
Truly an "Alpha"

Nerissa sits inside a room, glaring at a piece of paper as if it were her worst enemy... Her new friend Yukari looks over and spots that she'd having trouble, the young witch who's actually three years younger than herself walks over. She doesn't wear the traditional uniform of Yokai Acadamy, instead electing to wear a Witches outfit, trademark pointy hat included which reminds Nerissa of Hogwarts. The girl has black hair with purple eyes and stands around 4.5ft, quite a lot shorter than the 5ft Nerissa.

Yukari "Are you having trouble?" she asks in a chipper voice.

Nerissa shakes her head, wishing to do this herself, "No."

Yukari sighs, "Mou, you're too prideful Nerissa-Chan... You should be more like Moka!... Come to think of it, where is Moka?" she asks aloud, tapping her chin.

Nerissa's eyes squint as she looks towards the window, the light from the full moon streaming into the room.


A feminine cry comes from the rooftop of the school, due to how familiar Nerissa is with saving Moka at this point she easily recognises it. She gives a sigh before strapping her sword to her hip and leaping out of the window, Yukari shouting after her.

Yukari "Wait fooor meeeeee!" the 11-year-old cries.

On the rooftop Moka is backing away from a large furry beast that drools as it looks at her.

Moka "Gin, stop! I don't like you like that!" she says, finding herself unable to move back any further as she'd reached the limits of the roof.

Gin "You will be mine Moka! You will take me as your alpha, and you, will, LIKE IT!" he shouts, becoming a blur and rushing towards Moka. She throws herself to the side but a claw rakes through her uniform, tearing most of the front of it off, revealing her pale breasts. She covers them and crawls into a ball, pleading for him to stop.

Gin "HEHEHE, YOU'RE MINE!" he shouts, lunging at her again, Moka giving a scream, internally thinking whether or not she should just throw herself off of the roof.


A spatter of bright red blood hits the floor as Nerissa appears, black misty wings flapping from her back.

Nerissa gives him a blank look, "Bad dog."

Gin "Grrr, YOU CALL ME A DOG?!?! I WILL TEAR YOU APART!" he roars, not noticing that the wound on his arm is steaming.

Nerissa dissipates her wings and drops in-front of Moka, dropping into a stance and holding Iaito at the ready.

Gin blurs again, his speed increased to an incredible degree due to the full moon being out, the werewolf gaining strength from it. He attempts to run Nerissa through with his claws, only to find a Ruby spear erupt from the ground, he rapidly changes his direction and retreats, glaring daggers at Nerissa who has a few drops of blood dripping from her fingertip.

Without a second thought, she tosses mist daggers at the werewolf, the beast dodging and jumping high in the air for a downward attack.

Nerissa leaps in the air and slashes at Gin, both receiving each others attack and landing.

Nerissa has three cuts on her shoulder from Gin's claws, however the werewolf isn't doing much better... A large cut on his chest steams, Gin bends over while holding it, the wound incredibly painful for him.

Gin "Wha... SILVER!?!" he exclaims, wondering if the brat planned to cut him down ever since they'd met.

Nerissa flourishes her blade and sheathes it, "Stop or die." she states, preparing another strike.

Gin growls, his adrenaline spiking as his instincts push him to do things he'd not usually do, "NEVER." he says, dashing at Nerissa on all fours, attempting to bite her.

She stamps her foot on the floor, causing a wall of black mist to shield her from his view, *CLINK!* she dodges sideways and performs a draw strike.

Gin "Arrrghghh!!" he shouts in pain, eventually coming to a stop and looking down at the origin of it, his eyes widening... "MY ARM!" he exclaims in a rage, his arm cleanly cut with the wound steaming.

Nerissa kicks the severe arm off of the roof, wishing to add further insult to injury towards the beast that'd tried to assault her friend.

Gin seeing this loses all common sense, charging her and swinging wide with his claws...

Nerissa twirls while dropping low and under the strike, remembering this exact movement from where Ciri and Reima had taught her. After dodging the strike she has her back to Gin, Iaito going under her armpit and stabbing backwards, directly into the werewolves heart.

Gin looks down, the young girl in arms reach, but his body won't move... The silver that'd slowly been poisoning him prevents him from doing anything, the blade in his heart meaning his end. He falls backwards, blood pouring from his wound and covering the roof.

Nerissa stands from her position, having not moved after dealing the fatal blow, swinging Iaito at the floor to remove the blood sticking to it. She then looks over to Moka, the pinkette looking at her with a thankful expression.


The door to the rooftop slams open, revealing Yukari who sprints in, she stops however when she sees the dead werewolf... Almost losing her lunch as she gags at the thick smell of blood. "What happened here!" she shouts, walking towards Moka and Nerissa while keeping a good distance from the corpse.

Moka "Gin... He attacked me, Rissa saved me!" she says, wiping tears from her face."

Yukari feels bile rise in her stomach, true Nerissa had brutally murdered the bullies who tried to eat her, but they'd always been antagonistic towards her... But Gin? Weren't they friends? "Why did he attack you?" she asks, solemn.

Moka "He said... He said he wanted to make me his..." she says, covering her body tighter at the thought.

Nerissa "Scum."

Yukari slowly nods, "I never thought Gin were try... Try to rape Moka!" she exclaims, not sure how to take in this information. "What do we do now?" she asks, not sure how the Newspaper club would function without him.

Nerissa slowly nods, walking over to Gin and beginning to harvest his organs.

Yukari "Wha-w-w-w-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!"

Nerissa glances back at her, "Present."

So ya, Nerissa's time spent in Yokai acadamy has literally been her just killing everyone who attacks them... The school's population is quickly dwindling...

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts