

"Wow...what the hell Rui? How could you be so shameless?" One of the minions argued, following her the other ants around started to murmur loudly among themselves.

"Is she crazy? Shyla was being good enough to introduce her to others but she..."

"That's right how could she be so ungrateful and brazen."

"She is so irritating that I don't even know if she is doing this to get attention or simply have lost her mind."

"Whatever the reason is, she shouldn't act like that it's just a 'sorry', and she is making such a big deal out of it."

"Yeah, If it isn't for Shyla Rui would have ended up as a loner." 

'Yeah...That's kinda true if it wasn't for I would never have trust issues. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have drifted apart from my parents. If it wasn't for her Rixy wouldn't have hurt so much.' Rui reminiscing on her past continues her talk.

"That's right I should be grateful." 

"Exactly, you should."

"But from now on please mind your own sh*its." Smiling up to ears Rui said.

Rui calmly stands against Shyla and the class,

"And about earlier, I couldn't clearly see the far-away things as I have just woken up...but even if I could I would still choose to ignore you. Do you know why? Because I am obligated to do so. Secondly, it was your fault that I couldn't see properly because it was YOU who repeatedly asked me to fill your and your minions bottles. But of course, it was me who obeyed it and that's why let's call it even." Shrugging and smiling Rui calmly stated her...and whispered in Shyla's ears,

"Don't pretend so hard to be an angel because, at the end of the day, you will always be a parasite." Withdrawing her face she again gave a harmless harmonious smile. Before Shyla could explode with her anger the teacher came in,

"All of you back to your seats! Oh, Rui you okay now?"

"Yeah teacher, I am fine now."

"Good be careful next time. The rest of you go back to your seats, Shyla. Go."

And so the lecture started. 

'Guess avoiding it all won't be possible...fine let's try not to make it troublesome my sole goal is my parents and Rixy and in this life, I will never let them go. Talking about Rixy, according to his mother he was in the same high school as me that means... he must be in his 3rd year right now. Rixy in his teen...he must be adorable, I can't wait to see him."

Grinning like an idiot at these thoughts. Rui got scolded by her teacher for not paying attention. Which gave Shyla a sense of relief. 

And so the school came to an end, Rui left the room in a hurry and ran towards the main gate where her father with an ice cream was waiting for her beside his bike. Rui came with tears and started bawling aloud, her father got startled and hurried towards her,

"W-what happened? Why are you crying? Did someone bully you?" After calming her down Smith again asks for the reason again.

"Nothing I just fainted in the morning and had a bad dream about you."

"Dream? What kind of dream?"

"I don't remember now."

"You sure that's all?"

"Hmm, yeah, let's go I want to see Mom."

"Yeah sure...oh! Here's your ice cream."


In that warm and happy atmosphere they were welcomed by Julia on the doorstep...again seeing her mother so cheerful Rui's heart melted with guilt and was determined to never let them drift apart even if she had to lie for it. After having dinner Rui went to her room and sat down on her bed with a notebook.

'In my last life, there were few things that contributed hugely to my misery in high school,

1) Timing

Ever since I got late on the first day of school because of my excitement, the other kids started to tease me too much about it in the name of 'getting along', and since I was stupid enough to worry about it all night, I got used to this routine to get late and be mocked up which eventually led to the low self-confidence I had back then.

But now it won't, so first I need to get there before anyone and get the spot I wanted to.

2) Studies

As the pranks and teasing were getting worse with each day passing, I got laid back with the studies too. I was so desperate to have them as my friends, that I even ignored my uneasiness and discomfort caused by all jokes indirectly targeted at me. *Sigh* how could I be so stupid? Later this 'laid back' added fuel to all the nonsense of targeting me. And that's why I started drifting from my parents because whenever they asked me about my poor results I couldn't say anything which later became my problem of not speaking my thoughts clearly. So now I had to get back to my studies and make sure about the worries my parents had for me.

And such that (3) friends group or more like social group, there's an unsaid rule in our class and that is 'the huge your social group is the more influential you are.'

Anyhow there's a lot of time for the third. I need to accomplish the first two.

She writes it in her notebook, and just like that she followed her plan and got a good seat before anyone could. For the first 10 minutes, no one was there but later a bunch of her classmates came in they were shocked at first glance but didn't say anything. And left to the seats, with that steadily the whole class filled up but no one came to sit beside Rui.

'Well with what happened yesterday this was expected, that came out good now I don't have to waste my time on them.' Rui thought.

At first, Rui thought that her classmates were just trying to ignore her which she was grateful for but later a bunch of girls passed through her desk, and with a light push Rui's notes fell down but they didn't apologize, Rui ignored that, thinking it would be childish get in trouble over such pity matters, so she just bend down to collect her notes but the girls again came and stepped on her notes, Rui thought that they didn't realize it and asked them to take a step back but instead of listening to her, one of them tore her sheets dragging her shoes on them. Then Rui realized that they weren't ignoring her but were treating her like an invisible, so she snapped there and when the girls were walking away she threw a half-filled bottle accurately aiming at the girl who tore her sheets.