
Elda Ghoul System

Emily's life changes in an instant when she dies and wakes up to a notification. [Congratulations you have been granted the Elda Ghoul System!] She's now a part of a hidden society of supernaturals, and her life is about to get a whole lot more complicated. Emily soon finds herself intertwined with hunters and other supernaturals, all while trying to navigate her new identity as a ghoul. She's forced to learn the rules of the supernatural world quickly, or she won't survive. Emily's journey is one of self-discovery and acceptance. She learns to embrace her new powers and abilities, and she lean on friends who support her along the way. But she also faces danger and betrayal, and she must learn to trust her instincts if she wants to stay alive. In the end, Emily must decide where she belongs in the supernatural world. She must also decide whether to use her powers to help others or to protect herself. Her choices will have far-reaching consequences for both herself and the supernatural world as a whole.

Saint_goodness · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
84 Chs

Partial Transformation

When reading her sister's message on her comm, Emily's heart went into a panic. Salle wasn't the type to joke around with her nor was she someone who would usually ask her for help. Since she did, it could only mean that the situation was seriously bad.

 Looking at the Status was currently at 459 MQ, making her twice as fast and twice as powerful for no Energy spent.

The high schooler didn't think about anything else, and just ran towards the Karaoke club the two girls were supposed to be at. She no longer cared about the gang war happening at the moment, nor did she care about gaining Exp. Her only wish was to get there in time to prevent anything bad happening to her family.

'Please be safe, Salle! Please be safe, Salle!' Emily kept repeating it like a prayer in her head as she ran and ran, completely ignoring all the fights happening around her. Eventually, she found herself in front of the right place on the main high street.

The high schooler quickly ran up the stairs until she was in the reception area. It was dark, and she could hear the loud thumping of music behind several of the doors. Originally she had planned to use her enhanced senses to find out where Salle was.

Unfortunately, her enhanced senses proved to be a detriment for once. It took her a few moments to get used to the - to her - incredibly loud noise. However, in the end she pushed through because of her sister.

The receptionist, a middle-aged man with a creepy smile, looked up from his seat and greeted her with a nod. "Welcome to our humble establishment. How may I assist you?"

"I'm looking for two teenage girls," Emily replied, her voice firm and assertive. "They came here earlier tonight. Have you seen them?"

The man's smile grew wider, and he leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together. "Ah, yes. I believe you're referring to the two young ladies who visited us earlier. Unfortunately, they've already left. We're closed for the night, so I can't allow you to enter."

Emily's eyes narrowed, her intuition telling her that the man was hiding something. She took a step closer to the desk, her voice low and persuasive. "I understand that, but I really need to speak with them. It's urgent. Can't you please tell me where they went?"

The man sighed, his expression turning annoyed. "Look, miss, I appreciate your persistence, but I can't give you any information. Our patrons' privacy is paramount, and I can't compromise that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

Emily's jaw clenched in frustration, but she refused to give up. She leaned in closer, her voice taking on a dangerous edge. "Listen, I don't have time for your games. I know they were here, and I'm not leaving until I find them. So either you tell me where they are, or we're going to have a problem."

The man's smile faltered, replaced by a look of irritation. He stood up, his fists clenched, and advanced on Emily. "You're pushing your luck, kid. I've had enough of your attitude. After I'm done with you, I can have my fun with you before throwing you in the dumpster."

The man's face twisted in anger, and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. "Fine. You want to dance? I can do that."

He lunged at Emily, the knife glinting in the light. Emily sidestepped him easily, she counterattacked, striking the man's chest with a powerful punch. The impact left a visible imprint on his shirt, and the man stumbled backwards, gasping for breath.

"I see you like to play hard to get," the man wheezed, his eyes gleaming with a sickening hunger. "I like that."

Emily's lip curled in disgust, her fists clenched at her sides. "Now, where are the girls?"

The man's smile returned, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Oh, they're in room 303, I made sure they're taken care of. After all, I have a reputation to uphold."

Emily's ran towards the hallway without thinking about how the man survive her punch even when she was still under the effect of rage, a normal human would have turned into meat paste cause she didn't hold back.

Emily looked through these small windows in each of the doors, that would show who was inside of the room.

She looked through each one, until one of them caught her attention, not because she could see her sister but she could make out the smell of blood.

"SALLLLLLE!" Emily shouted as she recognised her. That's when the three guys noticed her entering the room.

As Emily entered the room, she was met with a sight that made her blood boil. Her sister, Stacy, was lying on the ground, and a boy was standing over her with his pants down. Emily's instincts immediately kicked in, and she rushed towards the boy, her fists clenched.

She delivered a powerful punch to the boy's neck, killing him instantly. The two boys in front of her were caught off guard, and they assume she had merely knocked him out.

But Emily's attention was quickly diverted to Stacy, who was staring at her with a mixture of surprise and terror etched on her face. Emily could tell that Stacy was different, inhuman just from her scent.

"Oh, you look pretty and alone, and sure will taste good," the boy beside Stacy said, licking his lips. Although Emily couldn't compare to Amy or Silver in terms of beauty, she was still a lovely young woman, with delicate features and a porcelain complexion. She looked like a fragile snow white, and her appearance seemed to have captured the attention of the boys in the room.

Emily's anger surged as she watched the boy leer at her sister. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and her palms were sweaty as she clenched her fists. She wanted nothing more than to protect Stacy from these monsters, and she was willing to do whatever it took to ensure her safety.

Her whole body was shaking, Emily's body was shaking from head to toe.

"What the f*ck did you do to my sister?!" Emily shouted.

[You are heavily enraged]

[You have exceeded 700 MQ]

[Partial transformation has begun]

Her eyes narrowed, her teeth and fingernails started to sharpen, the rage had taken over Emily completely.

"Stacy!" Emily shouted, as she could see that she was still conscious. "I want you and Salle to get out of here. Grab a taxi and get to the hospital!"

GET GOING STACY!!!" Emily shouted once more. The high school girl didn't need to be told again as she went over to where Salle was and grabbed her best friend. Luckily, Salle had somewhat woken up, yet her vision was still blurry.

Her features contorted and rearranged themselves into something both haunting and beautiful. Her flawless complexion paled as though drained of life, while her eyes became two pools of endless darkness, a bottomless void.

Nine tendrils of black shadow, resembling makeshift wings, erupted from Emily's back, extending beyond the boundaries of mere flesh. The tendrils twisted and writhed, as if imbued with a mind of their own, their tips reaching for the ceiling in an eerie dance.

But it was her heart that stole the spotlight amidst the dark symphony of her transformation. Pulsating with an otherworldly intensity, her heart glowed with a deep crimson hue.

The creature before them was a sight to behold. Its body was that of a demon, but what caught the boys' attention were its wings - nine of them, to be exact, each one pulsing with shadow energy that seemed to come from within. The creature's heart burned with an inner fire, as if they held the very essence of hell itself.

But it was not just the creature's appearance that made the boys uneasy. There was something else, something that seemed to emanate from its very presence. A feeling of power, of strength, of unspeakable evil. It was as if this creature was a being beyond their comprehension, a creature that belonged in a world far removed from their own.

Trembling, Hawk mustered the courage to speak, his words stumbling out in a nervous stammer, "Do you... do you know who my family is? We are part of the Blue Whalers. If you harm us...it could be a problem." His voice wavered, revealing his fear and desperation, even as he sought to assert his status.

It was then that the sound of the door was heard opening behind them again, and the man who had been at the reception came in.

Hawk's personal butler entered with practiced composure. Startled at first, his eyes widened in awe mingled with a hint of trepidation as he beheld the extraordinary being that occupied the room. However, he swiftly regained his composure, his features set in an unwavering mask of professionalism and concern.

Maintaining his pristine demeanor, the butler leisurely closed the door behind him and took a step towards the young master and his companion. With measured tone and unflinching gaze. "Do you need help, young master? How may I be of service?" His voice betrayed neither fear nor hesitance, though his heart raced within him.

[Bloodlust has been detected]

[All Stats Multiplier X3]

As for the events that followed… it all became a blur for Emily. A blur of red.

When it was over, she stood there in the centre of the room, covered in blood, glad that the music from the karaoke machine had been so loud. The entire room was now covered in blood, with the lights from the TV screen flashing once in a while revealing the state of the room.