
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Derivasi dari game
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906 Chs

A Patriot.

One day while Reima was meditating on his usual balcony a bird flies off and lands next to him, it's head twitching to the side while it blinks rapidly at him.

Reima sighs and opens his eyes, "Whaddya want?" he mutters to the bird, which hops towards him, only now revealing the small scroll tied to its leg.


Reima "Didn't know people used birds as messengers in this world..." he wonders aloud as he takes it from the bird, the creature immediately flying away once it's freed of its burden.

Deciding to open it and check what kind of information is going to and fro from Kaer Morhen, Reima unwraps it and takes a peek.

"To V&V.R

The butter is ready to be churned, it has been procured from the finest farmer in the land. Foreign farmers intend to inquire of our farming techniques and thus we must send them our cattle in an attempt to placate them."

This is the only legible part of the letter, the rest seems to be in some sort of foreign language that Reima can't even begin to guess where it's from... Though, inside Kaer Morhen there are only two people with those initials. Ves & Vernon Roche.

Reima reluctantly gets up and steps off of the balcony, landing gracefully and without a sound before heading towards the lowest courtyard where Roche and Ves usually trained their swordsmanship.


Once there he finds no one but a couple of Prospects and Pyreblades sparring, Reima takes a moment to admire their moves and incredibly different combat styles. Obviously, without Pyromancies the Pyreblades were outmatched by the vastly more skillful Prospects. Finally they spot him watching and greet, "JOLLY!"


Reima waves with a troubled smile, "Jolly...." and quickly retreats to try and find Ves and Roche. After a while of looking he eventually finds them in the Library, specifically the section that involves weaponry... Vernon and Ves have stacks of books piled next to them as they talk and deliberate about how certain weapons would work, they were especially interested in Firearms and missiles...

Reima coughs into his fist, "Ahem."

They both glance at him before nodding, "Morning Reima. Do you need us for something?"

Reima "Yes, but first I'd like to know what you think of my Library?"

Ves "It's incredible, I never knew such technology existed."

Roche nods, "If we were to utilise even a fraction of it we could easily destroy Nilfgaard... Though, this does bring int question why you don't just conquer the known world Reima. You have power, men, weaponry... A huge fucking dragon!"

Reima shrugs, "I'm not interested in ruling, the only reason I'm in charge of this... Settlement, is because my friends wished for it."

Roche looks him hard in the face, "Then you are a better man than most, not many would turn down an opportunity like this."

Reima takes a seat opposite them, "So, I received a letter penned to V&V.R, any idea who it might mean?" he asks sarcastically, analysing their reactions to see if they are shocked, angry, fearful or anything else that might indicate the contents.

Ves gives Roche a relieved look, "I told you we'd spent too long here, how was the bird supposed to find us inside?"

Roche "It's fine, at least it delivered the message. May I see it Reima?"

Reima nods and hands it over, "Something about churning butter..." he says with a chuckle, however his words make the two tense up.

Roche quickly opens and skims it with his eyes, "Damn." he says.

Ves "What is it?" she asks with concern.

Roche "Nilfgaard are moving a few small groups into Crookback bog, likely making a play to take Oxenfurt or Novigrad." he looks at Reima, "I hope this information stays-What?"

Reima had burst out laughing as soon as he heard the words "Nilfgaard into Crookback bog", the idea that heavily armoured troops would be able to make it through that place without first burning it to the ground is incredibly funny to him. "PFFT! CROOKBACK BOG!?! Are they mad!"

Roche frowns, "I don't think you realise the brevity of the situation Reima, this could mean full out frontal warfare soon."

Reima shakes his head "No, no no no... It's you who doesn't know Roche, Crookback bog is inhabited by powerful beings known as the Crones. They control all the monsters inside it and probably most of Velen, if Nilfgaard hasn't got an army of Witchers then they're fucked!"

Ves "Is this information accurate?" she asks, a relieved expression bleeding through her neutral mask.

Reima nods, "Well, as long as you trust Geralt then yeah."

Roche crosses his arms and nods, "I see... Well, regardless we will need to leave and make sure the Redanians know of this information. We will leave tomorrow at dawn." he states.

Reima "Thank you both for your help against the Wild Hunt, I know Geralt appreciates it greatly, as do I."

Ves "It was nothing, if there is anything you all need then please let us know."

Reima shakes his head, "No, I should be saying the same for you both. If you need anything just say the word." he says, however once he does the duo have an awkward expression.


Roche "Well... If you really wish to help us... Before I ask I'd like to hear your opinion on Temeria?"

Reima "It used to be a rich and powerful country, though even now after it's subjugation by Nilfgaard it remains as racist as ever." he states, not really feeling anything for a country who's peoples hated him for being a Witcher.

Roche nods slowly, "I see, well... What would you say to using your might to push back the Empire and securing a free Temeria with us?" he broaches.

Reima shrugs, "It would be hard to justify, not only because of how many people would need to die, but because of how Radovid is creating the North, allowing the Eternal Fire to pick up in popularity. Supposing I did help you free Temeria, what assurances would I have that it wouldn't immediately be captured by Nilfgaard again, or taken over by the Eternal Fire... Or Redania for that matter."


Roche stays silent, he was among the few surviving Temerian soldiers, they wouldn't be able to hold the country should Reima hand it back to them on a silver platter. He also wouldn't be surprised if Radovid did take it over afterwards for his own goals as well, he'd also likely command Reima to fight for the North due to Kaer Morhen technically residing in Kaedwen. "Nevermind, I am sorry to ask such a question of you. I do hope that when the time comes, we will be able count on your support though."

Reima nods, "As long as it doesn't involve me getting heavily involved in politics, then sure. If you ever need a monster dead then give me a call though." he says with a thumbs up.

Looking at the map it shows that the Nilfgaardian encampment is literally behind Crookback bog... I really wish the game showed those armoured douche bags getting torn apart by an army of fiends lol

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

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