
Eidolon: Mountain of Hopes and Nightmares

Getting thrown into another world was not something I wanted, even more so if that world is full of magical little things that want you dead at every corner. In this kind of enviroment there is still some time to discover the place where you belong, to search for your own heaven. And who knows, some nightmares can become your very friends. My journey began in the most bizarre way, but I would make sure that it ends dazzling bang.

HiddenKnight · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 4

While walking my way through the area I keep trying to catch a glimpse of some life hoping arround the pastures; there were some birds here and there, but without food atracting them or me being fast enough to catch them distracted, I would not have the chance to get roasted chicken in the near future. The insects arround here appear to be active even this late in the day as I keep hearing the buzzing produced by them. Together with the wistling of the wind and the chirping of different birds, the scene has a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. Maybe masking the real dangers that lurk in this place.

The greeneries arround me blend perfectly with the golden hues produced by the suns, and together with some ocational tree sticking out here and there, the place was perfect to be in the cover of some magazine about the wonders of the world. This place was unsullied by the hands of humans – or some other civilization for the lack of humans – against my previous world and it reflected in the beauty reflected by nature. Of course, human cities have their own charm and I would like nothing more to be in one of them right now, but after 7 years of seeing mostly white walls I learned to apreciate the little moments of calm and freedom that were accompanied by nature.

I spoted some little shadow by the distance, it was fast and brief, but there were some signs of animals nontheless. While thinking that maybe sometime later there would be roasted meat on the menu I started walking towards the last place where the shadow was spotted. The teck was short and worthless in equal parts. The only proof that there were some life roaming this parts were some half eaten leaves crushed in the dirt. Whatever was here was already spooken by me.

Not letting this failiure to get me down I started to walk even more cautiously. Trying not to make much sound. Obviously its a failiure, but with time I will learn to perfect it and I still have the berries left for me even if I come back to the cave empty handed. Maybe I really need to get better at this instantly. Would I become adicted to drug-berries if not!? 

Let's not think in that direction. Sure, it's difficult to not make any noice while walking, but it's not impossible. And while the berries may be a drug I dont have a concise evidence to that, so maybe they are healthy to take and would not send me to the gutters in a couple of days.

Yes, lets think like that for now or I will make more mistakes and get back home with nothing to show. Now that would be a shame.

I let some random thoughs to roam arround in my mind, but I was still focused in the matter at hand. If those little birds would taste even one percent as good as those berries then I would not mind all the effort put into catching them. So, I need to be even more observant of the surroundings. There were some figures hoping here and there, but they were too far or some kind of bird that took flight into the skies.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I managed to catch a glimpse of a fleeting shadow. Turning arround as fast as I could while reminding myself to not make much noice, I tried to see where the shadow was fleeing. What a surprice to find that the little thing was launching itself at me at lightning speed with its sharp claws ready to pierce me. The shock was short lived as I tried to defend myself, just one wound and it would be over for me. I know that these days it seems that I barely made anything if something, but it was still hard enough to adapt to a wild life; and having some wounds that could impede movement could be my death.

Twisting my arms in a weird way I tried to get a hold of the little thing while avoiding it claws. It tried to fight back but because it was already in the air I managed to hold it by its body. It was not easy, and I wained some shalow wounds thanks to that, but thankfully i was able to stop it in just that. 

The little thing was just like any other squirrel you could see out in some park, except that this one had sharp, razor like teeth with claws to match. This thing could easily kill someone if unprepared. Clearily this thing – I'm going to call it a squirrel from now on – was trying to take adventage of me. Let's not put it down for the moment and try to find a way to kill it quickly and cleanly. I don't want to put my hands near the head of the squirrel or it would try to bite me and who knows what would happen to me if that happens.

I decided to end it with a blow on the head, with the ground. What a grandiose way for this little squirrel to go. But, its him or me. Let's just get this done for good and be on my way back to the cave.


The way back to the cave was pretty uneventful, I just needed to make sure that I didn't drop the squirrel while crossing the river. Its current increased while I was away, but nothing too serious. I just needed to watch where to put my feet while balancing after whincing a bit from the pain. When I finally got to the cave I remembered that I don't actually know what to do with the squirrel. I mean, I could skin it and clean it by the river to avoid making a mess in the cave, but the problem is that I don't have the necesary toold for that. It would be pretty ankward and difficult to try it with just my hands. Still, I need to do something with it before it goes bad.

Then it occured to me, I coul use its own claws. I still need to tear them from the body but I at least found some solution to my problem. Now I just need to get to the river and come up with some idea to make the claws into a tool

It appeared that detaching some limb from a corpse was not that dificult. I know that it sounds scary and all, but it was a little squirrel that was trying to kill me the one getting its arm pulled out of its body. As there was little time before the sunset I just tryed to make everything as fast as I could. Getting the pelt was tricky and the result was just some torn pieces that would not be worth keeping. Then cleaning everything inside the animal was much more easier but equially bloody if not more. It was a disaster but I managed to keep my clothes clean, or at least as clean as I could. Now to roast it, I guess I did wash it off completly if not then I will have to do with some blood adding flavor.

No, what in the world am I thinking!? I was never one to enjoy my meat medium rare, and besides I will roast the squirrell untill its outer layer is becoming charcoal just to make sure I don't die after eating it.

Once I got back to the cave I started preparing the campfire and a makeshift support to leave the meat to roast. It was not difficult, just fives sticks joined together and held in place with some straps made with fresh wood.