
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Derivasi dari game
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906 Chs

Alcoholism intensifies

Once the first task is over Reima, Hermione along with Snuffles and the four champions all head back to Hogwarts for some food. They were given the option the eat before the task but no one dared to fill their stomachs when they had to face a dragon not an hour later.

Reima "So, I know you're still abit wary of alcohol Harry but maybe you two wanna have a couple drinks as celebration?" he asks, looking at Fluer and Krum.

Krum shakes his head, taking a glance a Ciri before replying. "I vish I could, but I cannot drink while taking these potions..."

Fleur doesn't seem to mind Krums refusal and eagerly nods, "I would love to have a couple glasses of wine with you."

Ciri nods, "Got any whisky left from last time?" she asks, apparently having enjoyed whatever she had drank last time.

Reima nods, "I got plenty, how about you two?" he asks Hermione and Harry.

Hermione shrugs, appearing to defer her decision to Harry, who slowly nods. "I just fought and killed a dragon... I think I'm justified a couple drinks, though I would like to try something that isn't Vodka?" he asks looking somewhat green when talking about Vodka.

Reima "Can do! Let's get going then." he says, walking towards the empty classroom they usually train their spells in, leaving a glum looking Krum behind who carefully limps back to the boat, not feeling hungry anymore.

Reima boldy kicks the door opens and walks into the room, calling "Hinky" as he does so. The elf pops in and he asks her for food fit for champions. She nods with a bug eyed smile before popping away.

Hermione seeing this can't help but comment, "I still can't believe that slavery is so common in the magical world..."

Reima "For the last time, they will literally die if they don't work. Not only that, but most enjoy working. I'm sure Harry has told you about how peculiar their species is."

Hermione nods reluctantly, remembering how he used to speak about Dobby, the elf that'd tried to kill him to save his life...

Ciri "Enough talk about elves, you're bringing back bad memories... Let's drink!" she exclaims. Causing Reima to materialise a bottle of whisky in his hand before tossing it at her.

Fleur seeing this moves closer to Reima and smiles, "Some wine please?"

He shrugs, depositing a bottle of wine and a crystal chalice from Lordran into her hands, causing her eyes to almost roll out of their sockets when she sees them.

Fleur "Apologies Monsieur but, what kind of wine Iz dis?" she says, looking it over and being unable to read the strange language on the label, along with numbers that don't seem to match anything identifiable that she nows of...

Reima grins, "Don't worry about that, I can assure you it's good shit though."

She slowly nods and pours herself a goblet of the ruby liquid, she swirls and sniffs it and has a look of bliss overtake her face.

Reima nudges glances at Hermione and nudges his head at Fleur, "Er, what's with her? Is it a french thing?"

Hermione "It's wine tasting techniques... I think?"

Fleur "Irréelle! Zis is the best wine I have ever had!" she exclaims with a wondrous look on her face.

Reima "Glad you like it, because it's finite and I've only got a few of those left." he says, not telling her that a "few" means hundreds if not thousands.

Fleur "Iz dat so?" she says as she slides closer to him, "Maybe I can do something to make up for it?" he say sweetly.

Reima glances at Ciri who's sipping her drink but still managing to somehow glare at him.

He shrugs, " Maybe when Ciri's passed out and I've had a couple drinks you can ask me that again..." he says jokingly, but the way Fleur is licking her lips tells a different story.

A couple minutes later the group is sat down on a number of comfortable sofa's courtesy of Reima's "Gate of Ikea", with various plates of food provided by the elves surrounding them. Snuffles sits on the table in-front of the sofa Ciri, Reima and Fleur sit on. He sips from a small goblet filled with wine, though Hinky added a couple drops of blood from the supplies Dumbledore had given Reima.

Reima himself sits between a now tipsy Ciri and overeager Fleur, the latter vying for his attention while the former is content with just drinking away.

Opposite them sits Harry and Hermione, the former with a number of different drinks in-front of him, ranging from beers, to whisky, to spirits. He had been taking sips from them and mixing them with suggestion from Reima, though due to the mixture of different alcohol's he had drank he was already more shitfaced than he was when they were fishing.

Fleur who had slowly opened up and began talking about herself with the assistance of the friendly company and the wine asks Reima "Zo, Monsieur Reima, tell me about your home, Greenland." she says, leaning into him.

Ciri snorts to herself, "It's cold and covered in magical monsters that like to tear the commoners apart."

Hermione who had been listening leans her head at her description, "Commoners? Are you a noble Ciri?"

Ciri "Just a princess, why?" she says.


Hermione "You're joking right? You're not really a princess?"

Ciri's about to retort but Reima claps his hand over her mouth, "No, she's just a bit drunk and making shit u-p" he stutters, as he can feel Ciri licking the palm of his hand...

Reima's slowly turning Harry into a drunk...

If I missed anything please let me know!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts