
So Very Human

AN: I wanted to put something here, but I forgot what it was. Anyway, lewds in this chapter.

I remembered what I wanted to say! Some people have been kinda iffy about the entire romance angle this story has been going, and they wanted more 'plot' and stuff like magical experimentation. Which, yeah, I get. I'm good at writing that stuff, and people want more, and this slice-of-life/romance stuff gets in the way of that. The plot will, however, start in the next couple chapters. I want to write one more that is the continuation of this chapter in Ebon's perspective, with him doing Eldritch shenanigans to do stuff to Bellatrix. However, before or after that will be an interlude that will get plot moving.

 The Caribbean

December 21st, 1972

From the wintery confines of the Scottish Highlands during mid-December, down to the humid warmth of a 27-degree day on a sunny beach; it felt like whiplash. Despite her family's wealth, travel and trips to other nations and countries around the world weren't something that was done…ever by the House of Black. It was with reflection that she saw the bigotry and disdain of her family, the xenophobia that believed all within Britian to be everything that was ever of worth; and that anything outside of it was of poor make and strain. There were explorers and legendary figures within the Black family that had gone on expeditions deep into Africa, or even in South and North America.

They came back with wealth, riches, and treasure; yet that was mostly all that was ever done. The exploitative taking of nature's bounties. Bellatrix found herself being relatively neutral to said exploitation, as it was difficult to be negative about something which directly benefited herself. Her wealthy upbringing, her pre-Hogwarts education, the safety that she held within her society; it was all because of the name of Black, and in a way, she felt like a prisoner to it. Perhaps she did indeed feel a certain sense of superiority when compared to other students, those of lesser stock. She did not mean such insult as common bigotry, but simple fact.

The Muggleborn did not have her family's advantages within the Wizarding World. In blood, they were lesser. To Bellatrix, it was not because of their relation to Muggles, for she was reflective enough to know that Wizards and Witches all had some manner of muggle blood within their veins; the difference was just time and depth. Over the ages that House Black had existed for, its ancestors were Wizards and Witches for thousands of years. Their ancestors, concerned for their bloodline and legacy, used various rituals to enhance their bloodline; generating inheritable traits, and at times marrying bloodlines with magical abilities; some of which in a modern perspective could be considered magical creatures.

Over the millennia, House Black had kept a library filled with knowledge. Where other Pureblood Families might proclaim something as 'family magic', in truth such magic was merely an innovative spell formula, or a unique selection of charms, rituals, or rites that were horded by their ancestors. Kept within the family in attempts to create unique skills that were only available to their own bloodline. Perhaps the knowledge was locked by blood, or perhaps unique rituals had altered their physiology to a specific degree that allowed only them to wield whatever knowledge their ancestors had discovered. House Black, so ancient and old as it was, was an experienced hand in these matters; from what started as books of curses, jinxes, hexes, turned into rituals and blood magic. Then it just kept expanding. Wars were won the spoils of such were horded. Black Family members were injured or insulted, thus necessitating wergilds, earning them more wealth of knowledge.

With wealth came the ability to invest in potions, tutors, elixirs, magical artifacts, powerful wands, and enchanted weapons and armors. Then came business, generating passive income and establishing their roots on the isles of man.

It was simply fact that a muggleborn, one who only held access to Hogwarts, did not have the resources, connections, and or abilities to match that of a pureblood scion. Of course, there were outliers, and of course there were ungrateful, unwise, and splendiferous heirs that sullied every benefit and advantage in life their ancestors laid out for them. Of course there were rebellious members of the house, those that were unfilial, those that would scorn their family as they were introduced to a world that held much more than the weight of expectations.

Members of a house like her.

Laying out on beach towel, Bellatrix gasped out silently as a skillful hand stroked deep into her back, digging into the muscle and causing her eyes to roll back into her skull. With oiled hands, her professor, or rather her…boyfriend massaged her stiff back and shoulders. Sitting on the small of her back, his hands traced her body generously; moving with dexterous fingers as he pressed and molded the muscle and blood vessels to relaxation. Nearby, a thick thermos carrying within it a potion mixture was half empty, shared between them through straws, the two were experiencing a mild chemical high that had Ebon caressing her back with a serene smile on his face.

With Ebon applying pressure on her neck, Bellatrix let out a throaty growl, eyes half lidded as she stared out at white-sandy shores, and crystalline clear blue waters that trundled ashore. A perfect amount of shade was cast over her body from the parasol speared within the ground, cooling her pale alabaster skin that rarely saw the sun from the heat and glare of the sun. Stretching a handout, Bellatrix eyed the various rings placed along her fingers, feeling the magic within them. An emboldened whimsy filled her, and she stretched out, the action drawing a curious hum from the man on her back. He slid off and sat cross legged on his own towel next to her own. Laying on her back, she grabbed the bag filled with their change of clothes and put it behind her head, relaxing as she stared at the spacy look her boyfriend was giving the beautiful scene before them.

Whining needily, Bellatrix pulled at his swimming trunks, the only piece of clothing he had on now. The man's gaze turned down and he smiled, slinking forward on his knees and arms as he lay next to her. Bellatrix reached out and brought him close, before giving him a soft kiss along the lips. He met her back, and the two lovers were soon lost in the moment, hands roaming along each other's body.

Their lips left each other, eyes meeting and finding in each other utterly ravenous expressions. Ebon leered deeper, sucking on her neck and collar bone while his hands reached deep and took hold of twin overfull handholds of her posterior. Lifting her, into himself and falling back on his legs, Ebon kept his ministrations going as he lifted her up and stood; Bellatrix folded her legs around his waist, gasps and moans leaving her at such play.

Ebon made a few short steps towards the cabana, a shaded lounge of relaxation with draping curtains to provide limited privacy. Within the cabana rested a couch-like resting place, and with the turn of a heel, Ebon sat himself down; draping Bellatrix over him. Unthreading her legs around his back, Bellatrix's knees supported themselves on the couch, suddenly finding herself in a dominant position over her professor. Looming over him with unsure eyes and confusion at suddenly being in this place, she blushed in embarrassment as she listened to him chuckle at that fact.

Drawing a hand up, he threaded his fingers into her hair and softly drew her closer, kissing her once more. Releasing her, Ebon softly whispered, "We'll only go as far as you wish it, dear." His hand trailed along her sides, "If you want me to take you," His hand squeezed her ass tightly, "If you want me to love you," It stroked up to cup her breast held within a black bikini top, "Or if you wish to take the lead and find what you want…" His hands left her, and he leaned back, "Whatever you want."

Bellatrix's tongue was stuck in a moment of indecision. Everything sounded wonderful. However, for all she was a domineering figure at school, for however she presented herself to others, and however she loved power and the feeling it gave her; she was a woman. Licking her lips, and hugging him close, she buried her face into his shoulder. "I, I want you to love me, Ebb." She whispered. She shivered as his chest rumbled, and his fingers danced along her back and spine. Then it fell on her bikini ties, and with a few odd plucks, the garment fell away. Her eyes went wide, and she yelped as he sat forward, drawing her against him and swaying her torso back. A hand supported her, and his head lowered.

"Then don't mind if I do." He whispered, drawing her teat's nipple into his mouth. Bellatrix moaned. His hands weren't idle, roaming and stroking, gently and with desire in their every lingering gesture. She found her legs tightening against his body, a pleasure in her loins burning and tightening like a coiled snake. The sensitive erogenous zone on her chest was toyed with, a hand roaming up to her neglected breast, coaxing along the stiff capping as it was rolled around between fingers, plucked lightly and teased. His mouth meanwhile had her gasping for air, licking and teasing, twisting and suckling; his tongue, a maestro playing his instrument.

With a bit of suction, he popped off, and then pressed her against him, his lips caressing her neck, along her cheek, and then to her mouth where they stayed until breath was needed again. Breathing deeply and luxuriating in his scent, Bellatrix stared down at the beautiful man whose hands now drifted lower. Plucking a tie, and then drawing the garment away, Bellatrix shivered as she was laid bare. His hand drifted along her thigh, and pushing her up and then to the side, a roll of reversal was initiated as he pressed her down into the cushions. Looming over her, his greater bulk casting shadow over her pale skin, his hand trace and teased, eventually the palm pressing against her sex. "How far, Bella?" She heard him breathe, barely a whisper in truth. Fingers pressing up and brushing against her untamed hair, one snuck in, a throaty growl escaping from her as her hips bucked. "Let's see then?" He mused, taking silence for what it was.

Bending down and shuffling his legs back, he buried his face between her thighs. With wide eyes, no class or lecture she'd had with her parents ever telling her of this, she felt the lick of a tongue flick along something horribly sensitive; and let out a piercing cry. She felt his shoulders shake as she pulled his hair, deeper into her core, his tongue extending forward and delivering upon what it'd inadvertently promised. With long languishing licks that periodically flicked or teased the crying and burning part of her nether, or swirling teases that curled and suckled at that bead of pleasure; only to be denied as the tongue lashed deeper into her depths. She felt it swirl and twirl, growing longer; unnaturally so as it folded back through her depths, the tip of which curling up to poke and flick that damnable button of release that was only ever half-pressed. Curling her fingers tighter into her lover's hair, she pulled him deeper into him, legs wrapping around his neck as she bayed back at the ministrations her body was being subjected to. Then she felt the presence of twin hands flush with her bottom, pulling her into him even farther than she already was; the crescendo of whatever pattern he was following reaching its climax, forcing her to the edge of her own.

With languishing licks and dexterous flicks, to swirling stimulations and suckles of preposterous pleasures; she succumbed to the fires within her loins and let out a mewling moan through which her legs jolted and shook, her body tensed and relaxed, only for the dastardly tongue that brought her to this state to never cease. Her cries halted it to stop, and with a sense of dramatic poise did Ebon drew himself from betwixt her legs; revealing himself with a wet chin, a conjured rag cleaning his face with a few wipes, before being thrown elsewhere. Breathing heavily herself, Bellatrix with sweaty skin and weak legs found herself being stared down patiently. Extending her hand towards him, he met it and folded their fingers together, drawing up and into his lap. Relaxing against him, Bellatrix hissed as her nethers ached, finding herself spilling into his strong form, weakly kissing his neck.

As she rested there, she felt horribly embarrassed. 'I didn't even do anything to him, and I'm already tired!' She let a lingering kiss lie and leaned back, scooting back, only for him to stop her.

"You don't have to, Bella." Ebon uttered, "There's nothing wrong with some foreplay and fun, okay?"

Blushing, "I didn't get to make you feel good…" She whispered, curling herself into his arms.

"Do you want to?" He asked back.

She gave an affirmative hum. "And how would you go about that?" He asked.

Freezing, she gave him a worried look, "How would you like me…"

She was cut off by a chuckle, "Dear, please, just answer."

Heat rising to her cheeks once again, "I'd please you with my mouth." She answered calmly, although there was a lift of nervousness in her voice.

He caught it, although he backed off and sat back. The floor now hers, Bellatrix hesitantly vacated his comfortable lap and kneeled before him. Working with the drawstrings of his swim trunks, she freed the ties and drew them down slightly. What started as a slight imprint moved, and like a hidden snake that was freeing itself from hiding, it slithered out from his drawers, a pillar rising to his stomach. She had no frame of reference for a man's cock, only descriptions and analogies with various fruits and dirty talk between girls. Some said boy's cocks were small, like that of a dill pickle, others said they were a thick as an eggplant and as long as a boa.

Ebon fit firmly on the latter side of the comparisons.

Her hand gently curled around the shaft, gently getting a feel for the silken anatomy. His skin was smooth, the pulsating veins giving off an unnatural heat, and mixed in the sweat of the activity and humidity in the air; she felt the musk of his balls against her hand. Lifting himself up, he drew the remainder of himself out from his drawers, and she saw his balls. Hairless, like his pelvis, something that had her fingers drawing against, finding no hair or even stubble in the area. His balls were saggy sacks, hairless just the same, and as her fingers stroked along them, she found they could recoil and jump, scaring her that she'd hurt him. Noticing no scolding or correction for the action, she cupped them, curious and fondling. She heard him groan slightly, and feeling emboldened, she started to roll them in her hands; gentle and carefully, but the action drew slight utters of satisfaction in the action. With one hand continuing the action, she drew another to the shaft, feeling the silky skin that was wrapped around a length of bendy steel; she stroked it along, gripping tightly, but not so tight as to constrict the skin and tug it unnaturally.

The masculine noises that her lover made sent her heart aflutter, and gazing up at the fluster look of Professor Chaoskampf, Demi-God and Champion of an Eldritch God; she felt powerful. Her faith in herself as a woman restored and bolstered beyond recount, she leaned forward and rested her chest on the lip of the seat, pressed between his thighs. Leaning forward to stare at the red bulbous head of his cock, she softly kissed the implement with her plush lips, staining the tip in the dark maroon of her lips. The action had her lips taste a bit of leaking fluid from the cock-tip, and with a dart of the tongue she snapped her eyes towards his own. With a smarmy grin, Bellatrix gave him a mild and playful glare.

"Abyssite Gobstopper?" She asked, "Really?" The flavor of shadow and darkness, of relaxing surrender, and the bitter tang of death and the joys of life; all understood and condensed down into the single sense of taste. So reduced and compressed as the sensation was, all the human mind not enlightened to the Eldritch Truth could truly feel were mild feelings that a more philosophically bent individual would proclaim as 'the taste of a sweet death, and the bitterness of a better life not yet lived'.

"Some women dislike the taste, and my physiology is versatile, so why not?" He shrugged. "No reason to not make this enjoyable."

Blowing air out of her nose in exasperation, Bellatrix gave his cock a firm kiss while lashing her tongue around the tip of his cock head. Flaring her lips around the head, she invited it into her mouth and pressed her tongue against the glands on the underside of the head, soon swirling her tongue and coaxing her boyfriend's cock as much as possible. Pressing herself deeper, Bellatrix's hand wasn't idle as it slowly pumped the cock along, while cradling the balls to a natural pace. She felt him tense and heard him moan, an idle grin being repressed as she started to bob herself along his cock. More of the odd tasting liquid was released into her mouth, altering itself between various candies she'd tasted, to more mind-bending expressions of taste and cosmic experience. She gave out disapproving moans and tightened her grip around his balls when she tasted something she didn't enjoy and gave approving hums and a rewarding and audible slurp to those she did. The experience was rather exciting, both in the taste, and the intimacy of serving the needs and wants of her lover.

It didn't take too much longer, about when her jaw was starting to become sore, when she felt him buck his hips. "Bella," Ebb uttered, and she knew to start preparing. She sucked deeper and then swirled her tongue around where she'd found sensitive areas to be, jacking his shaft along, and cradling his balls protectively. Then he let out a groan, a lash of warm liquid entering her mouth, followed shortly by more, and more. A massive load liquid that tasted like protective-joy-love-pride-lust-avarice-attraction-pleasure-desire and so many other concepts and notions that her mind was flooded with the notions of emotion that her lover desired to project to her. Swallowing, she found more and more kept coming, forcing her to swallow again, only for the rate to exceed that which she could swallow. A bit spilled out, and with a few last jacks of his cock, she let him go. Enjoying the last remaining bits and scooping up the remaining with her finger, she stared up at Ebon with loving eyes. Striding up and sitting upon his lap, Bellatrix smiled and pressed a kiss against his neck, bringing her lover back from the nirvana he'd experienced. She pressed and grinded her posterior on his softening cock, stroking it with gyrations, jutting her chest out into his own and folding her arms around his neck.

Looking down at her, she saw the authoritative professor inside his eyes, and with a crack, his hand slapped her ass. She gave a wonton moan at the painful pleasure, grinning and mewling at her lover as he spilled her torso back to gain visual access to her twitching nethers. His cock hardened, now being ground between her nethers and periodically splitting her labia. Moaning as the head flicked against her cunt, teasing her with penetration, she jerked playfully and tried to get him to slide in, but he just swatted her behind again. Lifting her up, he placed her down and in the casual missionary position, he continued teasing her.

"Put it in…" Bellatrix whined.

"I do this, and you're mine." He whispered into her ear, falling over her and pressing her into the cushion.

"Always," She promised, kissing him on the neck and mewling as her hands curled along her sides. Then he pushed his hips forward, and she felt the head breach through. Deeper he went, and deeper, she hissed and mewled, whining as he stopped, only to continue as she nodded to continue; before eventually his cock head pressed against the deepest depth inside of her, stopped by a painful wall.

"Hmm." He heard him hum, and felt him press deeper, but the cock…shrunk?

"Perfect fit." He whispered.

Her eyes winded at that statement, feeling her loins burn at the thought of her lover having a cock molded to fit her. Something was so reversed about that statement. Yet, the thought didn't stay long as Ebon pulled out and buried himself into her. Letting out a cry, Bellatrix felt herself be taken away by the feeling. Two bodies thrusting out against one another, joined in the most intimate of ways. Bringing herself up to him, her fingers clawed and raked against his back and skin, and soon her mouth joined her cries.

"More! Harder!" She begged, feeling her lover pick up his steady pace into something all together rougher. Her eyes rolled back, mouth jabbering gibberish at the pace of their fervent love making. Over and over again, he fucked her. Pulling her air, bending her back and taking her from behind. They spilled out of the limited space on the couch. They did it on the ground, fucking her into the soft and cool sands, or standing as he had her brace against furniture and stirred her insides up with unceasing and relentless pleasure. She came, orgasmed, climaxed, and the pace changed; from fucking to love making, to fucking again. The day turned to evening, wine and bread were shared as they kissed and fucked. They swam and made love in the waves, chasing and playing through the sunlight. They ran and frolicked naked and bare.

As evening turned to night, they rested and slept, waking to begin again. Marble statues of their likeness were created through alchemy in various forms of coitous. They were debauched in the hedonistic fashion, glutting themselves on the finest foods; teleporting through the world round to delight themselves with feasts. Then they returned to their love beach to continue the love making.

One the twenty-fourth of December, Bellatrix stretched out on the beach towel, staring out at the setting sun that would soon bring with it the twenty-fifth. She moaned as Ebon kissed her, the two letting go as he pulled himself out from her. His fluids spilled out from her, healing, potions, and mundane drugs had kept her going through the days of the raucous partying and unending sex. From sex, to catering, to plays and movies, to Christmas events and parties or events. To sneaking aboard cruise ships, to dancing in clubs and fucking in their booths. She wasn't going to get pregnant, having used both charm and potion just in case; although as they stared into one another's eyes, she realized she needed to broach the topic.

"Ebb." She called her lover's nickname. The man memorizing every contour of her face raised an eyebrow.

"What…is our future?" She asked, taking his hand into her own. He smiled and gave her a smile, sitting up and gesturing for him to follow in the action. He took her into his lap, and they sat, staring out at the evening sunset. "You're…you. And I'm…"

"Mortal." He stated softly, and not at all harshly or even with a hint of concern. "That can be fixed, you know?"

She turned her eyes up, wide and surprised. He smiled, "I am young, Bellatrix. I have not yet made the mistakes that immortals a mere ten times my age would advise against. I'm sure that in some horrible future, I will experience loss." He smiled bitterly, "I'll burn universes down before I lose you, but sometimes that is reality. I am not preparing myself for it. But I can act to divert it. If you wish to be by my side for the next hundred years; then I shall preserve your youth and life for a hundred years. If you wish to be by me forever…" He gave her a sad smile, "I cannot guarantee that."

She curled into his form, "I love you." She whispered.

He chuckled again, "Dangerous, that is." He gripped her hand, "My power is immense, love. I just ask how far you wish for me to go?"

Bellatrix frowned, trying to understand what he meant by that, before her eyes widened, "Like…you?" She whispered.

Ebon nodded softly, "Beyond my physique, beyond my patronage, and beyond my knowledge; my patron granted me a Title. He stated it was the grandest gift he could have given me. The Master of The Trapezohedron." He whispered. "Using this title, I could bind to you a God that would serve you. However, as you are now, that would be folly. Through my knowledge, I will have to reforge you. Not in the same way as I was, for my Patron was not kind in that respect; but like Theseus' Ship, I will remake you. I would make you immortal, thus your flesh would be taken away and replaced. I would expand your mind beyond your current perspective, thus the being known as Bellatrix Black would be subsumed and remade. I would touch upon your very soul, my love; and I would bind it to mine. You would become different. You would become mine."

There was a dim silence for several minutes, then those minutes turned to half an hour.

Eventually, Bellatrix nodded.

Ebon smiled. "Lay down, love. I'll see you again when you wake."

The woman gave a slight nod and laid down on her chest. Closing her eyes, she felt darkness fall over her mind.