
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Derivasi dari game
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906 Chs

God damn it Reima!

It wasn't long until lunch rolled around and the Gryffindor +Gryffinclaw group were all assembled at their houses table. Reima eagerly watches the Great Halls entrance as he expects a certain someone to come bursting through any minute.

Ciri leans over and gently elbows him in the side, "Something going on?" she asks as she can clearly see he's preoccupied.

Reima grins and attempts to explain, however someone else answers for him.

Luna "He's waiting for the nargle to appear, I hope they're well." she says, still stroking an incredibly lazy looking Snuffles.

Ciri's eyes narrow at this, "What did you do?" she quickly whispers.

Reima "Dealt with one of Luna's bullies..."

Ciri pops a smirk, "Oh, now you really need to tell me what you've done."

Reima "You'll see in a couple minutes." he says, quickly straightening his back and starting to converse with Damien so as not to be seen as a suspect in what will happen soon.

Angelina had just finished talking about why she had dumped her recent boyfriend when a gasp was heard throughout the GreatHall, the teachers were included in this shocked surprise as they hadn't expected something like this to happen. Indeed this hadn't happened since James Potter Pranked Severus in another one of his "Schemes".

All eyes in the hall turn towards the entrance where an almost naked Cho Change stands, looking completely neutral towards all the attention she's gathering.

Reima is slightly surprised to see that she's actually wearing a black pair of panties and bra, it seems she'd managed to work around the word "Naked" and infer her own meaning on it... Damn.

However, that isn't the end of it, the girl immediately starts sprinting around the hall before shouting various things.

Cho "I didn't stop wetting my bed til I was twelve years old! I look Asian but I hate rice! I have cheated on all of my past boyfriends! I masturbate regularly!" She continues but the secrets shes shouting get more and more severe. "I was molested by my mothers boyfriend! My dead father used to beat me constantly! I let a seventh year fuck me so he would do my assignme-" A voice shouts from the Ravenclaw table "Stupify!".

The red spell hits the girl in the chest, causing her to fall over and headbutt the floor, breaking her nose in the process and causing blood to starts leaking from it creating a small puddle underneath her. The person that had cast the spell who was standing with his wand still drawn was called Roger Davies, a Seventh year who was apparently pretty close with Cho.

Roger "I don't know who jinxed Cho but I demand answers! Headmaster! This has gone way past a prank and I suspect the use of the Imperius curse!" he shouts furiously, not bothering to pick up his friend who's lying face down in her own blood.

Reima had grimaced when he heard her shouting about being molested and then again when she face-planted. He hadn't expected such a vile person to have experienced something like that, he glances to Ciri who's slightly pale and looking at him.

Ciri "That was... Unexpected."

Reima nods, "I... Don't think I'll attempt this again..." he says with Ciri thoroughly agreeing with him.

Dumbledore stands from his table and directs a couple teachers to attend to Cho before beginning to address the room. "Students of Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, as you have all just seen someone was bewitched and if anyone has any information on who's responsible we'd appreciate that information highly... Additionally we will be having our Medi-Witch Madam Pomfrey taking care of Miss Chang to makesure she's well physically and mentally... I would request as your headmaster but also as fellow students that you treat her with respect and civility I would expect from the brightest witches and wizards from magical society. I'd also like to say, any use of mind altering spells, potions or indeed rune clusters will result in expulsion or even a trip to Azkaban depending on the severity of their use... Thank you." he says before sitting down with a sad look on his face.

Luna "I never knew Nargles have their own problems... Really puts in prospective the amount of Wrackspurts they had." she says but the majority of the table ignores her, the exception being the few who knew what she was talking about.

Hermione "That really seemed like she was under the Imperious curse... But who would dare cast it inside Hogwarts?" she says with an aghast face.

Harry "I think we should keep our eyes open, I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me..." he shivers as she ponders the secrets he'd spew running around the hall.

Reima "Yeeahh... We should makesure this person doesn't affect any of us..." he says, receiving a funny look from Ciri.

Alicia "I think she deserved it..." harsh eyes look to her, "No, I don't mean the molesting part... But she was really a huge bitch, she's made rumours about me before, Angelina too. She even tried to steal my last boyfriend!"

Angelina nods, "Maybe it's karma, or vengeful girl who's been badly affected by her shit stirring?"

Harry "Either way, I think we can all agree whoever it was, they went too far." he says, receiving a nod from the majority of those listening.

So yeah, not everything will go how you think it will... Aditionally not everyone is douchebag by their own making. Hope you guys enjoyed the chap!

If I missed anything please let me know!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts