of baekdu right?

DUSIK- yes not only strongest in our groups even among other groups he get training from very young age and high level force control and....

SAMANTHA- and he lose against me not only he lose but also lost consciousness in just one attack and you're saying I should join your group heh what a joke.

she said looking other direction and disik starts increasing his energy

DUSIK- how dare you disrespect me?

SAMANTHA- heh so what geezer?

she said with a mocking smile and dusik grab her throat and with that, the nightmare began for dusik

Samantha expression change it turn into pure hatred and disgust her eyes return to her beautiful scarlet red before dusik could react to the sudden change he was pressed to the ground by the massive amount of energy and killing intend released by samantha the whole Academy no the whole island was shaking under the energy of samantha

SAMANTHA- you filthy low level awakened dare to threaten me and even try to choke me! I will erase you from existence!

dusik was scared he was horrified even jiwoo who was inside samantha's special isolation with kayden was horrified by the sudden turn of events her sister who was loving and kind was now sending pure waves of killing intent

DUSIK-( h-her eye color changed...w-what is going on? am i-i going to die?)

samantha in anger slowly made her way to dusik who was crouching on the ground while violently shaking and touching his left chest

SAMANTHA- so low rank awakened you wanted to kill me~

DUSIK- I-I-I w-wasn't s-s-serious I-I d-didnt m-m-mean it.

SAMANTHA- but you nevertheless try to choke me didn't you~?

samantha stretch her hand towards dusik to attack him dusik couldn't move his legs were shaking jiwoo who was shocked at the display in front of him tried to clam samantha down but she didn't hear him because of her anger.


before samantha could attack dusik she flinched at the sudden shout of her brother she then realised that her brother was panicking.

SAMANTHA-( did I go too far? no he disturb my personal time with kayden and jiwoo he even try to attack me!)

KAYDEN-( ™samantha clam down you scared him enough anymore and you're going to break him let him go for now)

after her brother and kayden's words she clamed down and retracted the energy she released and throw one last look at dusik who was still trembling and teary-eyed.

SAMANTHA- if you dare to show bloodlust towards me or my brother again I'll make sure to erase you and your group existence completely without leaving anyone alive don't forget that!

and with her last warning as soon as samantha retracted her energy completely ever professor present in the Academy rushed towards them the professor weren't able to move from their spot because of the pressure till now when they arrived they saw samantha standing above unfamiliar looking guy when they saw samantha and jiwoo was safe and sound they relaxed for a bit but shocked after seeing the face of the lying figure

SEONGIK- dusik....

MS.KO- what happened here....?

JANG-( an immense amount of energy came from here but not from principal or mr.kang! then who was it from?!)

SEONGIK- even I couldn't lift a finger! what was that massive amount of energy in my whole life I never felt an energy this powerful.(expect kayden but his energy was lot weaker then the one I felt now)

an energy capable of surpassing a world ranker was nothing to laugh in seongik eye it was comparable to world rankers in top 10

DUSIK- cough!


dusik coughed blood his people run towards dusik help him stand up

and other professor and even principle think

Mr.kang\dusik got injured? dose it have to do with the intense energy we felt earlier? who in the world hurt one of this country's best awakened one?

DUSIK- w-who a-are you?

dusik somehow standing on his feet with help of his people ( I be hurt by just energy pressure plus I haven't felt such strong energy power in my life!)

SEONGIK- samantha is that we all felt was you?

he ask her with doubt everyone look surprised samantha turn her face toward the professor and the professors were shock seeing her Scarlet eyes

SAMANTHA- sorry about that I just lost control for a second hehe.

she said with a warm smile and bowed a little to make up for the inconveniences she caused them

everyone shocked hearing that and also felt warm seeing her smile then the principal ask

SEONGIK- samantha who really are you?



everyone look at the direction and see a young man who was walking towards samantha and stand beside her left side since jiwoo was her right side

SEONGIK- kayden what's brings you here?




PARK-why is he here....?

KAYDEN- I just drop by to see my sparing partner.

everyone surprised!!!?

SEONGIK- is samantha... your sparing partner?

he ask with doubtful expression

KAYDEN- yep and that guy just try to choke her so she just show everyone a little portion of her power.so seongik stay out of this.

SEONGIK- ha that's a surprise....

DUSIK- w-wait there seems to be a misunderstanding.

KAYDEN- a misunderstanding?

DUSIK- yes I didn't know she was that strong and she first disrespect baekdu.

SAMANTHA- kayden how much time you need to take down baekdu?

everyone surprised at her sudden question kayden just smile and reply

KAYDEN- well in my method to find and a take down all the leaders will take almost 2 days.

dusik start to panicked

JANG-( he's not bluffing he used that same method to bring down several groups since he was so unpredictable groups without a match for him ended up collapsing.)

SAMANTHA- so dusik dose baekdu have anything to do with your attacked me?

everyone surprised

DUSIK-( this goddamn bitch with kayden backing her I can't do anything)

samantha hear everything dusik think she stretch her hand towards the sky everyone looking at her hand

SAMANTHA- divine judgemen...

she was cut of by


everyone shocked seeing kayden panic and samantha lower her hand and


from her place and


towards dusik before dusik could react she punch him in the face


and he fly from the punch


and hit the academy wall


everyone present surprised face become pale face seeing unconscious dusik kang one of the strongest awakened in the country expect kayden

and the professor think


in one attack!?

dusik kang unconscious in one attack!?

SEONGIK-( dusik knocked out by only in one punch even I can't knockout dusik in punch just who is she?!)

SAMANTHA-tsk even in the front of death he can cursed me in his mind.

everyone shocked and think

don't tell me....she can read mind?!

KAYDEN- well it's better then destroying the whole island.

SAMANTHA- so the ones want explanation in short he try to choke me so I just show my power level and why I punch him because he cursed me in his mind any more question?

everyone surprise the

SEONGIK- may I know who really are you?

other professor also curiously looking at samantha she increase her enegy and


samantha glow in scarlet red color

everyone cover thair eyes after the glow despair everyone look at samantha and saw the most beautiful women they ever seen she has scarlet red eyes and long jet black hair flowing down her back her smooth pale skin almost glowing everyone stare at her entranced in awe of her overwhelming beauty expect kayden he seen that form many time it's her fighting form she use to find rankers it's help her control and use her power with full potential

present professors think

she's like a goddess....

SAMANTHA-this is my real form although I don't use it very much only while fighting rankers I don't like being seen like this by strangers it's only attract unnecessary attention and for your question im samantha world rank top 20 title world most powerful rookie.

samantha feel a frown from on her face at the sight of the professors expression.

SAMANTHA-( ™goddammit! why do people always loot at me like that!?)

KAYDEN-(™dont you get used to it?)

SAMANTHA-(™ after years of dealing with this kind of reaction my blood boils at the sight of the expression the professors has on thair faces even ms.ko also blushing aghh fuck that why I don't use this form)

JIWOO- sis I don't understand why would you like to hide how pretty you looks?

jiwoo ask her innocently with sparkling eyes other also came back to thair senses samantha just smile

SAMANTHA- if jiwoo want noona can always stay in this from.

JIWOO- really?

SAMANTHA- yep for you anything.

she rub jiwoo's head

JIWOO- hehe.

other looking at the warm moment between them kayden also smiled at the the seen seongik remember something

SEONGIK- wait world most powerful rookie title and name samantha it's mean you are....scarlett queen?

everyone looking at her with surprise face except park, inhyuk, jiwoo and kayden

SAMANTHA- yeah...

everyone shocked

she is the cold blooded Scarlett queen who love to kill awakened ones and destroying the groups without leaving a single member alive!?

she is the only awakened even kayden not dare to challenge!?

she is jiwoo's sister!?

the professor said all this in samantha's face she look at them and said

SAMANTHA- listed well I don't care what you think about me just don't blab in front of me or next time you all be dead.

she said with her pokerface and made them shiver

SEONGIK- may I ask why you came to our academy?

SAMANTHA-huh? I didn't come on my own I was staying with my brother when shinhwa find about jiwoo and test our powers and offer us to join this academy on thair group name.

everyone looking at inhyuk with and expression how careless shinhwa become?

SAMANTHA- oh and one last thing you can share the information that me and kayden saying in the country but if the news about me this academy students or jiwoo is my brother get leaked you all dead.

she look at them with glowing scarlet eyes

the professors reply


after dusik kang send to the medial center and samantha and kayden get called from the seongik to meet in his office.

sorry for late updates actually life not going the way we always want to well forget about that I try to upload a cheaper next week thanks for reading