
Ekashta Nava

Destruction. That's all I've ever known since I stepped my foot in this world. Was it a cruel plan of destiny or was it just me but one I thing I know is that I can't get out of this maze. I won't. I have to end it all. I've been played as a pawn for my whole life; it's time I take the reins of my life in my own hands. I am the predator they always saw coming. The predator they always predicted. And now I am ready to do the only thing I was trained to do with no morals. Destroy.

NegiKanan · perkotaan
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7 Chs




1. Nanobot-Virus Symbiosis: Exploration of the symbiotic relationship between nanobots and viruses, focusing on applications in medical treatment and genetic enhancement.

2. Mutant Virology and Genetic Modifications: Study of viruses that interact with mutant organisms, and techniques for genetically modifying viral genomes.


January 7, 3070

"That will be all for today."

I look up from my notebook to observe Dr. Aiden Hughes, our new professor of Nanobot-Virus Symbiosis. It is one of those subjects that you simply mug up, as its entirely theoretical. All one needs is a cup of coffee with the required notes, and they're well off. It's an easy-to-understand and learn subject, and while I see it more as an extra credit course rather than a core subject, Dr. Hughes's methods of teaching have developed the majority of our interests in this subject even though it's only his third session here.

He provides practical examples and his lab sessions, too, are very intriguing. Where in class, the atmosphere is kept lively with discussions and debates, the lab sessions indulge us in exploring the virtual simulations where we design and observe the symbiotic relationship between nanobots and viruses. The design process was supposed to be in the latter half of our course, but Dr. Hughes assigns us with minor projects - an alteration that NEUN understood the need for and accepted. 

NEUN never fails in choosing its professors, and it shows. Mr. Hunter might be a pain in my ass, but he is one of the best at his profession. He aced the NTFT 3050 exam and secured the position of not only the Mutant Virology and Genetic Modifications professor of Section 1 but also the Head of the same Department of all the five Sections. I respect his achievements and knowledge but his personality has a long way to go.

Dr. Hughes is no different; cue the narcissistic personality. He too ranked first and entered this institution as our In-charge of Nanobot-Virus Symbiosis and as a professor for our Section. No doubt he will be the H.O.D when Dr. Khan retires next year.

 "Kindly go through the notes that you will find in the Library on Ethical Concerns and Alternative Approaches. We will have a debate session, and this time the class will be divided in four groups. I hope you all participate as it was the most voted topic for discussion and debate."

Choruses of agreements follows.

He nods. "The discussion was a success today. Your views are noted and questions will be posed accordingly, so all you need to do is formulate your opinions and present them. Rules, as usual, will be disclosed on the day. Thank you for your time. The class is dismissed." 

"Thank you," I sync in with the classroom and bow before moving to my next class.

This week is going to be another one of those where you simply don't have time for yourself at all. With another series of tests just next month, there are three major thesis papers that I need to submit by the end of this week. Being the top student and then acing the orientation exam results earns a very honorable mention in the NEUN EDITORIAL, our institution's annual editorial that gets sold out the minute it enters the market. The deadline is by the end of this month but the reviewing committee asked it early, as the first round of edits included a lot of changes.

Changes that genuinely messed up my sleep schedule and are still pending.

I never thought writing thesis papers was this hard, and it's not, but it is the editorial of the globe's most prestigious institution. Perfection is breathed here.

One of the papers is under the supervision of Dr. Khan himself, and I make a mental note to ask him for another week's extension. He will definitely agree without any questions or word because we are just cool like that.

While cool, it is also a little complicated.

He has been very gentle towards me and shows obvious favoritism, which is very unlike his usual self. Or so I am told. My senior Ava told me that he is known to be very strict and a man of few words. Which, if I ponder on much, is very contrasting to how he has never once been strict with me despite my carelessness or misbehavior.

He, in fact, talked to me about his family once for two hours, both of us contributing to the talk and laughing as if we were best buddies. Though my contribution was as minimal as it gets, he did not mind. Nor did I, and it's surprising because I hate people who talk more than necessary. But with him, it felt natural. Right. It felt like I was talking to the emotion that I needed in my life since forever, and the universe finally decided to listen to me.

He is almost like a father figure in my life, but I don't like to give it much thought. He cares, and that's fine.

So to think of him as my senior described is definitely hard and puzzles me more.

"Why you?"

I am pulled out from my thoughts and forced to acknowledge the person in front of me. Karan Rajbhar stands there in his beautiful glory. It's astonishing how he actually passed the interview round when his entire personality is centered around being the nephew of the head of this institution, but I guess being ranked third in the global examination made him worthy.

"I have a class to attend," he blocks my way when I try to walk past him, and my irritation flares. "What is it?"

"You have been selected as the student representative of this Section," my lips tip up, and his eyes narrow. "Are you, fucking the board members?"

Of course, he will suggest that. I stopped considering Karan my competition when I realized how dirty he played. While Bhavya and I engage in a very toxic competition indeed, it is totally academic-based. But Karan will stoop low enough to use every one of your secrets against you if that's what it takes for him to win. Puh-lease.

"Unlike you, I have the potential which the staff and the head of the institution, including the board directors, are aware of," his eyes droop in anger, and I smile. "Next time, before being disrespectful, know who you are speaking to."

I pat his arm and walk away. A crowd had gathered to have a front-row seat of the drama, and I hear him curse. A soft chuckle passes my lips, and I enter the class for my next lecture.


I take my seat at the last, as always, and revise the notes. Parasitology, for me, is that class where you simply question why you are even studying the course you've yourself chosen. I hate it.

NEUN offers programs in three areas- Virology, Parasitology and Immunology. While my program is the first, the basics of the other two are still taught to us and in a way, all the three areas are closely related.

From what I know, the Third Floor is Section 1 to 5 for Virology Studies, the First Floor is Section 6 to Section 10 for Parasitology, and the Ground Floor is Section 11 to Section 15 for Immunology Studies. The Second Floor is the Staff Rooms along with Libraries, which can only be accessed by the teachers. While each Section of Parasitology and Immunology has fifteen classes, Virology only has five each. The same also has the lowest number of students, only the top hundred being selected, whereas for the other two, it is the top five hundred. One has to work extremely hard to pass the tests and then the interview round that is for Virology only. It's tough but worth it.

The architecture of this institution is truly beautiful. It walks with innovation and runs with current technologies; all while upholding traditional teaching methods as its cornerstone.

"Hey," Nara sits beside me, and I smile at her. She is probably the only one here who I consider my friend. She is a gentle soul but can ruin you to ashes with just a cup of coffee and a computer. I don't understand why she chose Virology when she could easily have the most successful career in Cybersecurity. While I am familiar with the concept of it and can surely hack into this institution's most equipped technology, she can dig her paws further. I know my limitations when it's technology, but hers, she is limitless. She is the force you regret provoking.

And I think I really like it.

"You're late," I say, and she rolls her eyes, a smile taking over her lips. Did I mention she has dimples? Adorable.

"Whatever. Congratulations!" she throws herself at me and hugs me tightly. I groan when my back hits the wall behind me, but I can't help my grin. God, I love her hugs. There's this comfort and warmth in it that I just don't find elsewhere. I push her away when I see everyone staring at us, my ears going red. She laughs and sits back, her eyes gleaming, and I realize that she is genuinely happy for me. Like clapping her hands and blowing me kisses type happy. The kind of happy I have never experienced before.

"I can't believe it! I am so happy for you. If anyone deserves it, it's you," she grins at me, and I smile back. I'm afraid if I speak, my voice might come out strained. Instead, I pinch my thigh hard, hoping for the pain to kill these emotions and bury them back in my abyss. It does.

"Not gonna lie, but I was skeptical at first," she continues, unaware of the effect her words had on me. She is simply happy for me. Then why am I feeling so lost yet so happy? I don't acknowledge the lurking answer.

I thought I had control over my emotions till now, but guess I have a far way to go. And that acknowledgment is a huge hit on my training trauma.

"I mean, Karan was your opponent, and he is the nephew of Dr. Rajbhar, so I thought maybe they would be unfair to you, but I have never been happier to be proven wrong. I am so happy for you. The student representative! Like damn! Imagine the students you'll be meeting from the other Sections now!"

"I will only be meeting the student representatives of the other two programs. On the Second Floor. And those meetings will be in the presence of the authorities, so I hardly count it as civil. It will be business; word for a word," she is about to say something when Dr. Kim enters. We all stand to greet him, and when the class starts, our conversation is forgotten.

And so are any emotions that were trying to free themselves.

As it should be.


"Congratulations, Miss. Kratos."

I shake hands with the lady in the red dress, her siren eyes gleaming with approval. Those red lips are going to be the death of me in the literal sense. She knew what she did the second she made me the student representative. She was aware of my hatred towards this institution, but she also knew that my curiosity towards each of the myths and rumors surrounding it is enough to make me stay.

What she doesn't know is that the myths and rumors in the air of this institution have long been confirmed by me. While my hatred for NEUN surpasses everything, I will not let it affect my mission.

"I hope that you will be the same person we all know you to be," her voice has that edge, the warning. If I continue to break the rules anymore, it will result in my position getting taken away; a humiliation that will sit on my shoulders until I get my degree. A humiliation that will be on my pride, and she would love that, wouldn't she?

"Thank you," I smirk. "You shall not worry about that. Though your operational system is something you must keep an eye on. I know of some students who are just waiting for the right opportunity."

Her eyes narrow. I found what NEUN tried to hide, but now that I have power, I will not stop until this institution is in ashes. That will be the day of my vengeance, and I will take my time ruining every wall, every secret of this institution. I will show these walls what betrayal is; show these classes what knowledge can do, and the people who wronged me, who took away everything of mine, will know what burning in the fire of hell feels like.

The feeling of one's soul getting completely taken away? They will know.

The pride of this institution will scream so pretty under my feet.

"Only a fool will try to break the rules, Miss. Kratos, and I know our student representatives are smart enough to take the necessary actions against students like these, right?" I smile at her words, and she returns one back, but that is only because we are approached by a media member.

Being the student representative of NEUN gains you unrequited fame and unwanted attention. Both, of the citizens and of the media. And since I hate being in front of cameras for long, I excuse myself after answering a fair amount of questions.

I start moving towards the balcony, but my steps falter, and my heart drops when I hear voices.


I turn around and look at the closed door, just like everyone here. Screams of agony, pain, and terror echo around the wall from outside the door, and a line of armed men takes their position in front of the door. I faintly hear Dr. Rajbhar say something, but the screams are the only thing I am able to comprehend right now.

Whatever is happening outside is clearly gruesome.

A particularly loud shrill has dread crawling up my back. People outside are banging on the door, screaming and begging for us to let them in, but what is humanity when death is just outside the door? People in this room look terrified too, but relief is evident in their body language. Relief of being in one of the safest rooms in NEUN - The Rana Auditorium.

The screams of pain, agony; It feels like I am back in the dark room, chained, and suffocated. My entire body locks, and my heart starts beating furiously. I feel the drop in my stomach, and ice starts curling up my neck as the screams get louder, and the banging gets more frantic.


I immediately apply pressure between my thumb and index finger and start taking deep breaths.

"Focus on the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your body. You can do that, Iris."

I do just that. He taught me to take care of myself in his absence, and he did his job damn well. I am going to be fine. I start counting in my head, my attention on my breathing.

Another shrilling scream echoes, and I almost close my eyes. "No," I whisper to myself, focusing on my breath only. The urge to dig my nails into my neck is overwhelming, but I fight against it. I can't lose myself here. Once I get into that space, it's hard and painful pulling myself to sanity.

A few more breaths, and I feel my muscles relax. My heart slowly starts returning to its normal state, and the ice starts retreating. The urge is still there, but it's nothing I can't handle.

"Self-harm is not the path to the comfort you seek but the path to your destruction."

I remember the sessions, and I remember them well. I won't let anything destroy me.

The banging gets louder, the desperation of the people outside mixes with the screams, but then, just like it was all a dream, it stops. Not just the banging, but also the screams. Pure silence.

"What the hell?", I whisper and a few heads turn to me. They too wear the same expressions.

I glance at the ten armed soldiers before my eyes start searching for the one person who has all the answers and who is also to be held responsible for all that chaos.

A sigh escapes my lips when I spot Dr. Rajbhar in the office room of the Auditorium. Masking my features and pulling myself together, I walk in the direction of the office. I am going to irritate the hell out of her because it is only then that she provides me with answers.

Another armed soldier stands outside the office who glares at me. I wink at him but he blocks my way when I try to walk past him.

"Students are forbidden from entering this area, ma'am", his gruff voice sounds clear despite the mask.

I hum, checking him out in one swift glance. It's the usual uniform, one that we see every Saturday as those days are for health check-up camps and yoga. From afar, the uniform might seem to cling to his body perfectly but having any soldier or CORPS as they are officially called having this close to you, it is hard to miss the subtle bulges and contours of the uniform.

The black fabric did clung to his form perfectly but I knew the uniform was more than just cloth; it was a meticulously engineered piece of survival gear, designed to provide maximum efficiency in the harshest of environments.

I hold his stare but behind the mask, his eyes betray nothing. I know of the intensity of his training, the readiness for whatever dangers may lurk in the shadows of the world that NEUN is slowly creating but he just stands there tall, doing what he gets paid for.

I hum and contemplate on taking him by surprise by giving him the exact details of the weapon he is holding just like I did with the Security Officer of my Section but before that, the door to the office opens and our moment is interrupted.

"Miss. Iris Kratos", my head tilts towards the voice and I meet eyes with the blue ones. She is fuming but for once, it is not directed at me. She is just pissed about this whole situation that we are now stuck in. "I would appreciate if you would follow the protocols and wait patiently."

"We need to talk," I say and her jaw clenches. "Whatever is happening outside, I think I know what it is."

"Your thinking or your opinion is not our concern nor is it our obligation to entertain your childish tantrums in the time of chaos. So be a normal student for once and wait patiently."


She sighs before tapping the CORPS' soldier. He moves out of my way and I arch a brow. That was suspiciously easy. His eyes catch the movement but accept that, there is no facial movement. I bow a little before entering the office. There is a huge table around which chairs are positioned in a very systematic way.

Dr. Rajbhar sits at the head and gestures for me to take a seat besides her. I follow and wait.

The ticking of the clock is continuous as we just sit there, staring at each other. 

"Is that what I think it is, Dr. Rajbhar?"

She tilts her head back before meeting my eyes and sliding her tablet to me. I expected the gruesome view of outside but my stomach still bottoms out at the sight of it. Blood on the white marbled tiles, the walls and dripping from the flowers in the vases that were kept on the two sides of this auditorium's entrance door.

A tense silence passes between us. She knows I'll ask questions and I know that pulling the answers out from her is the only way. After a few minutes, she decides to speak, "Those people out there are not humans as you saw. They are not zombies either. It is Necrogenic Mutation among humans that you just saw. We are still finding a solution to it."

"How are they even here?", she stands up, straightening herself. I too stand, only a few inches shorter than her. "You are to answer my questions, Dr. Rajbhar," I glare because no way is she feeding me an already known bullshit. 

"I am not obliged to answer you any questions, Miss. Kratos", she speaks, her voice sounding more cold and herself seeming more intimidating.

"Yes, you are. Otherwise your little secret here is out", I speak calmly and she scoffs. I want answers and my patience is thinning.

Where are the labs?

"Then you are dead, Miss. Kratos", a shiver runs down my spine at her icy voice, devoid of any emotion. "Just like a few people in this room are going to be."

She turns back and starts walking towards the door and my jaw clenches. Her warning was clear. Death will be served no matter what. Either by the mutants walking out or by this institution. Surviving was never an option. Not then, not now.

She turns around, her hand on the knob and then she speaks the words which I never expected to hear from her. "I want you to live, Iris. Don't do something that will take away from me my best student."

And then she leaves.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm aware of the questions and curiosity that must be arising but just stay with me. I'll upload often to cure everything ;)

Also, are we liking the plot? Cause I am living for Dr. Rajbhar and Iris. They really complement each other and you will agree to this as the chapters proceed. Just trust the process.

Might keep an eye out for Karan though. That man is something I must say.

A small question: What kind of masks makes you go unhinged?

For me it is The Corps Mask. I will not explain it since the explaination already exists in one of the chapters and once you learn that, you will UNDERSTAND!!!! These Corps might truly be the death of you, figuratively and literally.

Also, Necrogenic Mutations huh? Did you see that coming? It will be explained more in detail in the further chapters.

And the courses offered by NEUN? These are all fictional courses, description of which will be provided at the start of every chapter.

I look forward to reading your thoughts on this chapter.

Happy Reading ;)

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