
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Derivasi dari game
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906 Chs

Trial of the grasses

3 months later

The recruits have mostly gotten used to the diet and the training with the exception of those who couldn't handle the strain on their bodies and perished.

Recently Vesemir have been seen with a man who wore a patchwork of hides from different monsters and a hood that had antlers and a skull attached. Some sort of druid presumably, idea of learning magic pop up in Reima's mind but questions and doubts as to why Ciri didn't learn any magic even from Yennefer. Reima decides he'll ask but is not confident with his chances.

During a break between training Reima manages to catch the Druid without Vesemir.

"Hello Sir! I'm Reima."

The Druid raises an eyebrow at the sudden introduction but decides to humour the child.

"I am Dagobert Sulla, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance young man. Do you need something?"

Reima "Are you a Wizard?"

Dagobert "No, I am a simple Druid helping your Grand master with his tasks."

Reima "Magic is so cool! I wonder if I could learn magic Sir?"

The question surprises the Druid but he places his hand on the side of Reima's face with his thumb on his forehead.

Dagobert "Source" He whispers to himself, "You are very talented young man, but I am sorry to inform you that most magic, especially Druidic magic that I use is only taught through the family. The only exception to this are the organisations such as the Brotherhood of Sorcerers."

Reimas enthusiasm fades quickly under this revelation "I see, I guess I will have to stick to Witcher Sign magic..."

Dagobert laughs "Don't despair, magic is not as rare as some think. Also, a word of warning... If you are under great distress, find a place devoid of life to calm down, the magic instability of those such as yourself is as dangerous to others as it is to you."

Reima has no idea what hes talking about but assumes it's some unspoken lore not talked about in the games. He nods anyway and leaves the Druid to his business.

Another month passes and the trials proceed to the second step, the trials of the grasses.

Vesemir has us all lined up outside the laboratory, he had us do an extremely rigorous training session to tire us all out for some reason. Standing there with aching muscles Vesemir addresses us.

Vesemir "You have all done exceedingly well, I did not expect a number this great to complete the first trial, but you have proven yourselves worthy to proceed to the next trial. This trial will mutate your body and increasing your reflexes, hand to eye coordination and a litany of other benefits. For those of you that survive, it is the first true step to becoming a Witcher."

The nervous recruits were shuffled into a dark room with a number of beds, Geralt, Lambert, Eskel, Aubry and Frank had their weapons drawn were overseeing the trial.

They had each recruit drink a concoction of foul smelling ingredients and lie on the bed, Reidun lying next to Reima speaks to him in a quiet voice. "We will make it through this right Remia? We will. We will."

Reima "Just think about what you want to do after you finish the trials... Me? I want a meal that doesn't consist of leaves and mushrooms..."

Reidun smirks at that while the Witchers tie each limb of the recruits to their beds.

Reimas "Is there a point to tying us up?"

Lambert "This part of the trials is brutal and barbaric, there are only three outcomes to this trial. One, you die of toxin overdose. Two you go berserk and attack everything insight like a mindless monster. Third and most unlikely, you become faster and your reflexes and body are improved."

Geralt "Well aren't you just shitting rainbows Lambert. Don't worry kid, you'll be fine."

Reimas nods at Geralt as he starts to feel a bubbling in his stomach, his limbs seize up and pull the ropes tied to the bed taught. A strangled cry escapes Reimas mouth as he loses control of his body, his breathing is erratic and stuttered, his heart beats irregularly. He would have evacuated his bowls if they hadn't taken concentrated laxatives before the trial.

If Reimas were to speak of this experience it would be less painful more unbearable creeping fear that he will never regain control of his body.

During the trial, Reima can hear screams and swift cuts of what presumably are the blades of the Witchers.

Vesemir stands at the side with the Druid Dagobert Sulla watching the trial.

Dagobert "I do not wish to doubt your abilities but what makes you think this your improvised trials will work?"

Vesemir "I had a general idea of how they were done... This is my last attempt at ensuring the school of the wolf continues in the future."

Dagobert "At the cost of these young lives?"

Vesemir "Hopefully it won't come to that, I am confident that it will succeed."

After an hour the effects of the potion finally stop and Reima can open his eyes. He looks about the bloodied room strewn with corpses and seeks to comment to Reidun, who isn't present in his bed.

Looking around and at Geralt he speaks in shuddering voice.

"Geralt, where is Reidun? He should be right here!"

Geralt looks down in shame and points to Reimas bedside, there lies Reidun with a horrific face of anger and hunger still present... Reima jumps back from the threat but realises that Reidun is missing the lower half of his body. Eyes glazed over, cold to the touch, he must have been one of the first to be cut down.

"Reidun, it's over... Mate, you can stop fooling around now..."

Geralt "I'm sorry."

Reima's sobs in his bed as Geralt watches, an unreadable expression on his face.

Vesemir stands at the side looking over the recruits. He doesn't speak but just looks at the overwhelming death count, out of the 17 recruits only 3 survived... Those being Reima, Arie, and Erik.

Dagobert "It seems that your confidence was misplaced... I would advise against performing any more trials, you may lose what you have left."

Vesemir drops to his knees tears threatening to fall from his eyes, the children he looked after for half a year, all dead because of his mistake. A look of determination gradually makes its way onto his face. "No, we can't stop now... They must complete the rest of the trials.

Dagobert "Then I will have no part in your folly." He says sternly as he leaves the room."

I try to emphasise the disaster that just happened in this chapter, usually groups of recruits number around 10 and on average 3 survive, having 3 survive out of 17 for the second trial is a complete failure.

Also, The book seems to be rank negative 1 on originals... That counts as better than rank 1 right?

I would like to announce that The Elder Blood Witcher is the most popular original work on the site... In my opinion...

Niggrosscreators' thoughts