
Blade against... Blade?

Ciri shakes her head, "Those two have been around for a century... Any modesty they still have is buried under everything else."

Reima "I'm not getting your point."

Ciri "My point is, I'm not going to announce to everyone whenever we're going to fuck." she states, this particular topic clearly over.

As the duo approach Toussaint they are confronted by a legion of knights led by Damien, "Halt... You will not enter Toussain-"

Ciri "Piss of Damien, don't think I'll forget how you betrayed us and left us for dead." she glowers at him.

Reima tilts his head at the around three hundred men gathered in-front of them to bar them from entering Beauclair. "Is this some kind of joke?" he asks, the question an honest one.

Damien shakes his head and points his sword, "This is no joke, you will only enter Beauclair by stepping over my corpse."


Reima "Did... Did you not just see me killed the Emperor and his army?... Singlehandedly?" he asks in disbelief.

Damien "Regardless of the odds, we knights of Toussaint will never back down!" he shouts, though the slight tremble in his legs lets Reima know he really doesn't want to fight him.

Reima shrugs, "Whatever, I'll be collecting my horses and leaving... I'll decide what I want to do to Toussaint later." he says, forming a Quen sign while holding Ciri up with Telekinesis, causing a bright orange shield to surround the duo.

Reima then begins to walk towards the group of guards, ignoring their shouts and eventually reaching the front-line.

Damien swings at the shield, only to be knocked away by a shockwave, sending him sprawling to the ground, the Quen shield still standing.

Reima continues walking, like un unstoppable force surrounded by an unmoveable object. Men try to stop his march by pushing against the shield, only to unceremoniously bounce off of the shield.

Ciri "This is stupid." she states, watching swords and men alike being launched away from the shield.

Reima shrugs, "Would you rather I kill them?"

Ciri "It's up to you... I'm just saying a Quen shield should never be this powerful."

Reima "You could probably do it too, you've got the aptitude for it." he says, the knights giving hopeless looks at the duo talk to each other casually.

After a mile of failing to stop Reima's slow walk, most of the knights just seem to give up... Exhausted and bruised from being thrown around by the shield. The citizens of Beauclair are unsure of what this is supposed to be, is it an act being shown by the knights? Or was this truly a person just shrugging off their best warriors with ease.

Regardless, Reima keeps walking, eventually stopping in-front of a stable. "Is this it?" he asks Ciri, her giving a nod.

Reima "I wonder how you managed to find someone who'd willingly feed a Thestral." he says.


Damien strikes down on the shield, once again bouncing off of it with his sword being sent flying.

Reima finally takes notice, this man being the only one who'd continued trying to breach the shield the entire time. "Yo, you're beginning to annoy me... Piss off or I'll eat your soul." he says with a blank expression.

Damien retrieves his sword and points it at him, "Any who threaten Toussaint will perish under my blade! Fight me like a true warrior coward!" he shouts, the band of citizens who were following Reima to see what was happening beginning to cheer for their brave knight.

Reima glowers for a moment, "You alright to stand?" he asks Ciri, she nods and he places her back on her feet.

Reima walks towards Damien, dispelling the shield and glaring at him, "Might I ask what fighting like a "True Warrior" entails?"

Damien growls at him, "Blade to blade, no tricks, no spells... Only skill!" he shouts, the crowd beginning to get excited at the prospect of a duel.

Reima slowly nods, "Then you won't mind if I use my own sword?"

Damien shakes his head, still pointing his blade at Reima. Taking this as an invitation, Reima opens his Folded Space and grabs the handle of the Dragon Greatsword... Damien and the onlookers are struck speechless as he continues pulling out the rest of the blade, it being so long and wide that it never seems to end...

Reima hefts to sword onto his shoulder, it's weight not bothering him in the least, despite it being incredibly heavy.

Damein begins to sweat as he looks at the weapon Reima had brought out, wishing he'd not made such a broad statement... "En Garde!" he shouts, dropping into a low stance.

Reima gives the Great sword a test swing, slicing the air in-front of him with one hand and causing a breeze to blow past Damien from the force.

"Go brave knight!"

"We believe in you Sir de la Tour!"

"Slay the freak!"


Reima waits, tapping his foot as Damien approaches, the man eventually lunching for a stab... Reima grabs the sword with ease though, twisting his wrist which breaks the steel.

Damien begins to back away, but isn't out of reach of Reima's sword when he brings it down...


The Dragon Greatsword is brought down ontop of Damien, slicing him in two and hitting the ground, causing dust to kick up as a shockwave explodes from the blade, splitting a nearby house completely in two.

The cheering stops and the smoke eventually clears, revealing a bisected corpse within a large crater and Reima already heading towards Ciri who's standing in-front of the stable, his sword already sealed away.

Ciri "Do you always have to show off?" she asks, grabbing his arm as she's still feeling weak.

Reima grins, "He said I could use my own sword, plus, if you have the capabilities why not show off when you can."

Ciri "Atleast the Duchess will get the message not to mess with us... I was beginning to trust her as well." she says with a sigh.

Thus ends Damien de la Tour, who died doing what he loved... Grandstanding again people that could easily kick his ass.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts