
Eldoria: Alchemist's Awakening

In Eldoria, a land of magic and mystery, Raven, a young amnesiac, discovers he's an alchemist. Initially scorned for his lack of knowledge, his fate changes when he finds the Codex, an ancient alchemical tome. Using its secrets, Raven transforms from an outcast to a pioneering guild leader, founding "The Alchemist's Refuge." His journey of discovery leads him to unravel Eldoria's hidden truths, confront rival guilds, and explore his forgotten past. "Eldoria: Alchemist's Awakening" is a tale of transformation, adventure, and the power of knowledge in a world where secrets await at every turn.

SmokeyTribunal · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Alchemist’s Burden

Raven's eyes fluttered open to a scene of chaos and confusion.

He lay on a cold, stone floor in a vast hall, filled with people just as disoriented as him.

They were all dressed in simple tunics and trousers, each person awakening to a new reality. Murmurs and questions filled the air, but like the others.

Raven could only remember his name. Everything else was a blank.

As he sat up, trying to piece together his fragmented thoughts, a stern, authoritative figure stepped forward.

The murmuring crowd fell silent. "Welcome to Eldoria," he announced, his voice echoing off the stone walls. "You have all been chosen to be part of this world.

Each of you possesses a unique profession, essential for your survival and success here."

Raven scanned the crowd, seeing faces etched with anxiety and anticipation.

The man continued, "Your professions have been assigned based on innate talents you possess. It is crucial that you discover these skills and use them to your advantage."

One by one, people were handed a scroll and asked to prick their finger and let drop of blood fall on the parchment.

'Okay I'm not to sure if what's going on but I hope I get a useful profession' Raven thought.

One by one, people discovered their assigned roles.

Mages, swordsman, hunters, and all other sorts of professions were discovered these individuals were quickly approached by guild representatives and recruited.

Raven's turn came, and he nervously unfurled the scroll handed to him. The word "Alchemist" was written in bold script.

'Yes! I don't think anyone has gotten alchemist yet, although I don't know what an alchemist does it seems to be really unique'

Alchemist?" a voice sneered from the crowd. "Good luck surviving with that."

"What do you mean? Isn't this a unique profession ?"

"Hahaha yes very very unique and also very very useless" the man jeered at him.

Another man added "In Eldoria's history there are stories that alchemist were crafters, they could create anything from potions to artifacts even golems to fight for them, but the knowledge to create any of that has been long lost with that passage of time, more potions and artifacts can only be found not created"

Raven's heart sank. Alchemist? What does that even mean here?

He looked around for some guidance but found none. Unlike the others, no guild representatives approached him.

Instead, he was met with dismissive glances and pitiful looks.

"Wh-what now?" Raven asked hesitantly.

A man with a scar on the left side if he's face walked up to Raven and threw him a small leather pouch.

"Here, you will be able to survive a few days with this"

"Good luck"

The man turned around and left, without even waiting for a response.

Left with only a few copper coins and a cursory "good luck", Raven realized he was utterly alone.

The hall quickly emptied out leaving Raven all by himself in the room.

Anger, fear, and frustration are apparent on Raven's face.

"What the fuck do I do now!" He screamed and he fell to he's knees.

After a long while of despair, Raven slowly got back to his feet.

'What's done is done there is no use despairing now I just have to find my own way'

'Okay, it will be getting dark in a few hours I have to find a place to spend the night'

As Raven walked out of the hall he saw an unfamiliar setting. Unable to make heads or tails of the situation he was in he just kept walking.

' Okay I've only got 15 copper coins I might not know the currency in this world but this should be extremely little'

Raven was correct in the world of Eldoria.

100 coppers = 1 silver

100 silvers = 1 gold

100 gold = 1 platinum

' Okay let's be smart about this let's find an inn, my thoughts will become much clearer after some rest and a full meal, let's find an inn first'

After a few minutes of asking around he finally found a cheap inn.

Hawks Inn, a sign hung up outside the main door, Raven extended his arm to push the door open, the wooden door with marks

All over it creaked open.

As he walked towards the front counter every step he took the floor would creak as if it would break at any moment.

"Hello, how much for a room?" He asked.

" 5 coppers a night, meals excluded" answered an old man who looked like he was about to die from malnutrition"

'Fuck that's a third of all my money for one night'

"And how much is your cheapest meal?"

'Mmm another newbie who won't last long it seems'

"3 coppers for soup with black bread"

'Shit that's 8 coppers a day just for a meal and a place to stay, fine I'll think about all of this tomorrow I just need to rest right now'

"Here can I have a room and a meal" Raven spoke as he handed over the 8 coppers.

"Heheh oh of course my valued customer" the old man spoke in a raspy voice, " Your room is the room to your right up the stairs room number 3 the number will be etched on the door."

As Raven walked up the stairs he felt the stairs tremble, "please don't collapse please don't collapse" he muttered to himself as he made his way up the stairs quickly reaching his room,

It was a small bedroom that included a small desk with a candle on it, a small wooden bed with a piece of wool as a blanket, and an old stained pillow, with hay as the padding for the mattress.

'Well you get what you pay for I guess'

Raven lay in his bed with a mind full of questions he didn't have answers to.

After a while, a young girl brought him his meal. He took a bite of the black bread and felt as if his teeth would shatter.

'Damn this is so hard, is it even edible?'

He tried soaking the bread in the soup but it made no difference it was like soaking a piece of wood in the soup, he forced himself to swallow the food. And downed the soup in one go.

He lay in bed with determination to survive this new world that shunned him as an alchemist before he realized the day's fatigue caught up to him and he fell asleep.